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GPS/GNSS NMEA Sentence Processor Library needs updating #555

Open djaus2 opened 8 months ago

djaus2 commented 8 months ago

GPS/GNSS NMEA Sentence Processor Library sample code
Main ussue is that Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Location.Gnss.NmeaParsing is now depracated, as per Nuget documentation.
Add Nuget package Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Location.Gnss to the app. Modify line 9 to

using Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Location.Gnss; //.NmeaParsing;

NmeaSentenceProcessor is part of that class

Note for what follows I was targetting Project Labs V3,

  • Usual change of public class MeadowApp : App<F7Micro, MeadowApp> to:
    public class MeadowApp : App<F7CoreComputeV2>
  • Change void Initialize() to
    public override Task Initialize()
  • Change Device.SerialPortNames.Com4, to
    Device.PlatformOS.GetSerialPortName("COM1"), or whatever COM port is used. COM1 is the one in mikroBUS No. 1
  • After serialPort.MessageReceived line add the Baud Rate setting eg:
    serialPort.BaudRate = 9600;
  • At end of Initialize() insert:
    return base.Initialize();
patridge commented 1 week ago

@duduita Do you mind reviewing this to see if there is still an issue we need to resolve.

The NuGet package mentioned doesn't mention being deprecated here.


And it is the only package I find with that prefix: Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Location.Gnss.

We do have a broken link to the class API docs at the top, though: NmeaSentenceProcessor name points to a 404 link. I found that class here instead, which somewhat aligns with the namespace issue mentioned originally: https://developer.wildernesslabs.co/docs/api/Meadow.Foundation/Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Location.Gnss/NmeaSentenceProcessor/.