Will-ALVIDI / Oasis-Theme

Theme for Sublime Text especially design for C++ Starting Kit
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Not compatible with SublimeLinter package #1

Open pymaldebaran opened 10 years ago

pymaldebaran commented 10 years ago

I'm using your theme and the wonderful C++ Starter Kit with Sublime Text 3 and it's from far my favorite environnement for C++ dev. Recently I installed the SublimeLinter package because it's a very efficient way to keep my coding style to a good level.

It seems to have an incompatibility between these the oasis theme and SublimeLinter : when starting my editor here is what is shown in my console :

... blah blah blah ...
theme loaded
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pym/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeLinter/lint/util.py", line 258, in generate_color_scheme_async
    plist = ElementTree.XML(scheme_text)
  File "./xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 1356, in XML
xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: syntax error: line 2, column 48
... blah blah blah ...

Currently I have not seen any other effect... but once a package has had some error while starting it's not really possible to rely on it :( and it's quite difficult to test all the functionnality of a linter !

I did not investigate further than a google search and it seems to be happening with other theme for exemple. Do you think it would be possible to fix this ?

Will-ALVIDI commented 9 years ago

It may not come from the Oasis theme but from the C++ Starting Kit, try to update to the latest version, currently 0.2.5, I made file renaming and other minor adjstements that should improve compatiblity with other plugins.

Tell me if it solves your problem.

uncreative commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem, I'm using the latest version available in package control. I have c++ Starter Kit installed. When I switch themes, the error goes away. Any advice?


Will-ALVIDI commented 9 years ago

To be honest I don't know where this error is coming from...

For my modest C++ experiments everything seems to work correctly with the C++ Starting Kit, Oasis Theme and Sublime Linter - CppCheck.

For now I can only recommend you to check this section of the documentation if you haven't done it yet : http://cppstartingkitproject-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/C++_Starting_Kit_Plugin--Recommandation--Prerequisite--Install_Cppcheck--How.html

For information I use Sublime Text 3 build 3065, it may have an impact, not sure.

I planned to completely rewrite the Oasis Theme scheme but this is not for now because I don't really have the time for it.

I hope it helps.

asevich commented 9 years ago

I had the same problem. The fix is easy, but since I'm no expert in xml I don't know what are implications of this change. However, I got rid of the error and I'm ok with that.

In file Oasis.tmTheme. Change line 2 from: <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "something@somewhere.ops"> to <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "" "something@somewhere.ops">

After that SublimeLinter doesn't throw any parsing errors.
