Willy-JL / F95Checker

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Add OS: Windows, Linux, Mac as a filter. #164

Open edgar1016 opened 2 weeks ago

edgar1016 commented 2 weeks ago

I have a bunch of games and was wondering which ones had native Linux support so I could add them to my steam deck. It'd be nice to add a filter for "OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android" to look through since each game includes it in their post.

Willy-JL commented 2 weeks ago

Not really reasonable as you can run basically all Windows games on Linux with a tiny bit of wine / scripting effort

edgar1016 commented 2 weeks ago

Understandable but sometime people don't wanna fiddle with wine to get a game running finding games with native Linux builds is just for convenience. No worries though I got it working on my fork.

Willy-JL commented 2 weeks ago

Was just saying that I didn't see the use so wasn't interested in implementing it myself, but I'm always open to merging PRs )