William758 / ZetAspects

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Ice aspect either needs a rework or much better optimization( or just some bugs fixed i'm not sure) #53

Open mildavv opened 1 year ago

mildavv commented 1 year ago

The blade ability the mod gives to the ice aspects is really cool, but only her biting embrace and plasma shrimp break the game: blades fire off at any chill-afflicted foe, and on hit (regardless of proc coefficient, it seems) and void missles fire off, as well, with any damage dealt regardless of proc coefficient. So we get this infinitely stacking, game breaking number of blades and missles with every hit. My suggestion is to remove the dot-but still attacking part and leave the on hit blades at 100% proc coefficient(so they aren t procced by missles)

William758 commented 1 year ago

I'm not having this infinite chaining on my end so if you could post a log when this happens I can try to figure out what is breaking. All aspect effects already check for a proc coefficient over 0.125 so I'm guessing that another mod is breaking OnEnemyHit or is setting the proc coefficient of Razor Wire above 0.125. I'm just going to add the Razor Wire proc type to the blades to prevent them from proccing themselves but this wont do anything about another mod breaking OnEnemyHit.

mildavv commented 1 year ago

Here log.txt I also just checked the razorwire coefficient and it says it's 0.2 by default, I'll lower it and see if it works.

William758 commented 1 year ago

I don't see anything unusual in the log. The latest version should prevent them from procing themselves. If the issue is still occurring, then another mod may be throwing errors. You can send me another log if the error is still happening so I can see what mod is causing problems.