Wilfred / helpful

A better Emacs *help* buffer
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forward-sexp: Scan error: "Unbalanced parentheses", 121867, 1 with Emacs 29 #329

Open fredericgiquel opened 1 year ago

fredericgiquel commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

(use-package helpful :ensure t) (use-package lsp-mode :ensure t)

- M-x `helpful-callable`
- Enter `lsp--workspace-server-capabilities`

# Further information

The error only happens with Emacs 29. It works well with Emacs 28.

Debug trace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (scan-error "Unbalanced parentheses" 121867 1) scan-sexps(121868 -1) forward-sexp(-1 nil) backward-sexp() find-function--search-by-expanding-macros(# lsp--workspace-server-capabilities nil) find-function-search-for-symbol(lsp--workspace-server-capabilities nil "/home/fred/.config/emacs-profiles/bug-helpful/elpa...") helpful--definition(lsp--workspace-server-capabilities t) helpful-update() helpful--update-and-switch-buffer(lsp--workspace-server-capabilities t) helpful-callable(lsp--workspace-server-capabilities) funcall-interactively(helpful-callable lsp--workspace-server-capabilities) command-execute(helpful-callable record) execute-extended-command(nil "helpful-callable" "helpful-ca") funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "helpful-callable" "helpful-ca") command-execute(execute-extended-command)

Because of the error, `lsp-mode.el` is not closed. So we can swith to this buffer (opened in `fundamental-mode`) and execute `check-parens`. This command returns "Unmatched bracket or quote" in this case.
But if we open the same `lsp-mode.el` with `find-file` (so with emacs-lisp major-mode), `check-parens` detects no problem.

Last thing, not binding `auto-mode-alist` to nil in `helpful--open-if-needed` fixes the problem. But it's probably too radical.
fredericgiquel commented 1 year ago

Another way to reproduce the error. This time lsp-mode package is not needed. Instead I had an unbalanced parentheses inside comments directly in init.el.

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)

(use-package helpful
  :ensure t)

(cl-defstruct test-struct
  ;; just a smiley :) inside comments
  (test-slot nil))
Jake-Moss commented 11 months ago

I can reproduce this on 29.1 (a9b28224af0f73d1fe0f422e9b318c5b91af889b) with emacs -Q using the built in variable mode-line-format

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)

(use-package helpful
  :ensure t)

(helpful-variable 'mode-line-format)

However, opening the buffer.c buffer and switching to M-x c-mode and re-evaluating (helpful-variable 'mode-line-format) works.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (scan-error "Unbalanced parentheses" 161071 205895)
  scan-lists(161053 1 0)
  helpful--source(mode-line-format nil #<buffer buffer.c> 161053)
  helpful--update-and-switch-buffer(mode-line-format nil)
  (progn (helpful-variable 'mode-line-format))
  eval((progn (helpful-variable 'mode-line-format)) t)
  funcall-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil)
  call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
purplg commented 9 months ago

I have this problem to. This seemingly innocuous commit (66ba816b26b68dd7df08e86f8b96eaae16c8d6a2) is the first one that has the error for me.

It doesn't error on every variable, but this consistently errors:

(helpful-variable 'load-path)

But this does not:

(helpful-variable 'user-emacs-directory)
montchr commented 8 months ago

I got here because of the same error on the default value of default-frame-alist as defined in frame.c. I am running Emacs version 29.1.90.

LemonBreezes commented 8 months ago

Hi. Please let me know if #335 fixes this issue for you. @montchr @purplg @Jake-Moss @fredericgiquel.

purplg commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes Unfortunately this did not fix the issue for me.

I tested with emacs -Q using Emacs 29.1.90 (commit 77678244b83455b34a92e90ddeea4c68799d1d58)

Configured with:

./configure --with-imagemagick --with-json --with-native-compilation=aot --with-pgtk --with-tree-sitter --without-x

I'd be happy to provide any more details. I'm not sure what information would be useful for this kind of error.

LemonBreezes commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes Unfortunately this did not fix the issue for me.

I tested with emacs -Q using Emacs 29.1.90 (commit 77678244b83455b34a92e90ddeea4c68799d1d58)

Configured with:

./configure --with-imagemagick --with-json --with-native-compilation=aot --with-pgtk --with-tree-sitter --without-x

I'd be happy to provide any more details. I'm not sure what information would be useful for this kind of error.

Okay. You're right. It works if we do (funcall major-mode) but not if we just let-bind the major mode. I'm thinking of how to make this run faster or if we should just enable the major-mode.

EDIT: I think I'm going to leave it as-is calling the major mode. Let-binding the syntax table doesn't work for this.

fredericgiquel commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes The error described in first and second post is still present when I test with your PR.

The first problem has been fixed in lsp-mode but I revert the commit to test.

LemonBreezes commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes The error described in first and second post is still present when I test with your PR.

The first problem has been fixed in lsp-mode but I revert the commit to test.

You've tried it with the current version where we call the major mode as well? I'm thinking we should just call the major mode or not let-bind auto-mode-alist.

fredericgiquel commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes As far as I understand the PR, your modification only applies to symbols defined in C (condition in line 1255) whereas the problem described happens in Emacs Lisp files.

I also did a test by adding (debug-on-entry 'helpful--source) to the init.el file and there is no debugger invocation before the "Unbalanced parentheses" error. So helpful--source function is not involved in the problem.

LemonBreezes commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes As far as I understand the PR, your modification only applies to symbols defined in C (condition in line 1255) whereas the problem described happens in Emacs Lisp files.

I also did a test by adding (debug-on-entry 'helpful--source) to the init.el file and there is no debugger invocation before the "Unbalanced parentheses" error. So helpful--source function is not involved in the problem.

Ohhh, makes sense. The fix involving setting the major-mode was specifically because I got an error using describe-variable with mode-line-format. I get the feeling we need to contact the Emacs maintainers to ask for more information about scan-sexps and why it's giving that error.

LemonBreezes commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes Unfortunately this did not fix the issue for me.

I tested with emacs -Q using Emacs 29.1.90 (commit 77678244b83455b34a92e90ddeea4c68799d1d58)

Configured with:

./configure --with-imagemagick --with-json --with-native-compilation=aot --with-pgtk --with-tree-sitter --without-x

I'd be happy to provide any more details. I'm not sure what information would be useful for this kind of error.

I think I finally figured out the right fix in https://github.com/Wilfred/helpful/pull/336.

roshanshariff commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes, I'm not sure if the change in #336 is the way to go. For one, using the emacs-lisp-mode syntax table isn't correct for C code, when you're finding the definition of a function or variable that's defined in a .c file.

In fact, when Helpful opens a source buffer, it uses the helpful--open-if-needed function, which takes care of setting either the emacs-lisp-mode syntax table or a C syntax table as appropriate. But I'm not able to figure out why this syntax table isn't taking effect, leading to the scan errors.

LemonBreezes commented 8 months ago

@LemonBreezes, I'm not sure if the change in #336 is the way to go. For one, using the emacs-lisp-mode syntax table isn't correct for C code, when you're finding the definition of a function or variable that's defined in a .c file.

In fact, when Helpful opens a source buffer, it uses the helpful--open-if-needed function, which takes care of setting either the emacs-lisp-mode syntax table or a C syntax table as appropriate. But I'm not able to figure out why this syntax table isn't taking effect, leading to the scan errors.

Yeah, the error occurs with the c-mode-syntax-table but not with the emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table basically.

roshanshariff commented 8 months ago

Manually running the following code in the buffer returned by helpful--open-if-needed still doesn't fix the issue:

(let ((syntax-table (make-syntax-table)))
  (c-populate-syntax-table syntax-table)
  (set-syntax-table syntax-table))

This is effectively what helpful--open-if-needed does, hence the scan errors.

However, manually enabling c-mode in the buffer and then calling Helpful does work. So we need to figure out how c-mode sets the syntax table. Unfortunately, that code is very complex, and I haven't been able to figure out what it does in addition to that snippet above.

purplg commented 7 months ago

@LemonBreezes Unfortunately this did not fix the issue for me. I tested with emacs -Q using Emacs 29.1.90 (commit 77678244b83455b34a92e90ddeea4c68799d1d58) Configured with:

./configure --with-imagemagick --with-json --with-native-compilation=aot --with-pgtk --with-tree-sitter --without-x

I'd be happy to provide any more details. I'm not sure what information would be useful for this kind of error.

I think I finally figured out the right fix in #336.

This seems to work for me now! :)

dm701 commented 7 months ago

I actually get a similar error with this package, enabled as per the OP, and calling C-h v load-path.

It returns:

forward-list: Scan error: "Unbalanced parentheses", 157780, 170875

LemonBreezes commented 7 months ago

Just updated my PR #336 to add a test case. Hopefully that will be merged as a temporary fix until the day someone decides to grok the C syntax table code enough to set that up properly.