Willy-JL / F95Checker

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto update to latest version #17

Closed sonikun closed 1 year ago

sonikun commented 1 year ago

When I opened the checker today I saw a message that update was available and it would delete everything in that folder so I pressed "no" and made a backup(was nervous lol) but now after relaunching the update wont show Do I have to manually do it? if yes then how? and will it delete the current notes ratings etc?

Willy-JL commented 1 year ago

It will run an update check after a refresh at 6 hour intervals. Closing it will reset the interval and will check again on the first refresh. Maybe you didn’t fully close it because maybe you had “BG on close”? Also that warning is just in case someone decided to put their own files in the f95checker folder, I could already hear the distant woes of those who put their games inside f95checker and had them wiped on update lol