William758 / ZetAspects

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Using multiple aspects causes host player's character model becoming invisible to clients #24

Closed UnknownMaster21 closed 2 years ago

UnknownMaster21 commented 2 years ago

Here's the pic from client's pespective. Pasted into discord, so here's the link: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/316204332557008906/892872069103104020/unknown.png?width=1168&height=657

Another theory may be with custom skins used, but let's give a shot anyway. ( Yes, this is also test run meanwhile )

EDIT: Seems everything works fine after any kind of skill is used, character model is back once again.

Not a big deal though.

EDIT2: This may not be related to ZetAspects, but rather on with EliteVariety and it's material usage.

William758 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I cant think of anything I have done that would cause the model to disappear. Good thing it seems to fix itself though. My mod will try to show the EliteVariety skins first before the vanilla t1 ones so maybe it does have something to do with how they made their material.