Finals Quiz 1
I would have liked to do a bit better on this because I got about a 75% which is not the best. I mainly ran out of time at the end because I was spending too long on hard problems.
Finals Quiz 2
I did a lot better on this quiz then the first one. I ended up with a 80% and I was pacing myself to get through all the easy problems then go back to the harder ones with the time I had remaining.
Finals Quiz 3
Worst score I've gotten. The questions took extra long because some were just confusing even though I went back to them at the end.
Reflection: Finals Quiz 1 I would have liked to do a bit better on this because I got about a 75% which is not the best. I mainly ran out of time at the end because I was spending too long on hard problems.
Finals Quiz 2 I did a lot better on this quiz then the first one. I ended up with a 80% and I was pacing myself to get through all the easy problems then go back to the harder ones with the time I had remaining.
Finals Quiz 3 Worst score I've gotten. The questions took extra long because some were just confusing even though I went back to them at the end.
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