WilliamKarolDiCioccio / open_local_ui

OpenLocalUI: Native desktop app for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Easily run Large Language Models locally, no complex setups required. Inspired by OpenWebUI's simplicity for LLM use.
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System Prompt Library #69

Open Rossi1337 opened 5 days ago

Rossi1337 commented 5 days ago

I use different models for different purpose. I realized that I would like to be able to switch quickly the "system prompt" for a model. For example use one prompt for "Java Programming" and another one for "Flutter Programming", one for casual chatting and one to solve reasoning problems. With that you could give your models different personalities and switch between them.

My implementation idea is the following. Add a feature to create a prompt library. Each of them should have a unique name and the "prompt text". We could add a new page "Prompts" to manage these (create, edit, delete). In the chat window next to the model selection we would then allow to select from a drop down list the "prompt" to use. If none are in the library or nothing is selected we use the "default prompt" or if overriden the "model specific default prompt".

WilliamKarolDiCioccio commented 4 days ago

I agree with you. I was about to open a new discussion to understand which path to take. As you know docs search is a feature the app will provide. I was thinking of a "Vault" section to upload images, documents (pdf, plain text, code...) and eventually prompt templates. Those assets would be categorized and used for RAG or to provide general customization. Let me know what you think of my idea. Anyways I think it would be wise to delay that a bit, the app still needs some architectural refinements to make it more flexible and performant (rework providers according to a cleaner strategy and make some widgets like ChatMessage more readable). After that we can go on to the next development phase adding web (already done some research) and docs search