Willy-JL / F95Checker

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popup stack blown ? #52

Closed FaceCrap closed 1 year ago

FaceCrap commented 1 year ago

This one is probably a rare one, I guess it's because I got 3 popups at the same time(?)

I got a popup for a "oops we ran into a problem" situation, (game set to hidden because of rule 7), a popup for some game updates, and a popup that release 10 was out (I'm on 10 build 978)

Seems to be the reason for this one.... image

Willy-JL commented 1 year ago

Hard to say, imgui consolidates at render time, not at define time. Find it hard to believe it really is a stack mismatch, more likely that 2 popups used the same ID. I keep a numeric id that increments with each popup, so what probably happened is 2 different coroutines tried to open a popup at the same time and both managed to get the previous id before the other was able to increment it. No real easy way to fix it, so instead i opted to include the decimal part of the system clock seconds and also a random number string into the popup IDs

Willy-JL commented 1 year ago

Released in version 10.1.1

FaceCrap commented 1 year ago

Got another one of those... Update popup for games and notification that a newer version was available (on build 1026, so newer than release version) image