WilliamSchack / Spotify-Downloader

A program that downloads songs from spotify
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Be able to manipulate the order in which songs are named by tags at download time #5

Closed rodriguezrobinj closed 1 month ago

rodriguezrobinj commented 1 month ago

It would be good if you could configure how the songs will be named at the time they are downloaded, in order to not always have the format of %Song Name% - %Artist%.


If you want it to only have the format of %Song Name% or if you want a more complete format, simply configure the naming tags %Song Name% - %Artist%


WilliamSchack commented 1 month ago

This is actually a pretty good request and probably a needed one as well for some, I just never considered it. I will definitely set this up in a future update thanks for the request!

WilliamSchack commented 1 month ago

Just implemented this feature into the latest commit, you can now change the output name of the files and I decided to add a fair amount of tags to customise the name even further! It will be included in the next release

Thanks for the feature request and hope it helps :)

WilliamSchack commented 1 month ago

This is now released into v1.3.0 :)