WilliamHsieh / dotfiles

Personal dotfiles setup with nix and home-manager.
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Update flake.lock #31

Closed WilliamHsieh closed 5 months ago

WilliamHsieh commented 6 months ago

Automated changes by the update-flake-lock GitHub Action.

Flake lock file updates:

• Updated input 'catppuccin':
    'github:catppuccin/nix/96681f62faa285ad0c8dce2cdae6b0a1d0a8f094?narHash=sha256-BTRLOEcZnj2jLttdOq3AfKSvsFZNVKkrTpdpINDGW4k%3D' (2024-05-28)
  → 'github:catppuccin/nix/2c7661c9fa26a920b8088300ef87d14179c71a27?narHash=sha256-ZTEMINFqQL%2Bm55kmoDYIKf3i2NGitSkjBnnLu99ezh0%3D' (2024-05-30)
• Updated input 'darwin':
    'github:lnl7/nix-darwin/0bea8222f6e83247dd13b055d83e64bce02ee532?narHash=sha256-5Fe/DGgvMhPEMl9VdVxv3zvwRcwNDmW5eRJ0gk72w7U%3D' (2024-05-24)
  → 'github:lnl7/nix-darwin/c0d5b8c54d6828516c97f6be9f2d00c63a363df4?narHash=sha256-vo5k2wQekfeoq/2aleQkBN41dQiQHNTniZeVONWiWLs%3D' (2024-05-29)
• Updated input 'flake-parts':
    'github:hercules-ci/flake-parts/8dc45382d5206bd292f9c2768b8058a8fd8311d9?narHash=sha256-/GJvTdTpuDjNn84j82cU6bXztE0MSkdnTWClUCRub78%3D' (2024-05-16)
  → 'github:hercules-ci/flake-parts/2a55567fcf15b1b1c7ed712a2c6fadaec7412ea8?narHash=sha256-iKzJcpdXih14qYVcZ9QC9XuZYnPc6T8YImb6dX166kw%3D' (2024-06-01)
• Updated input 'flake-parts/nixpkgs-lib':
    'https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/50eb7ecf4cd0a5756d7275c8ba36790e5bd53e33.tar.gz?narHash=sha256-QBx10%2Bk6JWz6u7VsohfSw8g8hjdBZEf8CFzXH1/1Z94%3D' (2024-05-02)
  → 'https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/eb9ceca17df2ea50a250b6b27f7bf6ab0186f198.tar.gz?narHash=sha256-lIbdfCsf8LMFloheeE6N31%2BBMIeixqyQWbSr2vk79EQ%3D' (2024-06-01)
• Updated input 'nix-index-database':
    'github:Mic92/nix-index-database/ff80cb4a11bb87f3ce8459be6f16a25ac86eb2ac?narHash=sha256-Idcye44UW%2BEgjbjCoklf2IDF%2BXrehV6CVYvxR1omst4%3D' (2024-05-27)
  → 'github:Mic92/nix-index-database/972a52bee3991ae1f1899e6452e0d7c01ee566d9?narHash=sha256-43UmlS1Ifx17y93/Vc258U7bOlAAIZbu8dsGDHOIIr0%3D' (2024-06-02)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
    'github:nixos/nixpkgs/fafeae3d248c41c6c8a2ab5e09f9e2d3de706ef8?narHash=sha256-I5dlFm936SkuUu9haYabEBCUPeX6EuXLT1uFkEM/lbY%3D' (2024-05-29)
  → 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/805a384895c696f802a9bf5bf4720f37385df547?narHash=sha256-F/TKWETwB5RaR8owkPPi%2BSPJh83AQsm6KrQAlJ8v/uA%3D' (2024-05-31)
• Updated input 'nixpkgs-unstable':
    'github:nixos/nixpkgs/9ca3f649614213b2aaf5f1e16ec06952fe4c2632?narHash=sha256-7EXDb5WBw%2Bd004Agt%2BJHC/Oyh/KTUglOaQ4MNjBbo5w%3D' (2024-05-27)
  → 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/ad57eef4ef0659193044870c731987a6df5cf56b?narHash=sha256-SzDKxseEcHR5KzPXLwsemyTR/kaM9whxeiJohbL04rs%3D' (2024-05-29)
• Updated input 'nur':
    'github:nix-community/nur/24894eddf0aab2f3ad0b486f42a57074ae35382a?narHash=sha256-TQvj1LnaDMawNVrwF6ov6d3JRLegvfUZMywEi5XcPc0%3D' (2024-05-29)
  → 'github:nix-community/nur/253675c8c3d9294dd2e9857fe1fd8ef6e18c1c61?narHash=sha256-1VIaFQlrXNwoJDHY%2BFlhH2rq0gHLzfCJQBTWoTKgWos%3D' (2024-06-02)

Running GitHub Actions on this PR

GitHub Actions will not run workflows on pull requests which are opened by a GitHub Action.

To run GitHub Actions workflows on this PR, run:

git branch -D update_flake_lock_action
git fetch origin
git checkout update_flake_lock_action
git commit --amend --no-edit
git push origin update_flake_lock_action --force
github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  at-spi2-core          2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #02  boehm-gc              8.2.2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2, 8.2.6
[C*]  #03  coreutils             9.3, 9.4 -> 9.3, 9.5
[U.]  #04  crystal               1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C.]  #05  curl                  8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[C.]  #06  expat                 2.5.0, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0, 2.6.2
[C.]  #07  fzf                   0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.0, 0.52.0-man
[U.]  #08  getent-glibc          2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #09  gh-copilot            0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #10  giflib                5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[U.]  #11  glibc                 2.38-44 x2, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent -> 2.38-66, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent, 2.39-31
[U.]  #12  glibc-locales         2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #13  go                    1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[C.]  #14  iana-etc              20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #15  libseccomp            2.5.4-lib -> 2.5.5-lib
[C.]  #16  libxml2               2.11.7, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7, 2.12.6
[C.]  #17  nghttp2               1.57.0-lib, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib, 1.61.0-lib
[C.]  #18  perl                   x2, 5.38.2 x2 -> , 5.38.2 x2
[C.]  #19  python3               3.11.8 x3 -> 3.11.8 x2, 3.11.9
[C.]  #20  sqlite                3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #21  systemd               254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #22  systemd-minimal       254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #23  systemd-minimal-libs  254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #24  unbound               1.19.1-lib -> 1.19.2-lib
[C.]  #25  xz                    5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.4.6
[C.]  #26  zstd                  1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin -> 1.5.5, 1.5.5-bin, 1.5.6
Closure size: 760 -> 759 (753 paths added, 754 paths removed, delta -1, disk usage +6.2MiB). 
github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  at-spi2-core          2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #02  boehm-gc              8.2.2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2, 8.2.6
[C*]  #03  coreutils             9.3, 9.4 -> 9.3, 9.5
[U.]  #04  crystal               1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C.]  #05  curl                  8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[C.]  #06  expat                 2.5.0, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0, 2.6.2
[C.]  #07  fzf                   0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.1, 0.52.1-man
[U.]  #08  getent-glibc          2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #09  gh-copilot            0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #10  giflib                5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[U.]  #11  glibc                 2.38-44 x2, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent -> 2.38-66, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent, 2.39-31
[U.]  #12  glibc-locales         2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #13  go                    1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[C.]  #14  iana-etc              20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #15  libseccomp            2.5.4-lib -> 2.5.5-lib
[C.]  #16  libxml2               2.11.7, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7, 2.12.6
[C.]  #17  nghttp2               1.57.0-lib, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib, 1.61.0-lib
[C.]  #18  perl                   x2, 5.38.2 x2 -> , 5.38.2 x2
[C.]  #19  python3               3.11.8 x3 -> 3.11.8 x2, 3.11.9
[C.]  #20  sqlite                3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #21  systemd               254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #22  systemd-minimal       254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #23  systemd-minimal-libs  254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #24  unbound               1.19.1-lib -> 1.19.2-lib
[C.]  #25  xz                    5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.4.6
[U.]  #26  zsh-abbr              5.4.1 -> 5.6.0
[U.]  #27  zsh-fzf-tab           1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
[C.]  #28  zstd                  1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin -> 1.5.5, 1.5.5-bin, 1.5.6
Closure size: 760 -> 759 (753 paths added, 754 paths removed, delta -1, disk usage +7.6MiB). 
WilliamHsieh commented 6 months ago


WilliamHsieh commented 6 months ago


github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  at-spi2-core          2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #02  boehm-gc              8.2.2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2, 8.2.6
[C*]  #03  coreutils             9.3, 9.4 -> 9.3, 9.5
[U.]  #04  crystal               1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C.]  #05  curl                  8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[C.]  #06  expat                 2.5.0, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0, 2.6.2
[C.]  #07  fzf                   0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.1, 0.52.1-man
[U.]  #08  getent-glibc          2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #09  gh-copilot            0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #10  giflib                5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[C.]  #11  git                   2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.0, 2.44.0-doc -> 2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.1, 2.44.1-doc
[U.]  #12  glibc                 2.38-44 x2, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent -> 2.38-66, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent, 2.39-52
[U.]  #13  glibc-locales         2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #14  go                    1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[C.]  #15  iana-etc              20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #16  libseccomp            2.5.4-lib -> 2.5.5-lib
[C.]  #17  libxml2               2.11.7, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7, 2.12.7
[C.]  #18  nghttp2               1.57.0-lib, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib, 1.61.0-lib
[C.]  #19  perl                   x2, 5.38.2 x2 -> , 5.38.2 x2
[C.]  #20  python3               3.11.8 x3 -> 3.11.8 x2, 3.11.9
[C.]  #21  sqlite                3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #22  systemd               254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #23  systemd-minimal       254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #24  systemd-minimal-libs  254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #25  unbound               1.19.1-lib -> 1.19.2-lib
[C.]  #26  xz                    5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.4.6
[U.]  #27  zsh-abbr              5.4.1 -> 5.6.0
[U.]  #28  zsh-fzf-tab           1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
[C.]  #29  zstd                  1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin -> 1.5.5, 1.5.5-bin, 1.5.6
Closure size: 763 -> 762 (756 paths added, 757 paths removed, delta -1, disk usage +8.3MiB). 
github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  at-spi2-core          2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #02  boehm-gc              8.2.2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2, 8.2.6
[C*]  #03  coreutils             9.3, 9.4 -> 9.3, 9.5
[U.]  #04  crystal               1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C.]  #05  curl                  8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[C.]  #06  expat                 2.5.0, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0, 2.6.2
[C.]  #07  fzf                   0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.1, 0.52.1-man
[U.]  #08  getent-glibc          2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #09  gh-copilot            0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #10  giflib                5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[C.]  #11  git                   2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.0, 2.44.0-doc -> 2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.1, 2.44.1-doc
[U.]  #12  glibc                 2.38-44 x2, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent -> 2.38-66, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent, 2.39-52
[U.]  #13  glibc-locales         2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #14  go                    1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[C.]  #15  iana-etc              20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #16  libseccomp            2.5.4-lib -> 2.5.5-lib
[C.]  #17  libxml2               2.11.7, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7, 2.12.7
[C.]  #18  nghttp2               1.57.0-lib, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib, 1.61.0-lib
[C.]  #19  perl                   x2, 5.38.2 x2 -> , 5.38.2 x2
[C.]  #20  python3               3.11.8 x3 -> 3.11.8 x2, 3.11.9
[C.]  #21  sqlite                3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #22  systemd               254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #23  systemd-minimal       254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #24  systemd-minimal-libs  254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #25  unbound               1.19.1-lib -> 1.19.2-lib
[C.]  #26  xz                    5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.4.6
[U.]  #27  zsh-abbr              5.4.1 -> 5.6.0
[U.]  #28  zsh-fzf-tab           1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
[C.]  #29  zstd                  1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin -> 1.5.5, 1.5.5-bin, 1.5.6
Closure size: 763 -> 762 (756 paths added, 757 paths removed, delta -1, disk usage +8.3MiB). 
github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Report for synopc

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  apache-httpd           2.4.58 -> 2.4.59
[U*]  #02  at-spi2-core           2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #03  boehm-gc               8.2.2 x2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2 x2, 8.2.6
[C.]  #04  coreutils              9.3 x2, 9.4 -> 9.3 x2, 9.5
[U.]  #05  crystal                1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C*]  #06  curl                   8.4.0 x4, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0 x4, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[U.]  #07  dotconf                1.3 -> 1.4.1
[C.]  #08  expat                  2.5.0 x2, 2.5.0-dev, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0 x2, 2.5.0-dev, 2.6.2
[U*]  #09  firefox                124.0 -> 126.0
[U.]  #10  firefox-unwrapped      124.0 -> 126.0
[U.]  #11  freerdp                2.11.5 -> 2.11.7
[C.]  #12  fzf                    0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.1, 0.52.1-man
[U*]  #13  getent-glibc           2.38-44 x2 -> 2.38-66 x2
[U.]  #14  gh-copilot             0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #15  giflib                 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[C.]  #16  git                    2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.0, 2.44.0-doc -> 2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.1, 2.44.1-doc
[U*]  #17  glibc                  2.38-44 x3, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent x2 -> 2.38-66 x2, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent x2, 2.39-52
[U*]  #18  glibc-locales          2.38-44 x2 -> 2.38-66 x2
[U.]  #19  go                     1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[U*]  #20  google-chrome          122.0.6261.128 -> 125.0.6422.60
[C.]  #21  iana-etc               20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #22  imagemagick            7.1.1-29 -> 7.1.1-30
[U.]  #23  initrd-linux           6.1.82 -> 6.1.91
[U.]  #24  libopenmpt             0.7.3 -> 0.7.6
[U*]  #25  libressl               3.8.2, 3.8.2-man, 3.8.2-nc -> 3.8.4, 3.8.4-man, 3.8.4-nc
[U.]  #26  libseccomp             2.5.4-lib x2 -> 2.5.5-lib x2
[C.]  #27  libxml2                2.11.7 x2, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7 x2, 2.12.7
[U.]  #28  linux                  6.1.82, 6.1.82-modules-shrunk -> 6.1.91, 6.1.91-modules-shrunk
[U.]  #29  linux-firmware         20240312-xz -> 20240513-xz
[U*]  #30  networkmanager         1.44.2, 1.44.2-doc, 1.44.2-man -> 1.44.4, 1.44.4-doc, 1.44.4-man
[C.]  #31  nghttp2                1.57.0-lib x2, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib x2, 1.61.0-lib
[U.]  #32  nixos-system-synopc    23.11.20240320.f091af0 -> 23.11.20240522.4639777
[C.]  #33  nss                    3.90.2, 3.99 -> 3.100, 3.90.2
[C*]  #34  perl                    x2, 5.38.2 x2, 5.38.2-env x4, 5.38.2-man -> , 5.38.2 x2, 5.38.2-env x4, 5.38.2-man
[C.]  #35  python3                3.11.8 x4, 3.11.8-env x2 -> 3.11.8 x3, 3.11.8-env x2, 3.11.9
[U.]  #36  spidermonkey           115.2.0 -> 115.9.1
[C.]  #37  sqlite                 3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #38  strace                 6.7 -> 6.9
[C*]  #39  systemd                , 254.6 x2, 254.6-man -> , 254.10 x2, 254.10-man
[U.]  #40  systemd-minimal        254.6 x2 -> 254.10 x2
[U.]  #41  systemd-minimal-libs   254.6 x2 -> 254.10 x2
[U.]  #42  thunderbird            115.8.1 -> 115.10.1
[U.]  #43  thunderbird-unwrapped  115.8.1 -> 115.10.1
[U.]  #44  unbound                1.19.1-lib x2 -> 1.19.2-lib x2
[U.]  #45  webkitgtk              2.42.5+abi=4.1, 2.42.5+abi=6.0 -> 2.44.1+abi=4.1, 2.44.1+abi=6.0
[U.]  #46  xdg-desktop-portal     1.18.1 -> 1.18.4
[U*]  #47  xorg-server            21.1.11 -> 21.1.13
[U*]  #48  xwayland               23.2.4 -> 23.2.6
[C*]  #49  xz                     5.4.4 x2, 5.4.4-bin x2, 5.4.4-doc, 5.4.4-man, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4 x2, 5.4.4-bin x2, 5.4.4-doc, 5.4.4-man, 5.4.6
[U.]  #50  zsh-abbr               5.4.1 -> 5.6.0
[U.]  #51  zsh-fzf-tab            1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
[C*]  #52  zstd                   1.5.5 x3, 1.5.5-bin x2, 1.5.5-man -> 1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin x2, 1.5.5-man, 1.5.6
Added packages:
[A.]  #1  libbacktrace-unstable  2022-12-16
Removed packages:
[R.]  #1  initrd-kmod-blacklist-ubuntu  
[R.]  #2  libwpe                        1.14.1
[R.]  #3  wpebackend-fdo                1.14.2
Closure size: 2025 -> 2022 (2002 paths added, 2005 paths removed, delta -3, disk usage +30.4MiB). 
WilliamHsieh commented 6 months ago


github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  at-spi2-core          2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #02  boehm-gc              8.2.2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2, 8.2.6
[C*]  #03  coreutils             9.3, 9.4 -> 9.3, 9.5
[U.]  #04  crystal               1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C.]  #05  curl                  8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[C.]  #06  expat                 2.5.0, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0, 2.6.2
[C.]  #07  fzf                   0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.1, 0.52.1-man
[U.]  #08  getent-glibc          2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #09  gh-copilot            0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #10  giflib                5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[C.]  #11  git                   2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.0, 2.44.0-doc -> 2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.1, 2.44.1-doc
[U.]  #12  glibc                 2.38-44 x2, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent -> 2.38-66, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent, 2.39-52
[U.]  #13  glibc-locales         2.38-44 -> 2.38-66
[U.]  #14  go                    1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[C.]  #15  iana-etc              20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #16  libseccomp            2.5.4-lib -> 2.5.5-lib
[C.]  #17  libxml2               2.11.7, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7, 2.12.7
[C.]  #18  nghttp2               1.57.0-lib, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib, 1.61.0-lib
[C.]  #19  perl                   x2, 5.38.2 x2 -> , 5.38.2 x2
[C.]  #20  python3               3.11.8 x3 -> 3.11.8 x2, 3.11.9
[C.]  #21  sqlite                3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #22  systemd               254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #23  systemd-minimal       254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #24  systemd-minimal-libs  254.6 -> 254.10
[U.]  #25  unbound               1.19.1-lib -> 1.19.2-lib
[C.]  #26  xz                    5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4, 5.4.4-bin, 5.4.6
[U.]  #27  zsh-abbr              5.4.1 -> 5.7.1
[U.]  #28  zsh-fzf-tab           1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
[C.]  #29  zstd                  1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin -> 1.5.5, 1.5.5-bin, 1.5.6
Closure size: 763 -> 762 (756 paths added, 757 paths removed, delta -1, disk usage +9.1MiB). 
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Report for synopc

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #01  apache-httpd           2.4.58 -> 2.4.59
[U*]  #02  at-spi2-core           2.50.0 -> 2.50.2
[C.]  #03  boehm-gc               8.2.2 x2, 8.2.4 -> 8.2.2 x2, 8.2.6
[C.]  #04  coreutils              9.3 x2, 9.4 -> 9.3 x2, 9.5
[U.]  #05  crystal                1.9.2-lib -> 1.11.2-lib
[C*]  #06  curl                   8.4.0 x4, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.6.0 -> 8.4.0 x4, 8.4.0-bin, 8.4.0-man, 8.7.1
[U.]  #07  dotconf                1.3 -> 1.4.1
[C.]  #08  expat                  2.5.0 x2, 2.5.0-dev, 2.6.0 -> 2.5.0 x2, 2.5.0-dev, 2.6.2
[U*]  #09  firefox                124.0 -> 126.0
[U.]  #10  firefox-unwrapped      124.0 -> 126.0
[U.]  #11  freerdp                2.11.5 -> 2.11.7
[C.]  #12  fzf                    0.45.0, 0.47.0, 0.47.0-man -> 0.46.0, 0.52.1, 0.52.1-man
[U*]  #13  getent-glibc           2.38-44 x2 -> 2.38-66 x2
[U.]  #14  gh-copilot             0.5.4-beta -> 1.0.1
[U.]  #15  giflib                 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
[C.]  #16  git                    2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.0, 2.44.0-doc -> 2.42.0, 2.42.0-doc, 2.44.1, 2.44.1-doc
[U*]  #17  glibc                  2.38-44 x3, 2.38-44-bin, 2.38-44-dev, 2.38-44-getent x2 -> 2.38-66 x2, 2.38-66-bin, 2.38-66-dev, 2.38-66-getent x2, 2.39-52
[U*]  #18  glibc-locales          2.38-44 x2 -> 2.38-66 x2
[U.]  #19  go                     1.21.8 -> 1.21.9
[U*]  #20  google-chrome          122.0.6261.128 -> 125.0.6422.112
[C.]  #21  iana-etc               20230316, 20231227 -> 20230316, 20240318
[U.]  #22  imagemagick            7.1.1-29 -> 7.1.1-30
[U.]  #23  initrd-linux           6.6.1 -> 6.9.1
[U.]  #24  libopenmpt             0.7.3 -> 0.7.6
[U*]  #25  libressl               3.8.2, 3.8.2-man, 3.8.2-nc -> 3.8.4, 3.8.4-man, 3.8.4-nc
[U.]  #26  libseccomp             2.5.4-lib x2 -> 2.5.5-lib x2
[C.]  #27  libxml2                2.11.7 x2, 2.12.5 -> 2.11.7 x2, 2.12.7
[U.]  #28  linux                  6.6.1, 6.6.1-modules-shrunk -> 6.9.1, 6.9.1-modules-shrunk
[U.]  #29  linux-firmware         20240312-xz -> 20240513-xz
[U*]  #30  networkmanager         1.44.2, 1.44.2-doc, 1.44.2-man -> 1.44.4, 1.44.4-doc, 1.44.4-man
[C.]  #31  nghttp2                1.57.0-lib x2, 1.60.0-lib -> 1.57.0-lib x2, 1.61.0-lib
[U.]  #32  nixos-system-synopc    23.11.20240320.f091af0 -> 23.11.20240525.9d29cd2
[C.]  #33  nss                    3.90.2, 3.99 -> 3.100, 3.90.2
[C*]  #34  perl                    x2, 5.38.2 x2, 5.38.2-env x4, 5.38.2-man -> , 5.38.2 x2, 5.38.2-env x4, 5.38.2-man
[C.]  #35  python3                3.11.8 x4, 3.11.8-env x2 -> 3.11.8 x3, 3.11.8-env x2, 3.11.9
[U.]  #36  spidermonkey           115.2.0 -> 115.9.1
[C.]  #37  sqlite                 3.43.2, 3.45.1 -> 3.43.2, 3.45.3
[U*]  #38  strace                 6.7 -> 6.9
[C*]  #39  systemd                , 254.6 x2, 254.6-man -> , 254.10 x2, 254.10-man
[U.]  #40  systemd-minimal        254.6 x2 -> 254.10 x2
[U.]  #41  systemd-minimal-libs   254.6 x2 -> 254.10 x2
[U.]  #42  thunderbird            115.8.1 -> 115.11.0
[U.]  #43  thunderbird-unwrapped  115.8.1 -> 115.11.0
[C.]  #44  udev-rules              x2 -> 
[U.]  #45  unbound                1.19.1-lib x2 -> 1.19.2-lib x2
[U.]  #46  webkitgtk              2.42.5+abi=4.1, 2.42.5+abi=6.0 -> 2.44.2+abi=4.1, 2.44.2+abi=6.0
[U.]  #47  xdg-desktop-portal     1.18.1 -> 1.18.4
[U*]  #48  xorg-server            21.1.11 -> 21.1.13
[U*]  #49  xwayland               23.2.4 -> 23.2.6
[C*]  #50  xz                     5.4.4 x2, 5.4.4-bin x2, 5.4.4-doc, 5.4.4-man, 5.6.1 -> 5.4.4 x2, 5.4.4-bin x2, 5.4.4-doc, 5.4.4-man, 5.4.6
[U.]  #51  zsh-abbr               5.4.1 -> 5.7.1
[U.]  #52  zsh-fzf-tab            1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
[C*]  #53  zstd                   1.5.5 x3, 1.5.5-bin x2, 1.5.5-man -> 1.5.5 x2, 1.5.5-bin x2, 1.5.5-man, 1.5.6
Added packages:
[A.]  #1  libbacktrace-unstable  2022-12-16
Removed packages:
[R.]  #1  extra-utils                   
[R.]  #2  initrd-fsinfo                 
[R.]  #3  initrd-kmod-blacklist-ubuntu  
[R.]  #4  keymap                        
[R.]  #5  libwpe                        1.14.1
[R.]  #6  link-units                    
[R.]  #7  stage                         1-init.sh
[R.]  #8  wpebackend-fdo                1.14.2
Closure size: 2025 -> 2016 (1996 paths added, 2005 paths removed, delta -9, disk usage +12.6MiB). 
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
No version or selection state changes.
Closure size: 691 -> 691 (0 paths added, 0 paths removed, delta +0, disk usage +0B). 
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Report for william

Version changes
 <<< old-profile
>>> new-profile
Version changes:
[U.]  #1  zsh-abbr  5.7.1 -> 5.8.0
Closure size: 691 -> 691 (14 paths added, 14 paths removed, delta +0, disk usage +712.3KiB).