Wilfred / ag.el

An Emacs frontend to The Silver Searcher
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None of the navigation bindings work #97

Closed evgeniysharapov closed 8 years ago

evgeniysharapov commented 8 years ago

None of the navigation bindings compilation-next-error, compilation-previous-error, compilation-previous-file, compilation-next-file work. Always echoes either user-error: Moved back before first error or user-error: Moved past last error

When I press RET (or compile-goto-error) it echoes `No error here'

Version: GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2015-04-11 on LEG570 Ag Package-Version: 0.46 ag command line is 0.29

Wilfred commented 8 years ago

Strange, that's pretty basic functionality that usually works. ag.el does generally work on Windows.

What's the contents of *ag search buffer? To ask the obvious question, you do have some search results?

Also, does the error occur with emacs -q?

evgeniysharapov commented 8 years ago

I get the result in the buffer. Yes. In the video I press n, p, M-n, M-p and RET image version

Wilfred commented 8 years ago

Wow, a video! Thanks, that's very helpful.

Your results buffer doesn't have any file names, so ag.el doesn't know which file each result came from.

Normally, a search results buffer would look something like this:

ag --nocolor --literal --line-number --smart-case --nogroup --column --stats -- defun .
docs/configuration.rst:31:6:    (defun set-exec-path-from-shell-PATH ()
ag.el:35:34:(require 'cl-lib) ;; cl-letf, cl-defun
ag.el:113:2:(defun ag/run-finished-hook (buffer how-finished)
ag.el:126:2:(defun ag/next-error-function (n &optional reset)
ag.el:163:2:(defun ag/buffer-name (search-string directory regexp)
ag.el:170:2:(defun ag/format-ignore (ignores)

Could you try with the latest version of the ag command? The latest is 0.31.0.

evgeniysharapov commented 8 years ago

you are right when I run ag then I get buffer

-*- mode: ag; default-directory: "~/.emacs.d/" -*-
Ag started at Mon Nov  9 22:30:40

"ag" "--color" "--color-match" "30;43" "--literal" "--line-number" "--smart-case" "--nogroup" "--column" "--stats" "--" "keymap-on" "."
194:15:    (defmacro keymap-on-key (name keys)
233:9:       (keymap-on-key ctl-x-f-map "C-x f")
570:7:     (keymap-on-key ctl-z-w-map "C-z w")
3 matches
454 files searched
9176148 bytes searched
0.827066 seconds

but if I run that long ag command in shell-command I get

You can run the command `shell-command' with M-!
configuration.org:194:15:    (defmacro keymap-on-key (name keys)

configuration.org:233:9:       (keymap-on-key ctl-x-f-map "C-x f")

configuration.org:570:7:     (keymap-on-key ctl-z-w-map "C-z w")

3 matches
454 files searched
9176148 bytes searched
0.140787 seconds

I thought that perhaps color match is the problem but no, setting ag-higlight-search to nil brings the same ag buffer without filenames, whilst adding --nocolor to the shell-command brings normal output without ANSI sequences.

evgeniysharapov commented 8 years ago

So, I am kind of at the bottom of the problem - I don't see how to dig any deeper because I am now running start-process from the process.C file. Here's the my example. If I run

(let ((default-directory "C:/Users/esharapov/.emacs.d/"))
  (apply 'start-process "ag" (get-buffer-create "test")
         (list "-c" "\"ag\" \"--nocolor\"  \"--literal\" \"--line-number\" \"--smart-case\" \"--nogroup\" \"--column\" \"--stats\" \"--\" \"keymap-on\" \".\"")))

I get

194:15:    (defmacro keymap-on-key (name keys)
233:9:       (keymap-on-key ctl-x-f-map "C-x f")
572:7:     (keymap-on-key ctl-z-w-map "C-z w")
194:15:    (defmacro keymap-on-key (name keys)

233:9:       (keymap-on-key ctl-x-f-map "C-x f")

572:7:     (keymap-on-key ctl-z-w-map "C-z w")

6 matches
382 files searched
8993756 bytes searched
0.446822 seconds

Process ag finished

If I run it in the command prompt as

c:\\App\\emacs\\libexec\\emacs\\24.5\\i686-pc-mingw32\\cmdproxy.exe /c "C:\\App\\bin\\ag.exe --nocolor  --literal --line-number --smart-case --nogroup --column --stats -- keymap-on ."

I get

#configuration.org#:194:15:    (defmacro keymap-on-key (name keys)
#configuration.org#:233:9:       (keymap-on-key ctl-x-f-map "C-x f")
#configuration.org#:572:7:     (keymap-on-key ctl-z-w-map "C-z w")
configuration.org:194:15:    (defmacro keymap-on-key (name keys)
configuration.org:233:9:       (keymap-on-key ctl-x-f-map "C-x f")
configuration.org:572:7:     (keymap-on-key ctl-z-w-map "C-z w")
6 matches
382 files searched
8993756 bytes searched
0.483917 seconds

Does it mean that the problem is in the start-process function ?

smithx commented 8 years ago

For Emacs 25:

(let ((default-directory "C:/src/"))
  (make-process :name "ag" :buffer (get-buffer-create "test")
              :command (list
                        "/c ag.exe --nocolor --literal --line-number --smart-case --nogroup --column --stats -- data .")))

return to test buffer:

26:15:    void open_database();
27:17:    void backup_database();

when I run (at C:/src/) from command prompt:

C:\Users\smith\AppData\Local\emacs\libexec\emacs\25.0.50\x86_64-w64-mingw32\cmdproxy.exe "/c ag.exe --nocolor --literal --line-number --smart-case --nogroup --column --stats -- data ."

output is:

Store.h:26:15:    void open_database();
Store.h:27:17:    void backup_database();
evgeniysharapov commented 8 years ago

Ok. After meditating on source code for ag and asking questions on SO, I came up with the least intrusive option - add --vimgrep to ag-arguments. Solves the problem. I am not sure if it should be done via a pull request or just put on the FAQ of some sort.

wbolster commented 8 years ago

This issue can be closed since the solution from #101 was merged into master.