Wilfred / ag.el

An Emacs frontend to The Silver Searcher
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First search result contains colour codes #105

Closed dagda1 closed 8 years ago

dagda1 commented 8 years ago

Recently my ag search results have started returning corrupted results like this: [[?25h^[[0G^[[?25h^[[0Gapp/config/development.coffee:49:33:#

I am not sure how this was introduced. I have my init.el in github and I have tried checking out old versions but the problem remains.

Is there a way that I can stop this, perhaps by using ag-arguments?

Wilfred commented 8 years ago

What platform are you on? What version of ag?

kthelgason commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue. On OS X, ag and emacs at latest version installed through homebrew.

dagda1 commented 8 years ago

I am glad to know it is not just me. I am using ag version 20160321.1606 on OSX EL Capitan 10.11.4.

kthelgason commented 8 years ago

I traced this down to some weirdness in my config. Not a problem with ag.el.

EDIT: Note this was a problem with my shell config, not emacs.

dagda1 commented 8 years ago

@kthelgason can you tell me what the shell config change was. I think that might be the same one as me

kthelgason commented 8 years ago

@dagda1 In my case it seemed to be related to setting NODE_PATH as the output of npm -g root. Don't ask me how that makes any sense but removing that single line fixed the problem for me.