William758 / ZetAspects

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Mod Compatible Aspects (Convert to Item) #31

Open ShadowVR2 opened 2 years ago

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

Wondering what the status is for turning other mods aspects (the ones mentioned by the mod) into items? I know Aetherium works just fine for Blood Fealty, but the moment any of the other mods are included all aspects are locked into equipment regardless of setting in configuration. Are you still working on that, or this just a bug?

William758 commented 2 years ago

If you are talking about wanting all the aspects to be items by default, there is a config that is enabled by default that causes having AspectAbilities installed to make aspects drop as equipment.

If you are talking about wanting to convert the currently held aspect equipment, then all mods listed on the mod page should be able to convert their equipment into items. The equipment descriptions in game should also mention being able to convert them by clicking on them. If this conversion isn't working then yeah that's a bug and I'll need a log to see what's going wrong.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

If I use exclusively ZetAspects, or ZetAspects and Aetherium then all aspects will convert to items as per configuration. It's the moment literally any other of the related mods (EliteVariety and Lost In Transit) are involved then all aspects are forced to become equipment, regardless of configuration. Those two mods in particular seem to disagree strongly with the idea of aspect items, and this makes any attempt on my end to test different variations of making them red, yellow, or really whatever else the config offers null. This too means it will ignore the ability to convert them by clicking on the equipment. It also for some reason removes their descriptions, meaning I don't know what changes are in effect until I use them. (Silence Between Two Strikes now periodically releases scatter bombs periodically or when I hit an enemy, which is something I wasn't expecting... and it no longer gives me shields.) EDIT: Sorry forget about EliteVariety, I'm mixing it up with another mod I have installed. EDIT2: So it turns out that similarly named mod (called EliteRework) was the culprit behind all the glitched out aspects. That being said the ones from Lost In Transit are definitely not converting to items, infact they will straight up won't show availability. (I'm using both Aerolt and Starting Items UI to check for their status)

William758 commented 2 years ago

I believe the scatter bombs and lack of shields is from EliteReworks, I'll have to get around to changing the descriptions for when it is installed one day.

I'm going to need an error log to figure out what went wrong because nothing is bugged with all the mods I currently use.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

It wasn't immediately obvious that EliteRework changed SBTS since it wasn't mentioned in the description, it was only when disabled that it became clear. As far as I know the only remaining issue is what is causing Lost In Transit aspects to be missing from the lists. EDIT: Just realized what overloading aspect is. I don't normally associate it with Lightning aspect.

William758 commented 2 years ago

I added EliteReworks to my mod list and everything seems to be working. If you use R2ModMan can you send me an error log or a mod profile code for all the mods you have installed?

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago


This is my current cofig. Bear in mind I was in the middle of tweaking some settings for other mods in the meanwhile.

William758 commented 2 years ago

Everything is working on my end. My guess is that LostInTransit isn't loading for you for some reason.

Can you load up the game and close it after the main menu shows up. Then in R2ModMan click Settings then click Debugging and then click Copy log file contents to clipboard and paste the results here.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (2021-11-25 3:10:36 PM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.4.16.15133130 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher] [Info : BepInEx] 3 patcher plugins loaded [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : MonoMod] Collecting target assemblies from mods [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 60 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BossEquipmentFix 1.2.0] [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Set hooks [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fem Acrid Edit 12G 1.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Risque Huntress 12G 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SFW_Alt_Huntress 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TeamFortress2_Engineer_Engineer_Skin 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [UES Trooper Bandit Skin 1.1.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 3.0.71] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Content.LoadStaticContentAsync [Debug : R2API] ArtifactCodeAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DeployableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] MonsterItemsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] TempVisualEffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ArtifactAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: BuffAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DamageAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DifficultyAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DirectorAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DotAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: EffectAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: EliteAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ItemAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ItemDropAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: LanguageAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: LoadoutAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: OrbAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ProjectileAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: RecalculateStatsAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ResourcesAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: SoundAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: SurvivorAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: UnlockableAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: CommandHelper [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.ReadDamageInfo [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Read [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DifficultyCatalog.GetDifficultyDef [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RuleDef.FromDifficulty [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ClassicStageInfo.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.GetDotDef [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.HasDotActive [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ItemDisplayRuleSet.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ShopTerminalBehavior.GenerateNewPickupServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ArenaMissionController.EndRound [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: Xoroshiro128Plus.NextElementUniform [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.OrbCatalog.GenerateCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: AkWwiseInitializationSettings.InitializeSoundEngine [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: AkWwiseInitializationSettings.InitializeSoundEngine [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.MusicController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.MusicController.UpdateState [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.MusicController.LateUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MusicController.LateUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Build [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Build [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] ArtifactAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] BuffAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DamageAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] EffectAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ItemDropAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] LanguageAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ProjectileAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] RecalculateStatsAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ResourcesAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] SoundAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] SurvivorAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TwistedLoopMod 2.1.2] [Message:TwistedLoopMod] Loaded TwistedLoopMod mod by Derslayr! [Message:TwistedLoopMod] The config for TwistedLoopMod is loaded! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TwistedLoopMod.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.LunarScavengerEncounter.FadeOut.OnEnter [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Save Modded Profile On Close 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Gunslinger 1.8.9] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFirstStackGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFinalStackLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.Stage.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.BarrelInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Tracer 1.3.1] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Info : BepInEx] Loading [EmptyChestsBeGone 1.1.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: EmptyChestsBeGone.dll for: EntityStates.Barrel.Opened.OnEnter [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WaxQuailMultiJump 1.0.1] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WaxQuailMultiJump.dll for: EntityStates.GenericCharacterMain.ProcessJump [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.GenericCharacterMain.ProcessJump [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ItemStats 2.2.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BetterUI] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigFile.Reload [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigFile.Reload [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.PickupPickerPanel.SetPickupOptions [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.PickupPickerPanel.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.PickupPickerPanel.OnCreateButton [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.ClientDamageNotified [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.BuffIcon.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.BuffIcon.UpdateIcon [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController+Row.AddButton [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.SkillIcon.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemIcon.SetItemIndex [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.EquipmentIcon.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.SetMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ContextManager.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.GetContextString [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.HUD.Awake [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TILER2 5.0.1] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetItemCount [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.IsAffordable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayCost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayOne [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.HasAtLeastXTotalItemsOfTier [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetTotalItemCountOfTier [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ItemStealController+StolenInventoryInfo.StealItem [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RunReport.Generate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ScrapperController.BeginScrapping [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.CleanseInventoryServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.InventoryIsCleansable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetItemCountForTeam [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.UpdateDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.g__PayCostItems|5_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.gPayCostItems|5_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.Disconnect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildPickupEntries [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.GetOptionsFromPickupIndex [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayerInternal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.OccupyNearbyNodes.OnSceneDirectorPrePopulateSceneServer [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Aetherium 0.6.6] [Info : Aetherium] --------------CORE MODULES--------------------- [Info : Aetherium] Core Module: Item Helper Module Initialized! [Info : Aetherium] --------------ARTIFACTS--------------------- [Info : Aetherium] Artifact: Artifact of Leonids Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterAI.BaseAI.OnBodyStart [Info : Aetherium] Artifact: Artifact of Progression Initialized! [Message: Aetherium] Artifact of Regression Lookup Table: [Message: Aetherium] -> BeetleQueenMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 2 BeetleGuardMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> BeetleGuardMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 BeetleMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 BeetleCrystalMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> BeetleGuardMasterCrystal [Message: Aetherium] -> 4 BeetleCrystalMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> AncientWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 2 ArchWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> GravekeeperMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 2 GreaterWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> ArchWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 2 GreaterWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> GreaterWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 4 WispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> VagrantMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 8 JellyfishMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LemurianBruiserMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 LemurianMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LemurianBruiserMasterFire [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 LemurianMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LemurianBruiserMasterHaunted [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 LemurianMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LemurianBruiserMasterIce [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 LemurianMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LemurianBruiserMasterPoison [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 LemurianMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LunarWispMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 2 LunarGolemMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> LunarGolemMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 LunarExploderMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> TitanMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 4 GolemMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> GrandparentMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 ParentMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> SuperRoboBallBossMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 VultureMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> RoboBallBossMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 6 RoboBallMiniMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> ClayBossMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 4 ClayBruiserMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> ImpBossMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 5 ImpMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> NullifierMaster [Message: Aetherium] -> 4 HermitCrabMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterAI.BaseAI.OnBodyDeath [Info : Aetherium] Artifact: Artifact of Regression Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.BazaarController.SetUpSeerStations [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PlaceTeleporter [Info : Aetherium] Artifact: Artifact of the Journey Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyStart [Info : Aetherium] Artifact: Artifact of the Nightmare Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyStart [Info : Aetherium] Artifact: Artifact of the Tyrant Initialized! [Info : Aetherium] --------------BUFFS--------------------- [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Info : Aetherium] Buff: Double XP / Double Gold Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info : Aetherium] Buff: Soul Linked Initialized! [Info : Aetherium] ----------------------ITEMS-------------------- [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Info : Aetherium] Item: Accursed Potion Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info : Aetherium] Item: Alien Magnet Initialized! [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_BLASTER_SWORD) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: EntityStates.Merc.Evis.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Merc.Evis.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.RootPulse [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.RootPulse [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.Begin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.Fire [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.BulletAttack.Fire [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileManager.FireProjectile [Info : Aetherium] Item: Blaster Sword Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Info : Aetherium] Item: Bloodthirsty Shield Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath [Info : Aetherium] Item: Engineers Toolbelt Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info : Aetherium] Item: Feathered Plume Initialized! [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_INSPIRING_DRONE) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Info : Aetherium] Item: Inspiring Drone Initialized! [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_NAIL_BOMB) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Info : Aetherium] Item: Nail Bomb Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Info : Aetherium] Item: Shark Teeth Initialized! [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_SHIELDING_CORE) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Info : Aetherium] Item: Shielding Core Initialized! [Warning: Unity Log] Added content to legacy mod ContentPack via RoR2.MasterCatalog.getAdditionalEntries succeeded. Do not use this code path; it will be removed in a future update. Use IContentPackProvider instead. [Warning: Unity Log] Added content to legacy mod ContentPack via RoR2.BodyCatalog.getAdditionalEntries succeeded. Do not use this code path; it will be removed in a future update. Use IContentPackProvider instead. [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_UNSTABLE_DESIGN) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.MapZone.TryZoneStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Info : Aetherium] Item: Unstable Design Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Heal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Info : Aetherium] Item: Heart of the Void Initialized! [Warning: R2API] No ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (HIDDEN_ITEM_WEIGHTED_ANKLET_LIMITER_RELEASE), the game will show nothing when the item is on the ground. [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_WEIGHTED_ANKLET) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFinalStackLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Info : Aetherium] Item: Weighted Anklet Initialized! [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_WITCHES_RING) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Info : Aetherium] Item: Witches Ring Initialized! [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (ITEM_ZENITH_ACCELERATOR) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Info : Aetherium] Item: Zenith Accelerator Initialized! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.ShopTerminalBehavior.GenerateNewPickupServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ShopTerminalBehavior.GenerateNewPickupServer [Info : Aetherium] -----------------EQUIPMENT--------------------- [Warning: R2API] EquipmentDef.pickupModelPrefab (EQUIPMENT_BELL_TOTEM) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentLost [Info : Aetherium] Equipment: Bell Totem Initialized! [Warning: R2API] EquipmentDef.pickupModelPrefab (EQUIPMENT_JAR_OF_RESHAPING) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Info : Aetherium] Equipment: Jar Of Reshaping Initialized! [Info : Aetherium] -------------ELITE EQUIPMENT--------------------- [Warning: R2API] EquipmentDef.pickupModelPrefab (AETHERIUM_ELITE_EQUIPMENT_AFFIX_SANGUINE) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Info : R2API] Custom Elite Tier : (Index : 3) added [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFirstStackGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFinalStackLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Info : Aetherium] Elite Equipment: Bloody Fealty Initialized! [Info : Aetherium] -----------------INTERACTABLES--------------------- [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.GetDisplayName [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Aetherium.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.GetInteractability [Info : Aetherium] Interactable: Buff Brazier Initialized! [Info : Aetherium] ----------------------------------------------- [Info : Aetherium] AETHERIUM INITIALIZATIONS DONE [Info : Aetherium] Artifacts Enabled: 6 [Info : Aetherium] Standalone Buffs Enabled: 2 [Info : Aetherium] Items Enabled: 15 [Info : Aetherium] Equipment Enabled: 2 [Info : Aetherium] Elite Equipment Enabled: 1 [Info : Aetherium] Interactables Enabled: 1 [Info : Aetherium] ----------------------------------------------- [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Starstorm 2 0.3.23] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.MusicController.LateUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MusicController.LateUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnClientBuffsChanged [Info : R2API] Custom Dot (Index: 7) that uses Buff : Infested added [Info : R2API] Custom Dot (Index: 8) that uses Buff : StrangeCanPoison added [Info : R2API] Custom Dot (Index: 9) that uses Buff : Gouge added [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.BodyCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.AI.Walker.Combat.UpdateAI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.AI.Walker.Combat.UpdateAI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.AI.Walker.Combat.GenerateBodyInputs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.AI.Walker.Combat.GenerateBodyInputs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.MapZone.TryZoneStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Suicide [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarDetonator.Detonate.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnTeamLevelChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Heal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMotor.OnLeaveStableGround [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnTeamLevelUp [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.Run.AdvanceStage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SceneCatalog.OnActiveSceneChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction+ChargingState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.Run.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: RoR2.SceneCatalog.OnActiveSceneChanged [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Enforcer 3.2.5] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: EntityStates.SerializableEntityStateType.set_stateType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: EntityStates.SerializableEntityStateType.set_typeName [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: EntityStates.GolemMonster.FireLaser.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: EntityStates.BaseState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnLevelUp [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.BodyCatalog.SetBodyPrefabs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.ArenaMissionController.BeginRound [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.ArenaMissionController.EndRound [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.EscapeSequenceController.BeginEscapeSequence [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.MapZone.TryZoneStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Suicide [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle.FireLunarNeedle.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Enforcer.dll for: RoR2.EntityStateMachine.SetState [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Scrollable lobby UI 1.6.3] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.RebuildLocal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.RebuildLocal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController+Row..ctor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController+Row.FinishSetup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewer.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleCategoryController.SetData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewerStrip.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewerStrip.SetData [Info : BepInEx] Loading [In Lobby Config 1.3.2] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: InLobbyConfig.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: InLobbyConfig.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lobby skin fix 1.1.1] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LobbySkinsFix.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.OnNetworkUserLoadoutChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.OnNetworkUserLoadoutChanged [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Partial Item Display 1.1.2] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PartialItemDisplay.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateItemDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateItemDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PartialItemDisplay.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.SetEquipmentDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.SetEquipmentDisplay [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AutoSkipIntroCutscene 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fem Commando Skin (anniversary update no dependencies) 1.2.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemCommandoNoDependencies.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Paladin 1.5.70] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle.FireLunarNeedle.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle.ChargeLunarSecondary.PlayChargeAnimation [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle.ThrowLunarSecondary.PlayThrowAnimation [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarDetonator.Detonate.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpeech.BrotherSpeechDriver.DoInitialSightResponse [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpeech.BrotherSpeechDriver.OnBodyKill [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.UI.HUD.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.EntityStateCatalog.Init [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fem Paladin Skin 1.3.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemPaladin.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Gilded Skins 2.4.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GildedSkins.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GildedSkins.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GildedSkins.dll for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Aerolt 1.1.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BiggerBazaar 1.12.13] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.SceneExitController.Begin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.Run.AdvanceStage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.PickupDisplay.SetPickupIndex [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.ChestBehavior.Open [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.ChestBehavior.PickFromList [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.AttemptGrant [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.FireworkLauncher.FireMissile [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.OnSerialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: RoR2.BazaarController.SetUpSeerStations [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BiggerBazaar.dll for: EntityStates.CaptainSupplyDrop.HackingMainState.PurchaseInteractionIsValidTarget [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FemMod 1.4.6] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemMod.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Risky Artifacts 1.3.3] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSimple.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.ShrineBossBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Stage.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.IsItemAvailable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.GetDifficultyScaledCost [Warning: R2API] No ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (RiskyArtifactsOriginBonus), the game will show nothing when the item is on the ground. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.GetSubtitle [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetBestBodyName [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PlaceTeleporter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PlaceTeleporter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: RoR2.Stage.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Risky_Artifacts.dll for: EntityStates.LunarTeleporter.IdleToActive.OnExit [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AncientWisp 1.3.5] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AncientWisp.dll for: EntityStates.SerializableEntityStateType.set_stateType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AncientWisp.dll for: EntityStates.SerializableEntityStateType.set_typeName [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AncientWisp.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AncientWisp.dll for: RoR2.EyeFlare.OnEnable [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MobileTurretBuff 1.1.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BazaarExpand 1.0.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BazaarExpand.dll for: RoR2.BazaarController.Awake [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RyanSkinAPI 3.4.4] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RyanSkinAPI2.dll for: RoR2.Loadout+BodyLoadoutManager.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RyanSkinAPI2.dll for: RoR2.Util.BuildPrefabTransformPath [Info : BepInEx] Loading [StartingItemsGUI 1.2.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TeleShow 2.3.2] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeleShow.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeleShow.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeleShow.dll for: RoR2.PingerController.AttemptPing [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MargaretArtificer 0.1.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MargaretArtificer.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ZetArtifacts 1.2.4] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.OnServerBossDefeated [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.get_livingPlayerCount [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.get_participatingPlayerCount [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.AllPlayersTrigger.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AllPlayersTrigger.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.MultiBodyTrigger.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MultiBodyTrigger.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.AllocateIcons [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.AllocateIcons [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.SetMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.SetMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCard.CardIsValid [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DirectorCard.CardIsValid [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake [Warning: Unity Log] ZetArtifact [ZetLoopifact] - DefineEliteTier : EarlyEliteDef [Warning: Unity Log] ZetArtifact [ZetLoopifact] - AddCustomEliteTier : EarlyEliteDef [Info : R2API] Custom Elite Tier : (Index : 4) added [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterHitGroundServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterHitGroundServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Heal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Heal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RiskyMod Beta 0.5.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Run.get_participatingPlayerCount [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Heal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.SimpleLightningStrikeOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.SimpleLightningStrikeOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.RoboBallBoss.Weapon.DeployMinions.SummonMinion [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.RoboBallBoss.Weapon.DeployMinions.SummonMinion [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.BodyCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.MapZone.TryZoneStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MapZone.TryZoneStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Run.RecalculateDifficultyCoefficentInternal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector+DirectorMoneyWave.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.VagrantMonster.FireMegaNova.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.VagrantMonster.FireMegaNova.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem.DetonateState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem.DetonateState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.ImpBossMonster.BlinkState.ExitCleanup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.ImpBossMonster.BlinkState.ExitCleanup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.BrotherMonster.WeaponSlam.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.BrotherMonster.WeaponSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.BrotherMonster.WeaponSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.LevelUpEffectManager.OnRunAmbientLevelUp [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.CountPlayersInRadius [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.UpdateMonstersClear [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCombatBehavior.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCombatBehavior.OnDefeatedServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.HealFraction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterAI.BaseAI+Target.GetBullseyePosition [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterAI.BaseAI+Target.GetBullseyePosition [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Stage.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.ShrineBloodBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ShrineBloodBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.ShockState.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.ShockState.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.GetHealthBarValues [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.GetHealthBarValues [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.FrozenState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.FrozenState.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.FireworkLauncher.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Stage.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.Heal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter.Phase1.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter.Phase2.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter.Phase3.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter.Phase4.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.ProcIgniteOnKill [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.ProcMissile [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.ProcMissile [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody+PhasingItemBehaviorServer.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddMultiKill [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddMultiKill [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnClientBuffsChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnClientBuffsChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCrit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCrit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateTeslaCoil [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateTeslaCoil [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.ItemCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.IcicleAuraController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.IcicleAuraController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.IcicleAuraController.UpdateRadius [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.IcicleAuraController.OnIciclesActivated [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Headstompers.BaseHeadstompersState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Headstompers.BaseHeadstompersState.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Headstompers.HeadstompersFall.DoStompExplosionAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Headstompers.HeadstompersFall.DoStompExplosionAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.ItemCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateBeetleGuardAllies [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody+SprintWispBehavior.Fire [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem.ChargeState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem.ChargeState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.MeteorStormController.DetonateMeteor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.FireDroneBackup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Drone.DroneWeapon.FireMegaTurret.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Drone.DroneWeapon.FireMegaTurret.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Drone.DroneWeapon.FireGatling.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Drone.DroneWeapon.FireGatling.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Drone.DroneWeapon.FireTurret.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Drone.DroneWeapon.FireTurret.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.BodyCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.MoonBatteryMissionController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.MoonBatteryMissionController.OnBatteryCharged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.MoonBatteryMissionController.OnBatteryCharged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Bandit2.Weapon.FireSidearmSkullRevolver.ModifyBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Bandit2.Weapon.FireSidearmSkullRevolver.ModifyBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Bandit2.Weapon.SlashBlade.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Bandit2.Weapon.SlashBlade.get_minimumDuration [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Bandit2.Weapon.Bandit2FireShiv.FireShiv [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.SurvivorCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.CaptainDefenseMatrixItem.DefenseMatrixOn.DeleteNearbyProjectile [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Skills.CaptainOrbitalSkillDef.get_isAvailable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.EntityStateCatalog.InitializeStateFields [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Commando.CommandoWeapon.FirePistol2.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Commando.CommandoWeapon.FirePistol2.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Commando.DodgeState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Engi.Mine.WaitForTarget.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Engi.Mine.WaitForTarget.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.SearchForTarget [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.SearchForTarget [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Huntress.HuntressWeapon.FireSeekingArrow.FireOrbArrow [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Huntress.HuntressWeapon.FireSeekingArrow.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Huntress.HuntressWeapon.FireSeekingArrow.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.BaseNailgunState.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Toolbot.BaseNailgunState.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.FireNailgun.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.FireBuzzsaw.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Toolbot.FireBuzzsaw.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.FireBuzzsaw.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.ToolbotStanceSwap.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.Weapon.FireSonicBoom.AddDebuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.Weapon.FirePlantSonicBoom.AddDebuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.Weapon.FireSonicBoom.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Treebot.Weapon.FireSonicBoom.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Spawn.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Slash.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.Slash.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Bite.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.Bite.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Slash.AuthorityModifyOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.FireSpit.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.FireSpit.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Bite.AuthorityModifyOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.DetonateAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.DetonateAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.ChainableLeap.DoImpactAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.ChainableLeap.DoImpactAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.FireSpit.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Croco.FireSpit.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnClientBuffsChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.SwingZapFist.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Loader.SwingZapFist.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.GroundSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.GroundSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Loader.GroundSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.GroundSlam.DetonateAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Loader.GroundSlam.DetonateAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Mage.Weapon.BaseThrowBombState.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Mage.Weapon.BaseThrowBombState.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Mage.FlyUpState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Mage.FlyUpState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.Mage.FlyUpState.HandleMovements [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Mage.FlyUpState.HandleMovements [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.JellyfishMonster.JellyNova.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.JellyfishMonster.JellyNova.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.GolemMonster.ClapState.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.GolemMonster.ClapState.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.ParentMonster.GroundSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.ParentMonster.GroundSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.LunarWisp.FireLunarGuns.OnFireAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.LunarWisp.FireLunarGuns.OnFireAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: EntityStates.VagrantMonster.ChargeMegaNova.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.VagrantMonster.ChargeMegaNova.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskyMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info : BepInEx] Loading [GoldenCoastPlus 0.5.3] [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (BigSword) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (GoldenKnurl) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Warning: R2API] ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (LaserEye) does not have an ItemDisplay component attached to it (there are ItemDisplayRuleType.ParentedPrefab rules), the pickup model should have one and have atleast a rendererInfo in it for having correct visibility levels. [Warning: R2API] No ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (HiddenGoldBuffItem), the game will show nothing when the item is on the ground. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.GoldTitanManager.TryStartChannelingTitansServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GoldTitanManager.TryStartChannelingTitansServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.GoldTitanManager.CalcTitanPowerAndBestTeam [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GoldTitanManager.CalcTitanPowerAndBestTeam [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.GoldshoresMissionController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.Goldshores.GoldshoresBossfight.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.Goldshores.GoldshoresBossfight.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.Goldshores.GoldshoresBossfight.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: EntityStates.TitanMonster.FireGoldFist.PlacePredictedAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.GiveMoney [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GoldenCoastPlus.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DiggerUnearthed 1.5.4] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: DiggerUnearthed.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: DiggerUnearthed.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: DiggerUnearthed.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Info : BepInEx] Loading [EngiGaming 1.2.0] [Info : Unity Log] Can't add 'NetworkIdentity' to PlasmaGrenade because a 'NetworkIdentity' is already added to the game object! [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RiskOfRuina 1.0.6] [Info : R2API] Custom Dot (Index: 10) that uses Buff : FairyDebuff added [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.MusicController.LateUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MusicController.LateUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.Fire [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.BulletAttack.Fire [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.Fire [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UnlockableCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.UI.HUD.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnLevelUp [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpeech.BrotherSpeechDriver.DoInitialSightResponse [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpeech.BrotherSpeechDriver.OnBodyKill [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.OnClientSceneChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.SelectSurvivor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnSkillActivated [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DinoMul-T 1.0.1] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: DinoMulT.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Apply [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: DinoMulT.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SethrakNemmando 1.0.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SethrakNemmando.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Apply [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SethrakNemmando.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Cloudburst 0.2.7] [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.AssetsCore :: Line: 72, Method .ctor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCrit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFinalStackLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterHitGroundServer [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Loading common assets... :: Line: 30, Method Load [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Common assets loading finished! :: Line: 48, Method Load [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.DamageTypeCore :: Line: 20, Method .ctor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.OrbCore :: Line: 19, Method RegisterOrbs [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.BuffCore :: Line: 137, Method RegisterBuffs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMotor.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.EffectCore :: Line: 54, Method DoEffects [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.DoTCore :: Line: 28, Method RegisterDoTs [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.PrefabCore :: Line: 19, Method CreatePrefabs [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.ProjectileCore :: Line: 56, Method CreateProjectiles [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered projectile WyattBlinkProjectile to the projectile catalog! :: Line: 32, Method RegisterNewProjectile [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered projectile MAIDProjectile to the projectile catalog! :: Line: 32, Method RegisterNewProjectile [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered projectile OrbitalOrb to the projectile catalog! :: Line: 32, Method RegisterNewProjectile [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered projectile WyattWinch to the projectile catalog! :: Line: 32, Method RegisterNewProjectile [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered projectile EnigmaticOrb to the projectile catalog! :: Line: 32, Method RegisterNewProjectile [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.AchievementCore :: Line: 27, Method AddAchivements [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.ItemCore :: Line: 55, Method RegisterItems [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Mesh') is missing! [Warning: Unity Log] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Mesh') is missing! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.GrantItem [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.Start [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.EquipmentCore :: Line: 77, Method .ctor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.EngineerCore :: Line: 163, Method EngineerEdits [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered body EngiFlameTurretBody to the body catalog! :: Line: 50, Method RegisterNewBody [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered master EngiFlameTurretMaster to the master catalog! :: Line: 68, Method RegisterNewMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard.Awake [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered projectile EngiGrenadeImpactProjectile to the projectile catalog! :: Line: 32, Method RegisterNewProjectile [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.GetDeployableSameSlotLimit [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.CommandoCore :: Line: 25, Method Commando [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Initializing Core: Cloudburst.Cores.SipSipCore :: Line: 24, Method BuildSipsip [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered body ScavLunar5Body to the body catalog! :: Line: 50, Method RegisterNewBody [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered master ScavLunar5Master to the master catalog! :: Line: 68, Method RegisterNewMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered body CustodianBody to the body catalog! :: Line: 50, Method RegisterNewBody [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered master CustodianMonsterMaster to the master catalog! :: Line: 68, Method RegisterNewMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.SlowDownProjectiles.OnTriggerEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.RigidbodyMotor.OnCollisionEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: EntityStates.BrotherMonster.WeaponSlam.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: EntityStates.BrotherMonster.HoldSkyLeap.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: EntityStates.BrotherMonster.WeaponSlam.FixedUpdate [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered body VoidGolemBody to the body catalog! :: Line: 50, Method RegisterNewBody [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered master VoidGolemMaster to the master catalog! :: Line: 68, Method RegisterNewMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Cloudburst.dll for: EntityStates.NewtMonster.KickFromShop.OnExit [Message:Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Cloudburst loaded! :: Line: 376, Method InitializeCores [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MysticsItems 1.1.13] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AchievementManager.CollectAchievementDefs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog.Register [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAllTemporaryVisualEffects [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.RpcOnClientEquipmentActivationRecieved [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedFormattedStringByToken [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.SceneCamera.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: EntityStates.SerializableEntityStateType.set_stateType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: Starstorm2.Cores.Items.SoulPickup.OnTriggerStay [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ClassicItems 5.1.0] [Debug :ClassicItems] Performing plugin setup: [Debug :ClassicItems] Loading assets... [Debug :ClassicItems] Loading global configs... [Debug :ClassicItems] Instantiating item classes... [Debug :ClassicItems] Loading item configs... [Debug :ClassicItems] Registering item attributes... [Warning: R2API] No ItemDef.pickupModelPrefab (CIINTERNALTally), the game will show nothing when the item is on the ground. [Debug :ClassicItems] Tweaking vanilla stuff... [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.PickupCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildPickupEntries [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.PickupDisplay.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.PickupDisplay.Update [Debug :ClassicItems] Registering shared buffs... [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.AI.Walker.Combat.UpdateAI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.AI.Walker.Combat.UpdateAI [Debug :ClassicItems] Registering item behaviors... [Debug :ClassicItems] Initial setup done! [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ZetAspects 2.6.4] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.PickupTransmutationManager.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.RuleCatalog.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.UserProfile.LoadUserProfiles [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.SetStateOnHurt.OnTakeDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SetStateOnHurt.OnTakeDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateFireTrail [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateFireTrail [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAffixPoison [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAffixPoison [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAffixLunar [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateAffixLunar [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Warning: Unity Log] ZetAspects - LGOH Hook Failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.ServerFixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFinalStackLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateBuffs [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.Run.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.AttemptGrant [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.AttemptGrant [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.UserProfile.DiscoverPickup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.UI.HUD.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.SetEquipmentDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateItemDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.EnableItemDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.DisableItemDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.Stats.StatManager.ProcessItemCollectedEvents [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Stats.StatManager.ProcessItemCollectedEvents [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.UI.HealthBar.UpdateBarInfos [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: Aetherium.Equipment.EliteEquipment.AffixSanguine.BleedOnHit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: Aetherium.Equipment.EliteEquipment.AffixSanguine.BleedOnHit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetAspects.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ZetTweaks 1.0.5] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PlaceTeleporter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.ArenaMissionController.BeginRound [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.Init [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lemurian 7.2.2] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Lemurian.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Lemurian.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Templar 1.0.5] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Templar.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Templar.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Info : BepInEx] Loading [GolemLoader 1.0.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GolemLoader.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ModCommon 2.1.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered [Info : BepInEx] Loading [HereticSelection 2.0.2] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.SpawnBody [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.SpawnBody [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WolfoQualityOfLife 1.6.1] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.Begin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.FireSpit.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Bite.BeginMeleeAttackEffect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.DoImpactAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.BaseLeap.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnPlayerCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Run.ForceChoice [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.WeeklyRun.AdvanceStage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Run.AdvanceStage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.WeeklyRun.OnServerBossAdded [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.WeeklyRun.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.WeeklyRunScreenController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.WeeklyRun.GetCurrentSeedCycle [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.WeeklyRun.ClientSubmitLeaderboardScore [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Stage.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ClassicStageInfo.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Run.AdvanceStage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController+FocusConvergenceController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ScriptedCombatEncounter.BeginEncounter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.ScavMonster.DeathLunar..ctor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.SeerStationController.SetRunNextStageToTarget [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Commando.CommandoWeapon.ReloadPistols.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Commando.CommandoWeapon.ReloadPistols.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Bell.BellWeapon.ChargeTrioBomb.FindTargetChildStringFromBombIndex [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.LemurianBruiserMonster.FireMegaFireball.OnEnter [Message:WolfoQualityOfLife] 15% Yellow Percentage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Apply [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectSurvivorPreviewDisplayController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectSurvivorPreviewDisplayController.OnLoadoutChangedGlobal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.ToolbotDualWield.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.OrbEffect.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.FireFlower2.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.SpawnState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.Weapon.FirePlantSonicBoom.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.Weapon.AimMortar2.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.SetEquipmentIndex [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.HighlightItemDisplay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.HighlightRect.CreateHighlight [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.GameEndReportPanelController.SetPlayerInfo [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.AllocateIcons [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.CreateItemTakenOrb [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Duplicator.Duplicating.DropDroplet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ScrapperController.CreateItemTakenOrb [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ShrineBloodBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ShrineBossBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ShrineChanceBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCombatBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ShrineHealingBehavior.AddShrineStack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.ShrineRestackBehavior.AddShrineStack [Info : Unity Log] Ping Info Loaded [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.JetpackController.StartFlight [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.JetpackController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.GhostUtilitySkillState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.GhostUtilitySkillState.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnSprintStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnSprintStop [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.FrozenState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.FrozenState.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Spawn.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Croco.Spawn.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Headstompers.BaseHeadstompersState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody+HeadstomperItemBehavior.OnDisable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMotor.OnLanded [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.GenericCharacterMain.ApplyJumpVelocity [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.UpdateLastHitTime [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.FireballVehicle.OnPassengerEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.FireballVehicle.OnPassengerExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddHelfireDuration [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.IcicleAuraController.OnOwnerKillOther [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.Arena.NullWard.Active.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.Arena.NullWard.Complete.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildStaticData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.GameEndReportPanelController.SetDisplayData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.Run.BeginGameOver [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.OutroCutsceneController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle.FireLunarNeedle.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.ScavMonster.Sit.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarDetonator.Detonate.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.PlayExtraLifeSFX [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BetterGameplay] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterGameplay.dll for: RoR2.MapZone.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterGameplay.dll for: RoR2.MapZone.TryZoneStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterGameplay.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.ExecuteIfReady [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterGameplay.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.UpdateEquipment [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Stutter Stunter 2.1.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StutterStunter.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete [Warning: Unity Log] Network message MsgType.Highest + 22 is unregistered. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64 [Info : Console] Searching for compatible XInput library... [Info : Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing Mod System... [Info : Unity Log] Mod System initialized. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully. [Info : R2API] Custom sound banks loaded. [Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters: arg[0]="E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe" arg[1]="--doorstop-enable" arg[2]="true" arg[3]="--doorstop-target" arg[4]="C:\Users\Lucas Specht\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\RiskOfRain2\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll"

[Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg" [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: ARTIFACT_ARTIFACT_OF_LEONIDS added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: ARTIFACT_ARTIFACT_OF_PROGRESSION added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: ARTIFACT_ARTIFACT_OF_REGRESSION added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: ARTIFACT_ARTIFACT_OF_THE_JOURNEY added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: ARTIFACT_ARTIFACT_OF_THE_NIGHTMARE added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: ARTIFACT_ARTIFACT_OF_THE_TYRANT added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: RiskyArtifactOfWarfare added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: RiskyArtifactOfConformity added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: RiskyArtifactOfArrogance added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: RiskyArtifactOfExpansion added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: RiskyArtifactOfOrigination added [Info : R2API] Custom Artifact: RiskyArtifactOfPrimacy added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Wraith Armor added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Deadeye added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Wraith Frenzy added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Curse Mark added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Wicked Ring added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Wicked Ring Cooldown added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Unload Stacks added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Progression Start Buff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Progression Quarter Buff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Progression Half Buff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Progression Three Quarters Buff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Double XP / Double Gold added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Soul Linked added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Accursed Potion Sip Cooldown added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Blaster Sword Active added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Feathered Plume Speed added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Nail Bomb Cooldown Debuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Nail Bomb Immunity added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Void Instability Debuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Voidheart Temporary Immunity added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Limiter Release added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Limiter Release Dodge added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Limiter Release Dodge Cooldown added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Witches Ring Immunity added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aetherium: Zenith Acceleration added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: AFFIX_SANGUINE added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyItemTweaks_DisableOSPBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_FreezeDebuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_BerzerkBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyItemTweaks_ScytheBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_InfusionBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_Perfected2 added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_GhostCooldownDebuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_GhostReadyBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyModBanditRevolver added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_PowerModeBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_CrocoRegen added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: RiskyMod_EpidemicDebuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: LaserEyeCharge added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: TitanGoldArmorBroken added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: Aurelionite's Blessing added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: AffixGold added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIPillagedGold added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIPrescriptions added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CISnakeEyes added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIGoldenGun added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIImprintAttack added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIImprintSpeed added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIImprintHeal added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIHitListDebuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIHitListBuff added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIPhotonFuel added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIFreeze added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: CIFear added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_HelFire added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_EnemyBurn added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_BugFlight added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_ShadowIntangible added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_SprintArmor added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_Frozen added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_HeadstomperReady added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_HeadstomperCooldown added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_BonusJump added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_ShieldDelay added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_VolcanoEgg added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_TinctureIgnition added [Info : R2API] Custom Buff: visual_FrostRelicGrowth added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: glyphActivate added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: gunsmoke added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: vastolordeflames added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: vastolordeform added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: DeadeyeTracer added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: VendettaYellowTracer added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: VendettaCritTracer added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: VendettaTracer added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: muzzleflash added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: muzzleflashyellow added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: muzzleflashcrit added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: muzzleflashgreen added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: smoke added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: ChargeCurse added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: SoulLinkedHeartEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: SoulLinkedTrailEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: NailBombNailImpact added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: NailBombShrapnelEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: NailBombNailTracer added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: Soundwave added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: NoSpawnAllowedEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: JarOfReshapingAbsorbEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: JarOfReshapingOrb added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: BuffBrazierOrbEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: RiskyItemTweaks_SquidPolypProc added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: RiskyModFragOvercookEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: MinerSwing added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: MinerSwingaltAlt added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: MinerSwingEmpowered added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: ImpactMinerSwing added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: ImpactMinerSlash added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: ImpactMinerHeavy added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: MinerBackblastEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: DiggerCrushExplosionEffect added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: TemplarRocketImpact added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: CrocoDiseaseImpactEffectBlight added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: MuzzleflashTrackingFireball added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: MuzzleflashCroco added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: CrocoDiseaseImpactEffectBlight added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: CrocoDiseaseOrbEffectBlight added [Info : R2API] Custom Effect: CrocoLeapExplosionBlight added [Info : R2API] Custom Elite: AETHERIUM_ELITE_AFFIX_SANGUINE_MODIFIER added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_ACCURSED_POTION added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_ALIEN_MAGNET added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_BLASTER_SWORD added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_BLOODTHIRSTY_SHIELD added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_ENGINEERS_TOOLBELT added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_FEATHERED_PLUME added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_INSPIRING_DRONE added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_NAIL_BOMB added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_SHARK_TEETH added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_SHIELDING_CORE added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_UNSTABLE_DESIGN added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_HEART_OF_THE_VOID added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: HIDDEN_ITEM_WEIGHTED_ANKLET_LIMITER_RELEASE added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_WEIGHTED_ANKLET added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_WITCHES_RING added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_ZENITH_ACCELERATOR added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RiskyArtifactsOriginBonus added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: BigSword added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: GoldenKnurl added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: LaserEye added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: HiddenGoldBuffItem added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaArbitersTrophy added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaBlackTea added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaPrescript added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaLiuBadge added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaWorkshopAmmo added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaWeddingRing added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaUdjatMask added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: RuinaReverberation added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_ENIGMACARD added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_PRANKSANDJAPES added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_MECHANICALTRINKET_ITEM added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_GLASSHARVESTER added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_EXTRACTINGMOMENT added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_LEMDOG added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_BLASTBOOT added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_FABINDAGGER added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_BARRIERONCRIT added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ITEM_RESTLESSRINGS added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIBarbedWire added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIBitterRoot added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIFireShield added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIHeadstompers added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CILifeSavings added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CISnakeEyes added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CISpikestrip added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CITaser added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIVial added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIBoxingGloves added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIClover added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIGoldenGun added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIImprint added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIRustyJetpack added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CISmartShopper added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIEmbryo added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIHitList added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIINTERNALTally added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIPermafrost added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIPhotonJetpack added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIScepter added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CITeleSight added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: CIOldBox added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: TreasureCacheConsumed added [Info : R2API] Custom Item: ArtifactKeyConsumed added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: EQUIPMENT_BELL_TOTEM added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: EQUIPMENT_JAR_OF_RESHAPING added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: AETHERIUM_ELITE_EQUIPMENT_AFFIX_SANGUINE added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: RuinaBackwardsClock added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: EQUIPMENT_LUMPKIN added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CILantern added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CILostDoll added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CIAmethyst added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CIBrooch added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CIPillage added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CIPrescriptions added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CISkeletonKey added [Info : R2API] Custom Equipment: CISnowglobe added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: MinePrefab added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: MinePrefabAlt added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: MinePrefabUtil added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: MinePrefabUtil1 added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: MinePrefabUtil2 added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: SwordProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: NailBombProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: JarOfReshapingProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_ATGProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_CeremonialDaggerProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_LaserTurbineBomb added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_Perforator added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_BFG added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyModPhaseRound added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyModFragProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyModArrowRainProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_CrocoLeapAcid added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_CrocoDiseaseProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_CrocoDiseaseScepterProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_FlameBolt added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_PlasmaBolt added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_BeetleQueenAcid added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: RiskyMod_BeetleQueenSpit added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: PlasmaGrenade added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: CIScepMageFlamethrowerCloud added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: CIScepCommandoGrenade added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: CIScepHuntressRain added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: CIScepLoaderThundercrash added [Info : R2API] Custom Projectile: ScavSackProjectile added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Progression_Squelch added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Gulp added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Duplicate_Bot added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Nailbomb_Nail_Impact added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Lost_Target added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Search_Cry added [Info : R2API] Custom Network Sound Event: Aetherium_Ring_Bell added [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "loadingbasic". [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: ReinStutterStunter.ReinStutterStunterMain.IsMenuScene (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene) (at <0f8da9ad57fa42f9a39d386b3fbe22d0>:IL_0006) ReinStutterStunter.ReinStutterStunterMain.SceneManager_activeSceneChanged (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene arg0, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene arg1) (at <0f8da9ad57fa42f9a39d386b3fbe22d0>:IL_000B) UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.Internal_ActiveSceneChanged (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene previousActiveScene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene newActiveScene) (at <2cc17dca390941eeb4d7b2ff1f84696a>:IL_000C)

[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2 [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "arena". [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: Risky_Artifacts.Artifacts.Conformity+<>c.<.ctor>b__4_0 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] cardList, R2API.DirectorAPI+StageInfo stage) (at <444d727faba44f37a531714c205ac01c>:IL_0010) R2API.DirectorAPI.ApplyInteractableChanges (RoR2.ClassicStageInfo self, R2API.DirectorAPI+StageInfo stage) (at <1a583113fbfa4df0aa2a1c8cfc8b2b8f>:IL_0098) R2API.DirectorAPI.ApplyChanges (RoR2.ClassicStageInfo self) (at <1a583113fbfa4df0aa2a1c8cfc8b2b8f>:IL_0015) R2API.DirectorAPI.OnStageInfoAwake (On.RoR2.ClassicStageInfo+orig_Awake orig, RoR2.ClassicStageInfo self) (at <1a583113fbfa4df0aa2a1c8cfc8b2b8f>:IL_0000) DMD<>?606315008.Hook?-883313920 (RoR2.ClassicStageInfo ) (at <4047e9e2cc1f400f83250244511f2ab7>:IL_000A) DMD<>?606315008.Trampoline?1736355840 (RoR2.ClassicStageInfo ) (at :IL_0020) WolfoQualityOfLife.WolfoQualityOfLife.ClassicStageInfoMethod (On.RoR2.ClassicStageInfo+orig_Awake orig, RoR2.ClassicStageInfo self) (at <84a6f0235dba43d49205475e44de5b30>:IL_0001) DMD<>?606315008.Hook?1372006528 (RoR2.ClassicStageInfo ) (at <6b53db1a98c04d15806dfc99b0061059>:IL_000A)

[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene arena loadSceneMode=Additive [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Sphere (UnityEngine.GameObject) :: Line: 670, Method FindAssets [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: Registered body TrueInfectionTrigger to the body catalog! :: Line: 50, Method RegisterNewBody [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene arena [Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList : [Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;3.0.71 [Info : R2API] com.Dragonyck.Gunslinger;1.8.9 [Info : R2API] com.Dragonyck.Tracer;1.3.1 [Info : R2API] com.EnforcerGang.Enforcer;3.2.5 [Info : R2API] com.KomradeSpectre.Aetherium;0.6.6 [Info : R2API] com.Lodington.Aerolt;1.1.0 [Info : R2API] com.Moffein.AncientWisp;1.3.5 [Info : R2API] com.Moffein.RiskyArtifacts;1.3.3 [Info : R2API] com.PallesenProductions.RyanSkinAPI;3.4.4 [Info : R2API] com.Phedg1Studios.StartingItemsGUI;1.2.4 [Info : R2API] com.Pickleses.TeleShow;2.3.2 [Info : R2API] com.RiskyLives.RiskyMod;0.5.0 [Info : R2API] com.rob.DiggerUnearthed;1.5.4 [Info : R2API] com.rob.Paladin;1.5.70 [Info : R2API] com.Ruxbieno.EngiShotgun;1.2.0 [Info : R2API] com.Scoops.RiskOfRuina;1.0.6 [Info : R2API] com.Skell.GoldenCoastPlus;0.5.3 [Info : R2API] com.TeamCloudburst.Cloudburst;0.2.7 [Info : R2API] com.TeamMoonstorm.Starstorm2;0.3.23 [Info : R2API] com.themysticsword.mysticsitems;1.1.13 [Info : R2API] com.ThinkInvisible.ClassicItems;5.1.0 [Info : R2API] com.ThinkInvisible.TILER2;5.0.1 [Info : R2API] com.TPDespair.ZetArtifacts;1.2.4 [Info : R2API] com.Tymmey.Lemurian;7.2.2 [Info : R2API] com.Tymmey.Templar;1.0.5 [Info : R2API] com.Wolfo.WolfoQualityOfLife;1.6.1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SaveModdedProfileOnClose.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SaveModdedProfileOnClose.dll for: RoR2.ContentManagement.ContentPack.Copy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AutoSkipIntroCutscene.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Warning: Unity Log] Loading Aerolt [Warning: Unity Log] Getting Config [Warning: Unity Log] Getting Assets [Warning: Unity Log] Starting Hooks [Warning: Unity Log] Hooks Complete [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MobileTurretBuff.dll for: EntityStates.EngiTurret.EngiTurretWeapon.FireBeam.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.PreGameController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScrollToSelection.ScrollToRect [Debug :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: this might not work :: Line: 98, Method Start [Info :Cloudburst] Cloudburst :: matNullifierGemPortal (Instance) (UnityEngine.Material) :: Line: 346, Method CloudburstPlugin_start [Debug :ClassicItems] Performing late setup: [Debug :ClassicItems] Late setup for individual items... [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.AddDeployable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMotor.OnHitGroundServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.Run.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.SetStateOnHurt.OnTakeDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.GenericCharacterMain.ProcessJump [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.GetDeployableSameSlotLimit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.GenericSkill.SetSkillOverride [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Mage.Weapon.Flamethrower.FireGauntlet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Mage.Weapon.Flamethrower.FireGauntlet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Mage.FlyUpState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Captain.Weapon.SetupAirstrike.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Captain.Weapon.SetupAirstrike.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Captain.Weapon.CallAirstrikeBase.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.GenericSkill.RestockSteplike [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Captain.Weapon.CallAirstrikeEnter.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Captain.Weapon.CallAirstrikeEnter.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Captain.Weapon.CallAirstrikeBase.KeyIsDown [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Commando.CommandoWeapon.FireBarrage.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Commando.CommandoWeapon.FireBarrage.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.GenericProjectileBaseState.FireProjectile [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Huntress.AimArrowSnipe.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Huntress.AimArrowSnipe.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Huntress.Weapon.FireArrowSnipe.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Huntress.ArrowRain.DoFireArrowRain [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.BaseSwingChargedFist.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.BaseSwingChargedFist.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.SwingZapFist.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: EntityStates.Loader.SwingZapFist.OnMeleeHitAuthority [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Loader.BaseChargeFist.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Merc.Evis.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.GenericProjectileBaseState.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.ToolbotDash.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.ToolbotDash.OnExit [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.RootPulse [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ClassicItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug :ClassicItems] Late setup done! [Message:ClassicItems] Index dump follows (pairs of name / index): [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment Lantern / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment LostDoll / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment Amethyst / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment Brooch / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment Pillage / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment Prescriptions / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment SkeletonKey / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Equipment Snowglobe / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item BarbedWire / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item BitterRoot / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item FireShield / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Headstompers / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item LifeSavings / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item SnakeEyes / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Spikestrip / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Taser / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Vial / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item BoxingGloves / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Clover / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item GoldenGun / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Imprint / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item RustyJetpack / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item SmartShopper / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Embryo / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item HitList / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Permafrost / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item PhotonJetpack / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item Scepter / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item TeleSight / -1 [Message:ClassicItems] Item OldBox / -1 [Message: ModCommon] Adding com.Windows10CE.HereticSelection to the network mod list... [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "" [Info : Unity Log] Could not load files for language "". Falling back to "en". [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Error :MysticsItems] movement speed stat hook failed [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.GenericSkill.CalculateFinalRechargeInterval [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFirstStackGained [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnBuffFinalStackLost [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.GravitatePickup.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Util.CheckRoll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GiveItem [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.RemoveItem [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.HandleOnKillEffectsServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.HealthPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.MoneyPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MoneyPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.BuffPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BuffPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.AmmoPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AmmoPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PopulateScene [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.SceneCamera.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateRendererMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateRendererMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnSkillActivated [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController+ChargeHoldoutZoneObjectiveTracker.ShouldBeFlashing [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MysticsItemsPlugin.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.Awake [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Bandit2 [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef FireShotgun INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] FireShotgun [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef FireRifle INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] FireRifle [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Stealth INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Stealth [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef LightsOut INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LightsOut [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef RackEmUp INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] RackEmUp [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Captain [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ChargeShotgun INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ChargeShotgun [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Commando [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef FireFMJ INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] FireFMJ [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef FireShotgunBlast INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] FireShotgunBlast [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Barrage INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Barrage [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef StunDrone INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] StunDrone [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Croco [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Engi [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef EngiShotgun INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EngiShotgun [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GrenadeVolley INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GrenadeVolley [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PlasmaGrenade INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PlasmaGrenade [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef FUCKIL INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] FUCKIL [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Heretic [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Huntress [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Loader [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Mage [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Merc [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Toolbot [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Treebot [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Templar_Survivor [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Templar_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Templar_Survivor0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_MINIGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_MINIGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_PRECISEMINIGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_PRECISEMINIGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_RAILGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_RAILGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_FLAMETHROWER_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_PRIMARY_FLAMETHROWER_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Templar_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Templar_Survivor1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_SECONDARY_GRENADE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_SECONDARY_GRENADE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_SECONDARY_SHOTGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_SECONDARY_SHOTGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Templar_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Templar_Survivor2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_UTILITY_OVERDRIVE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_UTILITY_OVERDRIVE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_UTILITY_DODGE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_UTILITY_DODGE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Templar_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Templar_Survivor3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_SPECIAL_FIRE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_SPECIAL_FIRE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TEMPLAR_SPECIAL_SWAP_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TEMPLAR_SPECIAL_SWAP_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking ElderLemurian_Survivor [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily ElderLemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderLemurian_Survivor0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ElderPrimary_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderPrimary_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily ElderLemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderLemurian_Survivor1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ElderSecondary_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderSecondary_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily ElderLemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderLemurian_Survivor2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ElderUtil_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderUtil_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily ElderLemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderLemurian_Survivor3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ElderSpecial_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ElderSpecial_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Imp_Survivor [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Imp_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Imp_Survivor0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PrimBleed1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PrimBleed1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PrimBleed2_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PrimBleed2_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Imp_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Imp_Survivor1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef SecBleed1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SecBleed1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Imp_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Imp_Survivor2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef UtilBleed1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] UtilBleed1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef UtilBleed2_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] UtilBleed2_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Imp_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Imp_Survivor3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef BleedSpecial1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] BleedSpecial1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Lemurian_Survivor [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Lemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Lemurian_Survivor0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Primary1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Primary1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Primary2_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Primary2_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Primary3_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Primary3_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Lemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Lemurian_Survivor1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Secondary1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Secondary1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Secondary2_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Secondary2_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Secondary3_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Secondary3_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Lemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Lemurian_Survivor2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Util1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Util1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Util2_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Util2_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily Lemurian_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Lemurian_Survivor3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Special1_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Special1_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Special2_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Special2_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef Special3_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Special3_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking LunarExploder_Survivor [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily LunarExploder_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarExploder_Survivor0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef LunarPrimary_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarPrimary_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily LunarExploder_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarExploder_Survivor1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef LunarSecondary_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarSecondary_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily LunarExploder_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarExploder_Survivor2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef LunarUtility_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarUtility_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily LunarExploder_Survivor has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarExploder_Survivor3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef LunarSpecial_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] LunarSpecial_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking CustodianBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily CustodianBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] CustodianBody0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef WYATT_PRIMARY_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] WYATT_PRIMARY_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily CustodianBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] CustodianBody1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef aaa INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] aaa [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily CustodianBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] CustodianBody2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef aaa INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] aaa [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily CustodianBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] CustodianBody3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef FireYankHook INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] FireYankHook [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking RedMistBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_REDMIST_BODY_PRIMARY_LEVELSLASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_REDMIST_BODY_PRIMARY_LEVELSLASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_REDMIST_BODY_SECONDARY_ONRUSH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_REDMIST_BODY_SECONDARY_ONRUSH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_REDMIST_BODY_UTILITY_DODGE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_REDMIST_BODY_UTILITY_DODGE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_REDMIST_BODY_UTILITY_BLOCK_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_REDMIST_BODY_UTILITY_BLOCK_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COFREDMIST_BODY_SPECIAL_EGO_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COFREDMIST_BODY_SPECIAL_EGO_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking ArbiterBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_ARBITER_BODY_PRIMARY_FAIRY_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_ARBITER_BODY_PRIMARY_FAIRY_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_ARBITER_BODY_SECONDARY_LOCK_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_ARBITER_BODY_SECONDARY_LOCK_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_ARBITER_BODY_SECONDARY_UNLOCK_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_ARBITER_BODY_SECONDARY_UNLOCK_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_ARBITER_BODY_UTILITY_PILLARS_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_ARBITER_BODY_UTILITY_PILLARS_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_ARBITER_BODY_UTILITY_PILLARSSPEAR_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_ARBITER_BODY_UTILITY_PILLARSSPEAR_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef COF_ARBITER_BODY_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] COF_ARBITER_BODY_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking MinerBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily MinerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MinerBody0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_PRIMARY_GOUGE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_PRIMARY_GOUGE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_PRIMARY_CRUSH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_PRIMARY_CRUSH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily MinerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MinerBody1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_SECONDARY_CHARGE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_SECONDARY_CHARGE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_SECONDARY_BREAK_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_SECONDARY_BREAK_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily MinerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MinerBody2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_UTILITY_BACKBLAST_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_UTILITY_BACKBLAST_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_UTILITY_CAVEIN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_UTILITY_CAVEIN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily MinerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MinerBody3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef MINER_SPECIAL_TOTHESTARS_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] MINER_SPECIAL_TOTHESTARS_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking RobPaladinBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily RobPaladinBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] RobPaladinBody0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_PRIMARY_SLASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_PRIMARY_SLASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily RobPaladinBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] RobPaladinBody1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SECONDARY_SPINSLASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SECONDARY_SPINSLASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SECONDARY_LIGHTNING_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SECONDARY_LIGHTNING_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SECONDARY_LUNARSHARD_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SECONDARY_LUNARSHARD_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily RobPaladinBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] RobPaladinBody2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_UTILITY_DASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_UTILITY_DASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_UTILITY_HEAL_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_UTILITY_HEAL_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily RobPaladinBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] RobPaladinBody3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SPECIAL_HEALZONE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SPECIAL_HEALZONE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SPECIAL_TORPOR_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SPECIAL_TORPOR_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SPECIAL_WARCRY_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SPECIAL_WARCRY_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef PALADIN_SPECIAL_SUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] PALADIN_SPECIAL_SUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking EnforcerBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily EnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EnforcerBody0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_PRIMARY_SHOTGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_PRIMARY_SHOTGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_PRIMARY_SUPERSHOTGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_PRIMARY_SUPERSHOTGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_PRIMARY_RIFLE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_PRIMARY_RIFLE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily EnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EnforcerBody1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_SECONDARY_BASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_SECONDARY_BASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily EnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EnforcerBody2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_UTILITY_TEARGAS_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_UTILITY_TEARGAS_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_UTILITY_STUNGRENADE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_UTILITY_STUNGRENADE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily EnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EnforcerBody3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_SPECIAL_SHIELDUP_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_SPECIAL_SHIELDUP_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking NemesisEnforcerBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily NemesisEnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NemesisEnforcerBody0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMFORCER_PRIMARY_HAMMER_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMFORCER_PRIMARY_HAMMER_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily NemesisEnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NemesisEnforcerBody1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMFORCER_SECONDARY_BASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMFORCER_SECONDARY_BASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily NemesisEnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NemesisEnforcerBody2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMFORCER_UTILITY_CRASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMFORCER_UTILITY_CRASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMFORCER_UTILITY_GAS_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMFORCER_UTILITY_GAS_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef ENFORCER_UTILITY_STUNGRENADE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] ENFORCER_UTILITY_STUNGRENADE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily NemesisEnforcerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NemesisEnforcerBody3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMFORCER_SPECIAL_MINIGUNUP_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMFORCER_SPECIAL_MINIGUNUP_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking ExecutionerBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef EXECUTIONER_PISTOL_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EXECUTIONER_PISTOL_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef EXECUTIONER_IONGUN_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EXECUTIONER_IONGUN_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef EXECUTIONER_DASH_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EXECUTIONER_DASH_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef EXECUTIONER_AXE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] EXECUTIONER_AXE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking NemmandoBody [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMMANDO_PRIMARY_BLADE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMMANDO_PRIMARY_BLADE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMMANDO_SECONDARY_CONCUSSION_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMMANDO_SECONDARY_CONCUSSION_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMMANDO_SECONDARY_SHOOT_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMMANDO_SECONDARY_SHOOT_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMMANDO_UTILITY_DODGE_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMMANDO_UTILITY_DODGE_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMMANDO_SPECIAL_SUBMISSION_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMMANDO_SPECIAL_SUBMISSION_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef NEMMANDO_SPECIAL_EPIC_NAME INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] NEMMANDO_SPECIAL_EPIC_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking TRACER_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily TracerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_NAME0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TRACER_PULSEPISTOLS INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_PULSEPISTOLS [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily TracerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_NAME1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TRACER_PULSEBOMB INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_PULSEBOMB [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TRACER_QUANTUMSPIKE INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_QUANTUMSPIKE [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily TracerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_NAME2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TRACER_BLINK INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_BLINK [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TRACER_PARTINGGIFT INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_PARTINGGIFT [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily TracerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_NAME3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef TRACER_RECALL INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] TRACER_RECALL [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking GUNSLINGER_NAME [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily GunslingerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_NAME0Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_VENDETTA INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_VENDETTA [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_UNLOAD INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_UNLOAD [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily GunslingerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_NAME1Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_ACCURSEDARM INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_ACCURSEDARM [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_ORB INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_ORB [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily GunslingerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_NAME2Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_WRAITHSTEP INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_WRAITHSTEP [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_WRAITHFRENZY INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_WRAITHFRENZY [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillFamily GunslingerBody has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_NAME3Family [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_SOULPIERCER INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_SOULPIERCER [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] SkillDef GUNSLINGER_DEADEYE INDEX:0 has been updated to: [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] GUNSLINGER_DEADEYE [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end [Warning:DiggerUnearthed] could not load displays for aetherium System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000128 (from typeref, class/assembly Aetherium.Items.BloodSoakedShield, Aetherium, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) at DiggerPlugin.ItemDisplays.AddAetheriumDisplays () [0x00001] in :IL_0001 at DiggerPlugin.ItemDisplays.SetItemDisplays () [0x000e1] in :IL_00E1

[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RiskOfRuinaMod.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 7222ms. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemAcridEdit12G.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RisqueHuntress12G.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: RisqueHuntress12G.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SFW_Alt_Huntress.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeamFortress2_Engineer_Engineer_Skin.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: UESTrooperBanditSkin.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: UESTrooperBanditSkin.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemCommandoNoDependencies.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemPaladin.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] fem paladin has found Paladin renderer: SwordSparksEffect [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] fem paladin has found Paladin renderer: Lightning [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] fem paladin has found Paladin renderer: CastLightning [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] fem paladin has found Paladin renderer: Trail [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] fem paladin has found Paladin renderer: meshPaladin [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] meshPaladin has index 4, bodyInt set. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] fem paladin has found Paladin renderer: meshSword [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] meshSword has index 5, swordInt set. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.BodyCatalog] ADDED FEM PALADIN SUCCESSFULLY [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GildedSkins.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: GildedSkins.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FemMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: FemMod.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MargaretArtificer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: MargaretArtificer.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: DinoMulT.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SethrakNemmando.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: GolemLoader.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: GolemLoader.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SkinDef.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.BaseNailgunState.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.FireSpear.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.Toolbot.ToolbotDualWield.OnEnter [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.ReturnToBase (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.TravelToEnd (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.WaitAtTop (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.HUD.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.SetMaster [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.GenericNotification.SetItem [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.AllocateIcons [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemIcon.SetItemIndex [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Language] Setting current language to "en" [Debug :ClassicItems] Processing pickup models... [Debug :ClassicItems] Inserted 30 pickup model descriptions. [Info :RyanSkinAPI] Error applying skin to CommandoBody [Info :RyanSkinAPI] Error applying skin to CommandoBody [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Loadout+BodyLoadoutManager] Tried to add duplicate node /Loadout/Bodies/Bandit2Body/. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Warning: Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] ZetTweaks [GameplayModule] - SelfFocusHook Failed! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.NewtMonster.KickFromShop.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.OutsideInteractableLocker.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.OutsideInteractableLocker.OnDisable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.OutsideInteractableLocker.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.Artifacts.CommandArtifactManager.OnDropletHitGroundServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Artifacts.CommandArtifactManager.OnDropletHitGroundServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.SearchForTarget [Warning: Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] ZetTweaks [GameplayModule] - HuntressTargetFix Failed! [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.SearchForTarget [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HuntressTracker.FixedUpdate [Warning: Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] ZetTweaks - Modifying Drone SkillDrivers [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetTweaks.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath [Warning: Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] ZetAspects Catalog - Setup Complete [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found boss item start [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found boss item end [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found Boss Equipment : AETHERIUM_ELITE_EQUIPMENT_AFFIX_SANGUINE [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found Boss Equipment : AffixBlue [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found Boss Equipment : AffixHaunted [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found Boss Equipment : AffixPoison [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found Boss Equipment : AffixRed [Info :BossEquipmentFix] Found Boss Equipment : AffixWhite [Debug :ClassicItems] Processing logbook models... [Debug :ClassicItems] Modified 30 logbook models. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] Could not load RunReport "RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo": System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Exception e) [0x00027] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0027 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo (System.String res) [0x00017] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0017 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent () [0x0035d] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_035D at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read () [0x0008c] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_008C at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text) [0x00000] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0000 at RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo.LoadRunReport (RoR2.RunReport dest) [0x0000b] in :IL_000B at RoR2.MorgueManager.LoadHistoryRunReports (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] dest) [0x00034] in :IL_0034 [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: WolfoQualityOfLife.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildStaticData [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7a43479a-e46c-450a-8a6c-6487eff34934.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=131475 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=158666 [Info : Unity Log] Could not find variant index for elementSkillFamilyName=CommandoBodySecondaryFamily elementSkillName=CommandoBodyFireFMJ [Info : Unity Log] Could not find variant index for elementSkillFamilyName=CommandoBodySpecialFamily elementSkillName=CommandoBodyBarrage [Info : Unity Log] Could not find variant index for elementSkillFamilyName=CaptainPrimarySkillFamily elementSkillName=CaptainShotgun [Info : Unity Log] Could not find variant index for elementSkillFamilyName=Bandit2BodyPrimaryFamily elementSkillName=FireShotgun2 [Info : Unity Log] Could not find variant index for elementSkillFamilyName=Bandit2BodyUtilityFamily elementSkillName=ThrowSmokebomb [Info : Unity Log] Could not find variant index for elementSkillFamilyName=Bandit2BodySpecialFamily elementSkillName=ResetRevolver [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ACHIEVEMENT_MYSTICSITEMS_ESCAPEMOONALONE_NAME but not its unlockable MysticsItems_Items.AllyDeathRevenge. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ITEM_MYSTICSITEMS_ALLYDEATHREVENGE_NAME [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement Artificer: Gold Master but not its unlockable MAGE_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked MAGE_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement Huntress: Gold Master but not its unlockable Huntress_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked Huntress_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement MUL-T: Gold Master but not its unlockable TOOLBOT_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked TOOLBOT_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement REX: Gold Master but not its unlockable TREEBOT_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked TREEBOT_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement Bandit: Gold Master but not its unlockable BANDIT2_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked BANDIT2_BODY_GILDEDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_UNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_UNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_UNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_LUNARSHARDUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_LUNARSHARDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_LUNARSHARDUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: PaladinMod.dll for: RoR2.HealingFollowerController.AssignNewTarget [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_TORPORUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_TORPORUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_TORPORUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_POISONUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_POISONUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_POISONUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_CLAYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_CLAYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_CLAYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement PALADIN_TYPHOONUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable PALADIN_TYPHOONUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked PALADIN_TYPHOONUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_CHARACTERUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_CHARACTERUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_CHARACTERUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_DOOMUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_DOOMUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_DOOMUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_RIFLEUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_RIFLEUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_RIFLEUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_STUNGRENADEUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_STUNGRENADEUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_STUNGRENADEUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_ROBITUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_ROBITUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_ROBITUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement ENFORCER_NEMESIS2UNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable ENFORCER_NEMESIS2UNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked ENFORCER_NEMESIS2UNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMFORCER_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMFORCER_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMFORCER_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMFORCER_TYPHOONUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMFORCER_TYPHOONUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMFORCER_TYPHOONUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement COMMANDO_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable COMMANDO_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked COMMANDO_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement TOOLBOT_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable TOOLBOT_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked TOOLBOT_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement EXECUTIONER_UNLOCKUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable EXECUTIONER_UNLOCKUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked EXECUTIONER_UNLOCKUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Starstorm2.dll for: EntityStates.Interactables.StoneGate.Opening.OnEnter [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMMANDO_UNLOCKUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMMANDO_UNLOCKUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMMANDO_UNLOCKUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMMANDO_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMMANDO_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMMANDO_MASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMMANDO_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMMANDO_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMMANDO_GRANDMASTERYUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMMANDO_SINGLETAPUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMMANDO_SINGLETAPUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMMANDO_SINGLETAPUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Info : Unity Log] UserProfile ShadowVR2 has achievement NEMMANDO_EPICUNLOCKABLE_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME but not its unlockable NEMMANDO_EPICUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID. Granting. [Info : Unity Log] ShadowVR2 unlocked NEMMANDO_EPICUNLOCKABLE_REWARD_ID [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnSkillActivated [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.RespawnExtraLife [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Gunslinger.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnInventoryChanged [Info : Unity Log] Saved file "7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml" (195951 bytes) [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single [Warning: Unity Log] ZetAspects ItemObtainable : True [Warning: Unity Log] ZetAspects EquipObtainable : True [Warning: Unity Log] ZetAspects Catalog - Reset Entries [Info : Unity Log] Saved file "7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml" (195951 bytes) [Info : Unity Log] Shutting down Steamworks... [Info : Unity Log] Shut down Steamworks.

William758 commented 2 years ago

Is the only issue left that LostInTransit aspects aren't loading? Because LostInTransit isn't installed in this profile.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

I have it downloaded on my end. Strange, wonder if it has something to do with a bug I've experienced where mods will just flat out be ignored?

I have it downloaded and enabled on my end, but none of the features show up. Know of anything that could prevent it from activating?

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (2021-11-25 3:10:36 PM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.4.16.15133130 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher] [Info : BepInEx] 3 patcher plugins loaded [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : MonoMod] Collecting target assemblies from mods [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 6 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 3.0.71] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Content.LoadStaticContentAsync [Debug : R2API] ArtifactAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ArtifactCodeAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] BuffAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DeployableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemDropAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] MonsterItemsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ProjectileAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] RecalculateStatsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ResourcesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SurvivorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] TempVisualEffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DamageAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DotAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.ReadDamageInfo [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Read [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.GetDotDef [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.HasDotActive [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] DamageAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Save Modded Profile On Close 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Scrollable lobby UI 1.6.3] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.RebuildLocal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.RebuildLocal [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController+Row..ctor [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController+Row.FinishSetup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterSelectBarController.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewer.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleCategoryController.SetData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewerStrip.Update [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ScrollableLobbyUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.RuleBookViewerStrip.SetData [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AutoSkipIntroCutscene 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [StartingItemsGUI 1.2.4] [Error : BepInEx] Could not load [Lost in Transit 0.3.9] because it has missing dependencies: com.TeamMoonstorm.MoonstormSharedUtils [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete [Warning: Unity Log] Network message MsgType.Highest + 22 is unregistered. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64 [Info : Console] Searching for compatible XInput library... [Info : Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing Mod System... [Info : Unity Log] Mod System initialized. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully. [Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters: arg[0]="E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe" arg[1]="--doorstop-enable" arg[2]="true" arg[3]="--doorstop-target" arg[4]="C:\Users\Lucas Specht\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\RiskOfRain2\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll"

[Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg" [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2 [Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList : [Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;3.0.71 [Info : R2API] com.Phedg1Studios.StartingItemsGUI;1.2.4 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SaveModdedProfileOnClose.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SaveModdedProfileOnClose.dll for: RoR2.ContentManagement.ContentPack.Copy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AutoSkipIntroCutscene.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.PreGameController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScrollToSelection.ScrollToRect [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Bandit2 [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Captain [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Commando [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Croco [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Engi [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Heretic [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Huntress [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Loader [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Mage [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Merc [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Toolbot [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Treebot [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 1399ms. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.ReturnToBase (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.TravelToEnd (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.WaitAtTop (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Language] Setting current language to "en" [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] Could not load RunReport "RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo": System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Exception e) [0x00027] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0027 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo (System.String res) [0x00017] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0017 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent () [0x0035d] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_035D at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read () [0x0008c] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_008C at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text) [0x00000] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0000 at RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo.LoadRunReport (RoR2.RunReport dest) [0x0000b] in :IL_000B at RoR2.MorgueManager.LoadHistoryRunReports (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] dest) [0x00034] in :IL_0034 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7a43479a-e46c-450a-8a6c-6487eff34934.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=131475 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=159859 [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

Lost in Transit has a missing dependency apparently. Weird it doesn't mention this otherwise.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago


Just noticing that this file is somehow being overlooked. I have it loaded.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (2021-11-25 3:10:36 PM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.4.16.15133130 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [FixPluginTypesSerialization] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher] [Info : BepInEx] 4 patcher plugins loaded [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Message:FixPluginTypesSerialization] Using the config cache [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : MonoMod] Collecting target assemblies from mods [Info :FixPluginTypesSerialization] Running under Unity v2018.4.16 [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 7 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 3.0.71] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Content.LoadStaticContentAsync [Debug : R2API] ArtifactAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] BuffAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DeployableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemDropAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] MonsterItemsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ProjectileAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ResourcesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SurvivorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] TempVisualEffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ArtifactCodeAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DamageAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DotAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: RecalculateStatsAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PortalDialerButtonController.OnStartClient [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PortalDialerController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PortalDialerController.PerformActionServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.ReadDamageInfo [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Read [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.GetDotDef [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.HasDotActive [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] ArtifactCodeAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DamageAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] RecalculateStatsAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Save Modded Profile On Close 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AutoSkipIntroCutscene 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Aerolt 1.1.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [StartingItemsGUI 1.2.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Moonstorm Shared Utils 0.7.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lost in Transit 0.3.9] [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Adding mod LostInTransit to the configurable field manager [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Found a total of 9 with fields that have the ConfigurableField attribute :: Line: 67, Method AddMod [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Adding mod LostInTransit to the token modifier manager [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Found a total of 23 fields with the TokenModifier attribute within LostInTransit. :: Line: 76, Method AddMod [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Buffs... :: Line: 20, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Buffs found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 47, Method InitializeBuffs [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixBlighted (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixFrenzied (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixLeeching (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LostInTransit.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixVolatile (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff GoldenGun (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff LeechingRegen (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff Shackled (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff TeleSightCD (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Info : R2API] Custom Dot (Index: 7) that uses Buff : ThalliumPoison added [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff ThalliumPoison (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Damage Types. :: Line: 15, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Damage type LostInTransit.DamageTypes.Volatile added :: Line: 54, Method AddDamageType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Damage type LostInTransit.DamageTypes.Hypercrit added :: Line: 54, Method AddDamageType [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Projectiles... :: Line: 20, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Projectiles found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 39, Method InitializeProjectiles [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Pickups... :: Line: 20, Method Init [Debug :Lost in Transit] Initializing Items... :: Line: 23, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Items found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 86, Method InitializeItems [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item BeckoningCat (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item BitterRoot (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item GoldenGun (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item LifeSavings (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item MysteriousVial (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item PrisonShackles (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item SmartShopper (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item TelescopicSight (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item Thallium (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Lost in Transit] Initializing Equipments... :: Line: 28, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Equipments found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 117, Method InitializeEquipments [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment GiganticAmethyst (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 134, Method AddEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Elite Equipments found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 146, Method InitializeEliteEquipments [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Elites... :: Line: 23, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Elites found inside litassets (UnityEngine.AssetBundle)... :: Line: 39, Method GetNonInitializedEliteEquipments [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixBlighted (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Blighted (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixFrenzied (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Frenzied (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixLeeching (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Leeching (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixVolatile (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Volatile (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Info :Lost in Transit] Volatile elites are enabled, setting up Volatile Bomb... :: Line: 107, Method BeginSetup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab [Info :Lost in Transit] Blighted elites are enabled, setting up systems... :: Line: 20, Method BeginSetup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LostInTransit.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetBestBodyName [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete [Warning: Unity Log] Network message MsgType.Highest + 22 is unregistered. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64 [Info : Console] Searching for compatible XInput library... [Info : Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing Mod System... [Info : Unity Log] Mod System initialized. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully. [Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters: arg[0]="E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe" arg[1]="--doorstop-enable" arg[2]="true" arg[3]="--doorstop-target" arg[4]="C:\Users\Lucas Specht\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\RiskOfRain2\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll"

[Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg" [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2 [Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList : [Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;3.0.71 [Info : R2API] com.Lodington.Aerolt;1.1.0 [Info : R2API] com.Phedg1Studios.StartingItemsGUI;1.2.4 [Info : R2API] com.swuff.LostInTransit;0.3.9 [Info : R2API] com.TeamMoonstorm.MoonstormSharedUtils;0.7.0 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SaveModdedProfileOnClose.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SaveModdedProfileOnClose.dll for: RoR2.ContentManagement.ContentPack.Copy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AutoSkipIntroCutscene.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Warning: Unity Log] Loading Aerolt [Warning: Unity Log] Getting Config [Warning: Unity Log] Getting Assets [Warning: Unity Log] Starting Hooks [Warning: Unity Log] Hooks Complete [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.PreGameController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScrollToSelection.ScrollToRect [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Bandit2 [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Captain [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Commando [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Croco [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Engi [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Heretic [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Huntress [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Loader [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Mage [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Merc [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Toolbot [Message:Save Modded Profile On Close] Checking Treebot [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 1620ms. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Initializing ConfigurableFieldManager [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Setting up Interfaces [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] IOnIncomingDamageOtherServerReciever succesfully set up. :: Line: 31, Method HealthComponent_TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to damage types. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to Interactables [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Initializing TokenModifierManager [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.ReturnToBase (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.TravelToEnd (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.WaitAtTop (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Language :: Line: 21, Method Initialize [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Language] Setting current language to "en" [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Checking if there's need for modifying tokens in language en [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying a total of 9 tokens. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BECKONINGCAT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BITTERROOT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_GOLDENGUN_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_LIFESAVINGS_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_MYSTERIOUSVIAL_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_PRISONSHACKLES_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_SMARTSHOPPER_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_TELESCOPICSIGHT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_THALLIUM_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Checking if there's need for modifying tokens in language en [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying a total of 9 tokens. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BECKONINGCAT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BITTERROOT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_GOLDENGUN_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_LIFESAVINGS_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_MYSTERIOUSVIAL_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_PRISONSHACKLES_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_SMARTSHOPPER_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_TELESCOPICSIGHT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_THALLIUM_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to artifacts. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to buffs. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.SetBuffCount [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to survivors & monsters. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to Elites. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to ItemDisplays. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to Items and Equipments. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to projectiles. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to stages. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] Could not load RunReport "RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo": System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Exception e) [0x00027] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0027 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo (System.String res) [0x00017] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0017 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent () [0x0035d] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_035D at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read () [0x0008c] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_008C at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text) [0x00000] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0000 at RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo.LoadRunReport (RoR2.RunReport dest) [0x0000b] in :IL_000B at RoR2.MorgueManager.LoadHistoryRunReports (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] dest) [0x00034] in :IL_0034 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7a43479a-e46c-450a-8a6c-6487eff34934.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=131475 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=159925 [Info :Lost in Transit] Finished Blighted Elite Setup. :: Line: 82, Method BlightSetup [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring a total of 9 Types. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 7 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.BeckoningCat :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 1 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.BitterRoot :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 2 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.GoldenGun :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 1 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.LifeSavings :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 1 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.MysteriousVial :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 3 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.PrisonShackles :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 2 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.SmartShopper :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 7 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.TelescopicSight :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 5 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.Thallium :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Checking if there's need for modifying tokens in language en [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying a total of 9 tokens. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BECKONINGCAT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BITTERROOT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_GOLDENGUN_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_LIFESAVINGS_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_MYSTERIOUSVIAL_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_PRISONSHACKLES_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_SMARTSHOPPER_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_TELESCOPICSIGHT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_THALLIUM_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Adding Elites found in Moonstorm Elites. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added Elite Frenzied to Combat Director's Tier 1 & 2's Elites. :: Line: 95, Method AddElites [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added Elite Leeching to Combat Director's Tier 1 & 2's Elites. :: Line: 95, Method AddElites [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added Elite Volatile to Combat Director's Tier 1 & 2's Elites. :: Line: 95, Method AddElites [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finishing IDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinAncientWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinClayMan in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNebbyArchWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsChef in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMiner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemesisEnforcer in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSniperClassic in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsExecutioner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemmando in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSecurityDrone in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsPaladin in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finished appending values in SIDRAffixFrenzied (Moonstorm.MSSingleItemDisplayRule) :: Line: 160, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinAncientWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinClayMan in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsChef in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMiner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemesisEnforcer in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSniperClassic in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsExecutioner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemmando in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSecurityDrone in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsPaladin in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNebbyArchwisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finished appending values in SIDRAffixLeeching (Moonstorm.MSSingleItemDisplayRule) :: Line: 160, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinAncientWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinClayMan in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNebbyArchWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsChef in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMiner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemesisEnforcer in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSniperClassic in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsExecutioner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemmando in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSecurityDrone in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsPaladin in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finished appending values in SIDRAffixVolatile (Moonstorm.MSSingleItemDisplayRule) :: Line: 160, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Cleared up memory by clearing static enumerables. :: Line: 171, Method FinishIDRS [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Saved file "7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml" (161325 bytes) [Info : Unity Log] Shutting down Steamworks... [Info : Unity Log] Shut down Steamworks.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

The moment Lost In Transit's content becomes available, nearly every other mod becomes unable to load. I think the FixPluginTypesSerialization mod might be causing problems somehow. It was weird when I tried to load LIT and it somehow didn't also activate the fix mod, but the moment I allow it to the modlist experiences an inexplicable blackout. And THEN only does it remember to auto enable when enabling LIT.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (2021-11-25 3:10:36 PM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.4.16.15133130 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [FixPluginTypesSerialization] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher] [Info : BepInEx] 4 patcher plugins loaded [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Message:FixPluginTypesSerialization] Using the config cache [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : MonoMod] Collecting target assemblies from mods [Info :FixPluginTypesSerialization] Running under Unity v2018.4.16 [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 6 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 3.0.71] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__61_1 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Content.LoadStaticContentAsync [Debug : R2API] ArtifactAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] BuffAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DeployableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemDropAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] MonsterItemsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ProjectileAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ResourcesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SurvivorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] TempVisualEffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ArtifactCodeAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DamageAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: DotAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: RecalculateStatsAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PortalDialerButtonController.OnStartClient [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PortalDialerController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.PortalDialerController.PerformActionServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.NetworkExtensions.ReadDamageInfo [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BulletAttack.DefaultHitCallback [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.DamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.GenericDamageOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Orbs.LightningOrb.OnArrival [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.DeathProjectile.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileDotZone.ResetOverlap [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileExplosion.DetonateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileGrantOnKillOnDestroy.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileIntervalOverlapAttack.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileOverlapAttack.ResetOverlapAttack [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileProximityBeamController.UpdateServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Projectile.ProjectileSingleTargetImpact.OnProjectileImpact [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddPendingDamageEntry [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.HandleHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BlastAttack.PerformDamageServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Write [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BlastAttack+BlastAttackDamageInfo.Read [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.ProcessHits [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.OverlapAttack.PerformDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.OverlapAttack+OverlapAttackMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.SendDamageDealt [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Serialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DamageDealtMessage.Deserialize [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ContactDamage.FireOverlaps [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DelayBlast.Detonate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InitDotCatalog [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.Awake [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.OnDestroy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.GetDotDef [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.FixedUpdate [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.InflictDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.AddDot [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.HasDotActive [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DotController.EvaluateDotStacksForType [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] ArtifactCodeAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DamageAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] RecalculateStatsAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AutoSkipIntroCutscene 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Aerolt 1.1.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [StartingItemsGUI 1.2.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Moonstorm Shared Utils 0.7.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lost in Transit 0.3.9] [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Adding mod LostInTransit to the configurable field manager [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Found a total of 9 with fields that have the ConfigurableField attribute :: Line: 67, Method AddMod [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Adding mod LostInTransit to the token modifier manager [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Found a total of 23 fields with the TokenModifier attribute within LostInTransit. :: Line: 76, Method AddMod [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Buffs... :: Line: 20, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Buffs found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 47, Method InitializeBuffs [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixBlighted (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixFrenzied (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixLeeching (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LostInTransit.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitAll [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff AffixVolatile (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff GoldenGun (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff LeechingRegen (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff Shackled (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff TeleSightCD (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Info : R2API] Custom Dot (Index: 7) that uses Buff : ThalliumPoison added [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Buff ThalliumPoison (RoR2.BuffDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 64, Method AddBuff [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Damage Types. :: Line: 15, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Damage type LostInTransit.DamageTypes.Volatile added :: Line: 54, Method AddDamageType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Damage type LostInTransit.DamageTypes.Hypercrit added :: Line: 54, Method AddDamageType [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Projectiles... :: Line: 20, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Projectiles found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 39, Method InitializeProjectiles [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Pickups... :: Line: 20, Method Init [Debug :Lost in Transit] Initializing Items... :: Line: 23, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Items found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 86, Method InitializeItems [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item BeckoningCat (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item BitterRoot (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item GoldenGun (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item LifeSavings (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item MysteriousVial (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item PrisonShackles (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item SmartShopper (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item TelescopicSight (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Item Thallium (RoR2.ItemDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 103, Method AddItem [Debug :Lost in Transit] Initializing Equipments... :: Line: 28, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Equipments found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 117, Method InitializeEquipments [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment GiganticAmethyst (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 134, Method AddEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Elite Equipments found inside LostInTransit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null... :: Line: 146, Method InitializeEliteEquipments [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added EliteEquipmentBase to the Non Initialized Elite Equipments Dictionary. :: Line: 159, Method AddEliteEquipment [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Elites... :: Line: 23, Method Init [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Getting the Elites found inside litassets (UnityEngine.AssetBundle)... :: Line: 39, Method GetNonInitializedEliteEquipments [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixBlighted (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Blighted (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixFrenzied (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Frenzied (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixLeeching (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Leeching (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Equipment AffixVolatile (RoR2.EquipmentDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 69, Method AddElite [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Elite Volatile (Moonstorm.MSEliteDef) added to ContentPack :: Line: 77, Method AddElite [Info :Lost in Transit] Volatile elites are enabled, setting up Volatile Bomb... :: Line: 107, Method BeginSetup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab [Info :Lost in Transit] Blighted elites are enabled, setting up systems... :: Line: 20, Method BeginSetup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LostInTransit.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetBestBodyName [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete [Warning: Unity Log] Network message MsgType.Highest + 22 is unregistered. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64 [Info : Console] Searching for compatible XInput library... [Info : Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing Mod System... [Info : Unity Log] Mod System initialized. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully. [Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters: arg[0]="E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe" arg[1]="--doorstop-enable" arg[2]="true" arg[3]="--doorstop-target" arg[4]="C:\Users\Lucas Specht\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\RiskOfRain2\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll"

[Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam Library Alt\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg" [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2 [Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList : [Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;3.0.71 [Info : R2API] com.Lodington.Aerolt;1.1.0 [Info : R2API] com.Phedg1Studios.StartingItemsGUI;1.2.4 [Info : R2API] com.swuff.LostInTransit;0.3.9 [Info : R2API] com.TeamMoonstorm.MoonstormSharedUtils;0.7.0 [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: AutoSkipIntroCutscene.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter [Warning: Unity Log] Loading Aerolt [Warning: Unity Log] Getting Config [Warning: Unity Log] Getting Assets [Warning: Unity Log] Starting Hooks [Warning: Unity Log] Hooks Complete [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.PreGameController.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnDeathStart [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: StartingItemsGUI.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScrollToSelection.ScrollToRect [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 1449ms. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.ReturnToBase (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.TravelToEnd (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.WaitAtTop (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info :Lost in Transit] Initializing Language :: Line: 21, Method Initialize [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Language] Setting current language to "en" [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Initializing ConfigurableFieldManager [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Setting up Interfaces [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] IOnIncomingDamageOtherServerReciever succesfully set up. :: Line: 31, Method HealthComponent_TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to artifacts. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to buffs. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.SetBuffCount [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateOverlays [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to survivors & monsters. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to damage types. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to Elites. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to Interactables [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to ItemDisplays. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to Items and Equipments. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to projectiles. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Subscribing to delegates related to stages. [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Initializing TokenModifierManager [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: MoonstormSharedUtils.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController] Could not load RunReport "RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo": System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Exception e) [0x00027] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0027 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo (System.String res) [0x00017] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_0017 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent () [0x0035d] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_035D at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read () [0x0008c] in <602c2046604c4bad9d9c04b8f962d028>:IL_008C at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text, System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions options) [0x00016] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0016 at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (System.String text) [0x00000] in <09f45ef2016142eb861617d11ede73f1>:IL_0000 at RoR2.MorgueManager+HistoryFileInfo.LoadRunReport (RoR2.RunReport dest) [0x0000b] in :IL_000B at RoR2.MorgueManager.LoadHistoryRunReports (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] dest) [0x00034] in :IL_0034 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7a43479a-e46c-450a-8a6c-6487eff34934.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=131475 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=161325 [Info :Lost in Transit] Finished Blighted Elite Setup. :: Line: 82, Method BlightSetup [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring a total of 9 Types. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 7 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.BeckoningCat :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 1 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.BitterRoot :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 2 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.GoldenGun :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 1 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.LifeSavings :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 1 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.MysteriousVial :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 3 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.PrisonShackles :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 2 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.SmartShopper :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 7 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.TelescopicSight :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Configuring 5 fields inside LostInTransit.Items.Thallium :: Line: 111, Method ConfigureSelectedType [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Adding Elites found in Moonstorm Elites. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added Elite Frenzied to Combat Director's Tier 1 & 2's Elites. :: Line: 95, Method AddElites [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added Elite Leeching to Combat Director's Tier 1 & 2's Elites. :: Line: 95, Method AddElites [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Added Elite Volatile to Combat Director's Tier 1 & 2's Elites. :: Line: 95, Method AddElites [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finishing IDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinAncientWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinClayMan in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNebbyArchWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsChef in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMiner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemesisEnforcer in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSniperClassic in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsExecutioner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemmando in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSecurityDrone in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsPaladin in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finished appending values in SIDRAffixFrenzied (Moonstorm.MSSingleItemDisplayRule) :: Line: 160, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinAncientWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinClayMan in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsChef in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMiner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemesisEnforcer in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSniperClassic in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsExecutioner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemmando in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSecurityDrone in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsPaladin in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNebbyArchwisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finished appending values in SIDRAffixLeeching (Moonstorm.MSSingleItemDisplayRule) :: Line: 160, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinAncientWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMoffeinClayMan in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNebbyArchWisp in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsChef in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsMiner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemesisEnforcer in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSniperClassic in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsExecutioner in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsNemmando in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsSecurityDrone in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Could not find IDRS or name idrsPaladin in the dictionary, skipping. :: Line: 146, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Finished appending values in SIDRAffixVolatile (Moonstorm.MSSingleItemDisplayRule) :: Line: 160, Method FinishIDRS [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Cleared up memory by clearing static enumerables. :: Line: 171, Method FinishIDRS [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Checking if there's need for modifying tokens in language en [Info :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying a total of 9 tokens. [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BECKONINGCAT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_BITTERROOT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_GOLDENGUN_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_LIFESAVINGS_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_MYSTERIOUSVIAL_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_PRISONSHACKLES_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_SMARTSHOPPER_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_TELESCOPICSIGHT_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Debug :Moonstorm Shared Utils] Modifying LIT_ITEM_THALLIUM_DESC :: Line: 130, Method ModifyTokensInLanguage [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Saved file "7e38dea5-685e-4bf2-bfad-ae8ff8913ec4.xml" (161325 bytes) [Info : Unity Log] Shutting down Steamworks... [Info : Unity Log] Shut down Steamworks.

ShadowVR2 commented 2 years ago

Slowly turned on mods (and in turn activating dependencies) one by one. Now that Lost In Transits content is loaded it shows that all aspects are remaining equipment and not converting to yellows (the current config for ZetAspects).

William758 commented 2 years ago

ZetAspects isn't enabled in the latest log.