William758 / ZetAspects

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Equipment Aspects Logbook Entries #29

Closed eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L closed 2 years ago

eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L commented 2 years ago

Version 1.2.7 of Wolfo's SlightlyFasterInteractables mod features logbook entries for the vanilla aspect equipments. Would this feature be possible to implement in ZetAspects?

William758 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I'll take a look and see how they do it and copy it.

William758 commented 2 years ago

The latest update will only show logbook entries for items if you can obtain the item aspect and equipment if you can obtain the equipment aspect in some way.

eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L commented 2 years ago

Very nice, I'm wondering if it's intended that Shared Design appears as a Lunar item in the logbook? Also, unsure if anything can be done about this, but Aspect Equipments don't show up in the Rulebook enabled by Anreol, instead showing the yellow counterparts.

William758 commented 2 years ago

Yeah Shared Design is a Lunar Equipment. I've made is so that the equipment won't show up in the Rulebook, as the only way to obtain them is from elite drops. The items should now only appear in the Rulebook if they are set to not be WorldUnique.