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Add Hackster Projects to next step #88

Open bryancostanich opened 6 years ago

bryancostanich commented 6 years ago

we need to point to the hackster projects at the end of our getting started doc so it goes: Netduino Getting Started > Netduino.Foundation Getting Started > Hackster Projects

first two are done:

but that then sends folks to the peripheral library; we should send to hackster

and on the netduino getting started docs, we should have a list at top that enumerates those steps

adrianstevens commented 6 years ago

list of published huckster projects can be found on Bryan's or Jorge's profile: https://www.hackster.io/bryan-costanich

jorgedevs commented 3 years ago

hey @bryancostanich, revisiting this issue, I noticed that the Netduino.Foundation website is down.


Is this expected?

bryancostanich commented 3 years ago

weird. the whole site is not right: http://netduino.foundation/

patridge commented 1 year ago

fwiw, the site issue appears to be reported in #239

patridge commented 1 year ago

For the initial request, since we can't access netduino.foundation, we could so a table of projects under the Next - ... section, kind of like we do on Meadow pages. Would this work?

Screenshot of Wilderness Labs Netduino docs showing a table of hackster.io projects with project images.

If that is a good workaround for this, here's the PR awaiting being published from draft format. https://github.com/WildernessLabs/Documentation/pull/380

patridge commented 1 year ago

That PR to add the Hackster projects to our current docs site is merged. The old netduino.foundation site being down is still an issue. And if we want this list on that site as well, we can keep this issue rolling as well.