Wildhoney / EmberSockets

Socket.io (WebSockets) integrated with Ember.js' observer pattern.
MIT License
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Move Jasmine to "devDependencies" in bower.json #19

Closed sarus closed 10 years ago

sarus commented 10 years ago

Hi WildHoney,

I noticed that Jasmine is listed under dependencies. I'm fairly certain it's only required for testing and is a devDependency and thought it would be good to move it to "devDependencies" in your bower.json file:

  "name": "ember-sockets",
  "version": "0.5.5",
  "homepage": "https://github.com/Wildhoney/EmberSockets",
  "main": "dist/ember-sockets.min.js",
  "authors": [
    "Adam Timberlake <adam.timberlake@gmail.com>"
  "description": "Socket.io (WebSockets) integrated with Ember.js' observer pattern.",
  "license": "MIT",
  "ignore": [
  "dependencies": {
    "jquery": "~2.0.3",
    "socket.io-client": "~0.9.16",
    "handlebars": "~1.3.0",
    "ember": "~1.5.0"
    "jasmine": "~2.0.0"

Since it's listed under "dependencies" right now some build tools (in particular brunch) will try to include it when you build a project. Since the Jasmine bower.json file does not exist an automated .bower.json is created that is missing the main property and brunch fails. All of that can be avoided if it's listed as a "devDependency" instead of a normal dependency. I'm happy to do a PR if you'd accept the change.


Wildhoney commented 10 years ago

Thanks Ed! Definitely open a pull request for this :beers: