WildCodeSchool / hdrain-front-office-lyon-js-react-march21

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History Page - Various Data Download #12

Open edouardmisset opened 3 years ago

edouardmisset commented 3 years ago


As an admin I want to download / display various data to check the sensors' status

Criteria & special considerations

All buttons created in issue #10 are active once the location and date criteria are selected. They each linked to a specific set of data listed below

Integration test scenario

each set of data is displayed when clicking on the related button


edouardmisset commented 3 years ago

It might be complicated to get the files and PARSE them. Also lots of different info to fetch and display....

dorianeGH commented 3 years ago

as planned, it was difficult to implement it since we haven't set up the back-end. So for now, we just have clickable link which download a png file. Also the link and the maps are displayed only if date and location are selected