Wildhoney / Mocktail

:tropical_drink: Mock all of your ES6 module components with Mocktail using dependency injection.
MIT License
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Error when importing `inject` from 'mocktail' #5

Open marcolz opened 8 years ago

marcolz commented 8 years ago

"mocktail": "^0.3.8"

import { inject } from 'mocktail'

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Map

Wildhoney commented 8 years ago

Which version of Node are you running? As you need Map.

marcolz commented 8 years ago

$ node --version v5.5.0

Wildhoney commented 8 years ago
git clone git@github.com:Wildhoney/Mocktail.git
cd Mocktail
npm i
npm run test

Does that run the tests okay for you? I don't understand what's happening otherwise. I suppose we'll need to debug this step-by-step...

RazerM commented 7 years ago

@marcolz Did you solve this problem?

marcolz commented 7 years ago

@RazerM I did not, sorry - I think I eventually worked around it using Rewire instead (https://github.com/jhnns/rewire).

RazerM commented 7 years ago

@Wildhoney All the tests passed for me (which isn't very useful for debugging the problem), but I then moved on to try something else.