WilliamHsieh / dotfiles

Personal dotfiles setup with nix and home-manager.
8 stars 0 forks source link

feat(lazy): new plugin manager #1

Closed WilliamHsieh closed 1 year ago

WilliamHsieh commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 13 39 41 Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 13 46 03
WilliamHsieh commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/dstein64/vim-startuptime/ StartupTime Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 20 58 14

       startup: 49.9
event                  time percent plot
--- NVIM STARTING --   0.00    0.01
event init             0.05    0.09
early init             0.08    0.17 ▏
locale set             0.32    0.64 ▍
init first window      0.02    0.04
inits 1                0.21    0.42 ▎
window checked         0.01    0.01
parsing arguments      0.00    0.01
init lua interpreter   0.18    0.37 ▎
vim._init_packages     0.12    0.25 ▏
vim.shared             0.04    0.09
vim._editor            0.06    0.12 ▏
vim._meta              0.02    0.04
expanding arguments    1.29    2.58 █▌
inits 2                0.03    0.06
init highlight         0.16    0.33 ▎
waiting for UI         0.00    0.00
done waiting for UI    1.30    2.60 █▌
init screen for UI     0.01    0.02
init default mapping   0.09    0.18 ▏
init default autocom   0.01    0.01
ftplugin.vim           0.04    0.08
indent.vim             0.02    0.03
init.lua              22.14   44.34 ██████████████████████████
core.setting           0.28    0.57 ▍
core.plugins          21.67   43.40 █████████████████████████▌
lazy                   0.79    1.59 ▉
ffi                    0.01    0.03
lazy.core.cache        0.31    0.63 ▍
lazy.stats             0.12    0.23 ▏
lazy.core.util         0.06    0.11 ▏
lazy.core.config       0.06    0.12 ▏
lazy.core.loader       0.14    0.27 ▏
lazy.core.handler      0.04    0.08
lazy.core.plugin       0.05    0.10
plugins.alpha          0.04    0.08
plugins.autopairs      0.03    0.06
plugins.bufferline     0.03    0.06
plugins.catppuccin     0.03    0.06
plugins.cmp            0.03    0.07
plugins.colorizer      0.03    0.06
plugins.comment        0.03    0.06
plugins.feline         0.04    0.08
plugins.gitsigns       0.04    0.07
plugins.hop            0.04    0.07
plugins.illuminate     0.03    0.06
plugins.indentline     0.04    0.08
plugins                0.08    0.16 ▏
plugins.lsp            0.04    0.07
plugins.lspsaga        0.03    0.06
plugins.neogit         0.03    0.05
plugins.noice          0.03    0.05
plugins.notify         0.03    0.05
plugins.nvimtree       0.03    0.05
plugins.telescope      0.03    0.06
plugins.toggleterm     0.03    0.05
plugins.tpipeline      0.02    0.05
plugins.treesitter     0.03    0.06
plugins.undotree       0.03    0.05
plugins.vimtex         0.02    0.05
plugins.whichkey       0.03    0.05
lazy.core.handler.ev   0.04    0.07
lazy.core.handler.cm   0.03    0.06
lazy.core.handler.ft   0.04    0.08
lazy.core.handler.ke   0.03    0.05
vim.keymap             0.00    0.01
filetype.lua           0.07    0.14 ▏
vim.ui                 0.03    0.06
catppuccin             0.20    0.39 ▎
catppuccin.lib.hashi   0.03    0.07
catppuccin.vim         0.40    0.80 ▌
core.icons             0.20    0.40 ▎
alpha.themes.dashboa   0.05    0.11
vim.F                  0.00    0.01
alpha                  0.05    0.10
noice                  0.20    0.41 ▎
noice.util.lazy        0.03    0.06
noice.health           0.20    0.40 ▎
noice.config           0.04    0.08
noice.util             0.08    0.16 ▏
noice.util.call        0.04    0.08
tpipeline.vim          6.15   12.31 ███████▎
tpipeline.vim          0.09    0.17 ▏
util.vim               0.01    0.03
catppuccin.palettes    0.04    0.07
catppuccin.palettes.   0.04    0.07
vimtex.vim             0.02    0.05
feline.providers.vi_   0.27    0.54 ▍
cls.vim                0.01    0.02
tex.vim                0.01    0.02
tikz.vim               0.01    0.02
feline                 0.10    0.21 ▏
bufferline             0.35    0.70 ▍
feline.utils           0.03    0.05
feline.defaults        0.03    0.07
feline.providers       0.03    0.06
feline.themes          0.06    0.11 ▏
feline.themes.defaul   0.03    0.05
feline.generator       0.04    0.07
bufferline.lazy        0.03    0.07
bufferline.constants   0.03    0.06
bufferline.commands    0.04    0.08
catppuccin.groups.in   0.03    0.07
bufferline.utils       0.04    0.09
bufferline.config      0.05    0.09
nvim-surround          0.40    0.81 ▌
nvim-web-devicons.vi   0.02    0.04
bufferline.groups      0.08    0.15 ▏
bufferline.colors      0.03    0.06
nvim-surround.buffer   0.11    0.22 ▏
nvim-surround.config   0.07    0.13 ▏
nvim-surround.cache    0.03    0.06
nvim-surround.utils    0.03    0.06
bufferline.highlight   0.04    0.08
cinnamon               0.24    0.48 ▎
cinnamon.config        0.03    0.06
bufferline.hover       0.04    0.08
cinnamon.utils         0.03    0.06
bufferline.ui          0.05    0.10
plenary.vim            0.02    0.04
sourcing vimrc file(   1.15    2.30 █▍
gzip.vim               0.08    0.16 ▏
health.vim             0.01    0.01
man.lua                0.02    0.04
rplugin.vim            0.12    0.23 ▏
rplugin.vim            0.01    0.01
shada.vim              0.03    0.07
spellfile.vim          0.01    0.03
tarPlugin.vim          0.05    0.10
tohtml.vim             0.04    0.09
tutor.vim              0.01    0.02
zipPlugin.vim          0.07    0.13 ▏
core.autocmd           0.17    0.33 ▎
filetype.lua           0.01    0.02
filetype.vim           0.01    0.02
inits 3                0.21    0.43 ▎
syntax.vim             0.16    0.33 ▎
synload.vim            0.04    0.08
reading ShaDa          2.40    4.81 ██▉
opening buffers        0.04    0.09
bufferline.state       0.05    0.09
BufEnter autocommand   0.04    0.07
editing files in win   0.00    0.00
executing command ar   0.02    0.03
noice.config.views     0.07    0.13 ▏
noice.config.status    0.08    0.16 ▏
noice.ui.msg           0.04    0.08
noice.config.format    0.04    0.07
noice.config.icons     0.03    0.06
noice.config.preset    0.04    0.07
noice.config.cmdline   0.04    0.07
noice.config.highlig   0.04    0.08
noice.config.routes    0.03    0.06
noice.lsp              0.03    0.07
noice.lsp.message      0.03    0.05
vim.lsp                0.94    1.89 █▏
vim.lsp.handlers       0.58    1.17 ▋
vim.lsp.log            0.06    0.13 ▏
vim.lsp.protocol       0.20    0.39 ▎
VimEnter autocommand  15.33   30.71 ██████████████████
vim.lsp.util           0.27    0.54 ▍
vim.lsp._snippet       0.05    0.11
vim.highlight          0.03    0.07
vim.lsp.rpc            0.05    0.11 ▏
vim.lsp.sync           0.03    0.05
vim.lsp.buf            0.06    0.12 ▏
vim.lsp.diagnostic     0.04    0.08
vim.lsp.codelens       0.04    0.08
noice.lsp.progress     0.03    0.07
noice.lsp.override     0.03    0.05
noice.util.hacks       0.03    0.07
noice.commands         0.03    0.05
noice.message.router   0.03    0.06
noice.view             0.08    0.15 ▏
nui.object             0.03    0.06
noice.view.backend.n   0.06    0.11 ▏
notify                 0.46    0.91 ▌
notify.config          0.17    0.35 ▎
notify.util            0.10    0.19 ▏
notify.util.queue      0.04    0.08
notify.config.highli   0.05    0.09
notify.stages          0.02    0.05
notify.service.notif   0.04    0.08
notify.windows         0.08    0.15 ▏
notify.animate         0.04    0.09
notify.animate.sprin   0.02    0.04
notify.service         0.08    0.16 ▏
notify.service.buffe   0.05    0.11
notify.service.buffe   0.03    0.05
notify.stages.util     0.03    0.05
noice.view.backend.s   0.03    0.05
noice.view.nui         0.06    0.13 ▏
noice.util.nui         0.06    0.12 ▏
nui.utils              0.03    0.06
nui.split.utils        0.05    0.11
nui.layout.utils       0.03    0.05
noice.view.backend.p   0.02    0.05
noice.view.backend.m   0.07    0.15 ▏
noice.source.notify    0.04    0.08
noice.ui               0.05    0.09
noice.ui.cmdline       0.23    0.46 ▎
noice.ui.popupmenu     0.04    0.07
noice.message          0.18    0.36 ▎
noice.text.block       0.05    0.11
noice.message.filter   0.04    0.08
tpipeline.main         0.09    0.18 ▏
UIEnter autocommands   0.04    0.08
before starting main   0.14    0.29 ▏
clipboard.vim          0.11    0.22 ▏
noice.message.manage   0.61    1.21 ▊
first screen update    0.56    1.13 ▋
noice.ui.state         0.06    0.12 ▏
noice.util.stats       0.06    0.12 ▏
--- NVIM STARTED ---   0.00    0.00