WillemSleegers / tidystats

R package to save and report the output of statistical models.
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update to `{effectsize}` breaks tests on CRAN #46

Closed mattansb closed 1 week ago

mattansb commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @WillemSleegers,

The upcoming update to {effectsize} (https://github.com/easystats/effectsize/pull/649) breaks two minor tests in {tidystats} - seems like the paired attribute previously returned by one-sample effect sizes is being mismatched (see https://github.com/easystats/effectsize/issues/645).

══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
    ── Failure ('test_effectsize.R:47:3'): effectsize's Cohen's d one sample works ──
    `tidy_model` not equal to `expected_tidy_model`.
    Component "paired": 1 element mismatch
     1. └─tidystats:::expect_equal_models(model = model, expected_tidy_model = expected_statistics$cohens_d_one_sample) at test_effectsize.R:47:3
     2.   └─testthat::expect_equal(tidy_model, expected_tidy_model, tolerance = tolerance)
    ── Failure ('test_effectsize.R:106:3'): effectsize's Hedges' g one sample works ──
    `tidy_model` not equal to `expected_tidy_model`.
    Component "paired": 1 element mismatch
     1. └─tidystats:::expect_equal_models(model = model, expected_tidy_model = expected_statistics$hedges_g_one_sample) at test_effectsize.R:106:3
     2.   └─testthat::expect_equal(tidy_model, expected_tidy_model, tolerance = tolerance)

    [ FAIL 2 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 179 ]
    Error: Test failures
    Execution halted

I will be submitting the package in the next few days, which will trigger a need for you to update as well. Be advised.

WillemSleegers commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @mattansb. I'll update the package!

WillemSleegers commented 1 week ago
