William758 / ZetAspects

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Aspect Equipment logbook entry discrepancies #37

Closed eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L closed 2 years ago

eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L commented 2 years ago

Noticed 3 rather minor issues:

Spectral Circlet Spectral Circlet displays a duration of 3 seconds for the Shred debuff, instead of 4.

N'kuhana's Retort N'kuhana's Retort shows a duration of 8 seconds for the Ruin debuff, instead of 4. Also, it shows the ability to inflict Weaken on top of Ruin, and I'm not sure if that's intended.

Lastly, selecting Silence Between Two Strikes doesn't produce any menu sound, but all other aspects work fine. Odd issue.

Here are my current configs for the aspects, which I set as Equipments.

2ad-AspectHaunted hauntedSlowEffect = false hauntedShredDuration = 4 hauntedShredArmor = 20 hauntedAllyArmor = 0 hauntedBaseArmor = 0 hauntedAddedArmor = 0

2ae-AspectPoison poisonPlayerSpikes = true poisonNullDuration = 4 poisonNullDamageTaken = 0.15 poisonBaseHealth = 0 poisonAddedHealth = 0

2ab-AspectBlue blueSappedDuration = 4 blueSappedDamage = 0.1 blueHealthConverted = 0 blueBaseShieldGained = 0 blueAddedShieldGained = 0 blueBombDuration = 1 blueBaseTotalDamage = 0.2 blueAddedTotalDamage = 0.1 blueMonsterDamageMult = 1

William758 commented 2 years ago

The descriptions are taking into account the fact that EliteReworks is enabled. Spectral Circlets armor debuff is disabled and is showing the effect of EliteReworks armor debuff. Malachite elites apply Ruin and Weaken for 8 seconds with EliteReworks enabled. I've noticed that viewing Silence Between Two Strikes in the logbook throws an error in the console, but the model is from the base game so it's most likely a vanilla issue.

eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L commented 2 years ago

My bad, this is what I get for running so many tweak mods, becomes hard to keep track. Closing this.