WillPower3309 / swayfx

SwayFX: Sway, but with eye candy!
MIT License
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Ability to maximize window without putting it in fullscreen #213

Open TotalChaos05 opened 11 months ago

TotalChaos05 commented 11 months ago

Please fill out the following:

iguanajuice commented 8 months ago

If this gets implemented, it would also be desirable for a window to toggle maximize with the window maximize button and by double-clicking the title/header bar. Hyprland already does it this way.

p0ryae commented 4 months ago

I vouch for this. It would be very awesome if it is at least configurable. The owner of the main sway repo was against this because of his motive to just replicate i3 for wayland and nothing else. SwayFX is a very neat alternative that builds up on Sway.

Not sure if @WillPower3309 is also against this, but I might make a fork that includes this feature in C and open a PR.

Also, probably a good idea to wait until 1.9 is released and follow up with this.

f-fouad commented 3 months ago

In the meantime, @TotalChaos05 you can have nearly similar functionality by using marks:

bindsym $mod+f [con_mark="maximize"] floating disable; [con_mark="float"] floating enable, unmark "float"; [con_id=__focused__] mark --add --toggle "maximize"; [con_mark="maximize" floating] mark --add "float"; [con_mark="maximize"] floating enable, resize set 100 ppt 100 ppt, move position 0 0