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Socket error on Netduino Ethernet 3 #6

Open Teknel opened 7 years ago

Teknel commented 7 years ago

I take an example about network connection from one of the reference books. The program was compiled and executed in a NetduinoPlus2 without inconveniences. When doing the same in a Netduino Ethernet 3 the program generates an error when accessing the Socket function, in line 30. The generated error line is as follows: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

The only difference is that in the case of NP2 a reference is used to the assembly SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus.dll, whereas in N3 the assembly is SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino.dll

In addition, it is possible to change the IP address of the NP2 through MFDeploy and then it is recognized by a port scanner, but this is not possible with N3, no device with that IP exists.

Attached zip file with complete project that generates error in N3.

This is the information reported by MFDeply about N3

Pinging... TinyCLR HalSystemInfo.halVersion: HalSystemInfo.halVendorInfo: Netduino 3 Ethernet (v4.3.2.3) by Secret Labs LLC HalSystemInfo.oemCode: 34 HalSystemInfo.modelCode: 177 HalSystemInfo.skuCode: 4104 HalSystemInfo.moduleSerialNumber: 00000000000000000000000000000000 HalSystemInfo.systemSerialNumber: 0000000000000000 ClrInfo.clrVersion: ClrInfo.clrVendorInfo: Netduino 3 Ethernet (v4.3.2.3) by Secret Labs LLC ClrInfo.targetFrameworkVersion: SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVersion: SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: Netduino 3 Ethernet (v4.3.2.3) by Secret Labs LLC SoftwareVersion.BuildDate: Sep 18 2015 SoftwareVersion.CompilerVersion: 410894 FloatingPoint: True SourceLevelDebugging: True ThreadCreateEx: True LCD.Width: 0 LCD.Height: 0 LCD.BitsPerPixel: 0 AppDomains: True ExceptionFilters: True IncrementalDeployment: True SoftReboot: False Profiling: False ProfilingAllocations: False ProfilingCalls: False IsUnknown: False
