William758 / ZetAspects

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Bug report: Constantly refreshing buff visible on status bar #6

Open sanity-dance opened 3 years ago

sanity-dance commented 3 years ago

Whenever you obtain an aspect, a constantly visible refreshing buff related to the aspect is visible on the status bar. Other things that appear on the status bar are either temporary effects or an indicator that something is ready, followed by a countdown until that thing is ready again. This mod should follow the same principle.


William758 commented 3 years ago

The items apply a timed version of the aspect buffs so that when you lose the item you also lose the buff effect. I can probably figure out a way to make them not timed but this was the simpler solution.

Nordblum commented 3 years ago

That's not an issue at all. Even in vanilla some things are implemented that way, such as Warbanner and Mercurial Rachis.

sanity-dance commented 3 years ago

Only when you're standing in their zone of effect. It doesn't show up constantly while you're just holding the item.

Nordblum commented 3 years ago

Didn't think about it this way. I actually find this useful when killing elites with Wake of Vultures, helps to keep track of what aspects I currently have. Regarding the buff, I think it's out of necessity. Or maybe there's another way to give the player an effect without the buff timer, the mod's dev could just not be aware of it.

sanity-dance commented 3 years ago

It's just odd to me that there needs to be a buff visible on the status bar when that isn't necessary for the vanilla aspects or any other vanilla items.

William758 commented 3 years ago

Actually without the mod, wake of vultures and the equipment for the aspects do put the buff icon on the status bar. The wake of vultures on is timed and losing the equipment removes that aspect buff.