WillPower3309 / swayfx

SwayFX: Sway, but with eye candy!
MIT License
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Change all references from sway, to swayfx #191

Open sonjiku opened 1 year ago

sonjiku commented 1 year ago


I wanna try this fork on fedora 38. Installing this though, means I have to uninstall sway, sway-config-upstream, and a lot of other dependencies and unused packages that the official sway pkg relies on, and I need.

The official sway maintainers have stated multiple times that they don't plan on implementing the features you have added, and don't plan to merge a fork like this.

I suggest just renaming all references in code from "sway" to "swayfx", or any name of your choosing. This will mean that people using sway as their daily driver, don't have to uninstall it just to try this project out. and both compositors can live happily in a system.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

What you could do in the meantime is to build it manually and run that executable in a tty while still having sway installed.

git clone https://github.com/WillPower3309/swayfx.git swayfx && cd swayfx
meson build -Dwerror=false
meson compile -C build

And run ./build/sway/sway in a tty.

werdahias commented 10 months ago

Probably related: I looked into building a debian package for swayfx, but the binaries and manpages conflict with the regular sway package. I could hack around this by renaming/usr/bin/sway to/usr/bin/swayfx and so on but it would really simplify adaption if all refererences to sway were renamed. See also the official debian reference here.

MrPenguin07 commented 10 months ago

I concur with renaming all references to sway, allowing both to be installed at the same time - with separate configs for both.

Sway have made their bed re. hard refusal to modernize and accomodate a growing number of users wanting simple effects, this fork would benefit from being more independent.

bhepple commented 8 months ago

I came here to say exactly this - thanks to OP for the fluent report.