William758 / ZetAspects

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Bug report: Mithrix phase 4 crash #11

Open nnyeh opened 3 years ago

nnyeh commented 3 years ago

I was playing with a friend, he had Spectral Circlet and Her Biting Embrace while I had Spectral Circlet and N'Kuhana's Retort. When Mithrix finished taking all of our items, the game crashed. We tried this two times to confirm it was indeed the reason. Maybe Mithrix doesn't know how to interact with the items? I don't remember this being a bug before the anniversary update, so something must've happened.

William758 commented 3 years ago

I haven't been able to reproduce the issue. Mythrix seemed to handle the items as expected. A mod list or a logoutput could help track down the issue.

nnyeh commented 3 years ago

LogOutput.txt Here is the logoutput file, from glance I do not see your mod crashing the game, perhaps it was just a good timing that made me think the game crashed because of your items.

William758 commented 3 years ago

I don't see my mod loaded in that log. It gets cleared every time the game starts up so the error isn't there. If you have a mod list with the mods that you had active during the crash I could try and see if I can reproduce the issue.

nnyeh commented 3 years ago

Would a simple import code work for you? RA9WsLM36h

William758 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I assume you only removed zetaspects from this list?

nnyeh commented 3 years ago

Yeah only that.

William758 commented 3 years ago

Playing as paladin was fine but when I played as engineer, the game froze when all items were stolen. I haven't tested without my mod yet but, the crash seems unrelated to my mod.

nnyeh commented 3 years ago

Did the log file reveal any info on a possible culprit after the freeze? The main reason why I suspected it was because of your mod was because I didn't have any other mods that add new items at the time. Still, I'm interested what made it crash although it's not in your hands anymore, especially if it isn't because of your mod. Still, thanks for investigating, I appreciate it.

William758 commented 3 years ago

The believe that last error is the game failing to find an inventory or the character of an inventory and then checking if the minion has an owner.


nnyeh commented 3 years ago

Maybe if it only happened with the engineer, it's because of the BadAssEngi mod? I'll link this thread to the owner of the mod and ask him about it. Could it be that your mod and his somehow collide, resulting in the crash? I'm not sure, one would think BadAssEngi would work with vanilla items.

William758 commented 3 years ago

I was able to complete a run with engi after disabling my mod. Still that error seems to not really point at my mod being the culprit. I'll do a few more runs later on to see if I can still crash without my mod.

nnyeh commented 3 years ago

Alright 👍