Willy-JL / F95Checker

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Click developer name to filter by them #54

Open CuddleBear92 opened 1 year ago

CuddleBear92 commented 1 year ago

Clicking the creator name should query them! Makes it easier to see what titles that creator has made in the UI.


Willy-JL commented 1 year ago

I don’t like you coming in and making orders, demands, and comparing to another software that this is not. I don’t owe you shit. Act like it.

But yes, that does make sense.

CuddleBear92 commented 1 year ago

Not making orders. you are reading way too much into this. Im pointing out that its a feature that makes sense and is missing, nothing more.

Why even have a public issue board if you are not willing to listen to any basic feedback or feature requests?

Willy-JL commented 1 year ago

Not making orders. you are reading way too much into this. Im pointing out that its a feature that makes sense and is missing, nothing more.

Why even have a public issue board if you are not willing to listen to any basic feedback or feature requests?

I do in fact listen to feedback and requests, that’s how we even got here. The issue I have is with you almost pretending for this to become a replacement for gamelist when it really isn’t, they are different pieces of software, born with different goals, and they handle some things differently, most of which is explained in the FAQ in one way or another. I don’t have a problem with feature suggestions, I do always value and take them into consideration and decide what I feel like is better. Maybe I’m not too keen on some things, but if I recognize that something makes sense and would improve the software I take it into consideration and add it to the planned feature tracker, even if I may not get to them so quickly. And if I do refuse to do something, it’s for good reason in my eyes and I try to keep things fair and see from multiple peoples perspectives, but some things I just can’t

FaceCrap commented 1 year ago

I've thought about suggesting this, but decided it wasn't worth it, since there's not that many developers having more than one or two games out. Typing it in the input box is just as easy. I could understand it if it was something that can be difficult to do, like status or game type. plus there's already filter options for those type of criteria, but come on... the input box at the bottom goes a long way in filtering on textual content.