Wilenty / 7-Zip-Theme-Manager-remake-of-version-2.1

"An easy to use 7-Zip toolbar and filetype theme manager."
99 stars 3 forks source link

Hello thank you for update #2

Closed CrypticCus closed 2 years ago

CrypticCus commented 2 years ago

I really liked this new version, please don't abondone it.

Can you also test for Windows 11 x64 Latest Build With 7Zip 21.5 Stable? Thank you very much sir. Can u add check for updates to the software itself?

Also a bug report, when icon's folder is removed it gives error but says no filetype folder is found.... but actually its icons folder... it might give errors in possible other scenarios.

Wilenty commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for the good words!

I will check it and let you know here.

Wilenty commented 2 years ago

Fixed the message about missing Icons Theme, and checked on W11 (not the latest) on VM: 7z2105-x64 it looks that it works correctly.

BTW, it's your topic: https://sourceforge.net/p/sevenzip/discussion/45797/thread/9f670409ab/ ?

Igor said that he not use W11, and I agree with him - it's to early to use new OS creation for production...

CrypticCus commented 2 years ago

thank you very much for fix & test..

yes thats my thread i wanted to share my experience with him...

Wilenty commented 2 years ago

Thank you for checking it and reporting it too.