WildernessLabs / Juego

Meadow handheld gaming project
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Juego PCB request: 5v and MISO support #35

Open KallDrexx opened 8 months ago

KallDrexx commented 8 months ago

Today my Microgpu adapter boards successfully slot into the Juego in the same pins that the LCD currently slots into. However, the Juego's PCB has two minor issues that limits its potential.

The first is that the MISO pin to the LCD pins isn't connected. While most of the GPU operations are fire and forget, having the ability to read data back from the GPU is useful (for example, the GPU telling the meadow its resolution).

Likewise, at some point I intend to build a proper circuit board with the esp32-s3 embedded in it. While the esp32-s3 should be able to be powered by the 3.3v rails, I need a 5v power source still for the display. If the Juego has a 5v pin, then I would be able to power the GPU and display all from the Juego, without an extra usb cable.

bryancostanich commented 8 months ago

oooh, that would be cool. drop in GPU/display board.