WillsonSmith / seti-ui-chrome-dev-tools

A syntax highlighting and UI skinning port of Seti UI to Chrome Developer tools
MIT License
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Still being actively developed? #1

Open addyosmani opened 9 years ago

addyosmani commented 9 years ago

Nice work on the initial work here :) I was considering writing a Seti UI theme and found your WIP. I was wondering if you're planning on continuing to develop it.

Some suggestions:

WillsonSmith commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I've been fairly strapped for time lately so I haven't been able to keep up developing this as I would like. Hopefully I can make some time soon to really dig my heels back into it.

I'll definitely make it easier to install the theme, and get it up on the chrome web store as soon as I can. Initially I hadn't built it for the store because I wanted to make sure I did as thorough an inventory of dev tools as I could. I believe there were a few parts I had yet to style appropriately, and some parts of dev tools (cubic bezier editor in particular) that I was waiting on coming out before I tried to really finish off the core.

One of my frustrations in building this was that I couldn't match a lot of the syntax due to limitations by devtools (codemirror?) syntax classes. I'll try to do an inventory of everything and ensure my styles work on both canary and stable (and list the current version I've tested with). Once I do that I'll create a build that I can post as a release, and perhaps get on the chrome store.

addyosmani commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the detailed (and fast!) reply :) If it helps at all I've been using https://github.com/kenwheeler/brogrammer-devtools pretty happily lately and it may prove useful as reference.

It doesn't cover all the edge cases, but does seem to capture a lot of the sources panel syntax highlighting well. I have yet to see any extensions specifically style some of our newer UI (web animation player, bezier editor) well, so that could be fun to see!

WillsonSmith commented 9 years ago

Oh neat! I'll definitely check that one out and see if it can help me find anything I'm missing. Thanks!