WillyJimmyDev / simple-quiz

A simple quiz administration written in PHP with a MySQL backend. Uses Bootstrap 3 and Slim PHP micro framework
Apache License 2.0
164 stars 73 forks source link

Slim Application Error #18

Closed IonutAtitienei closed 8 years ago

IonutAtitienei commented 8 years ago

Hey! I am getting this error: The application could not run because of the following error:


Type: RuntimeException Message: View cannot render index.php because the template does not exist File: C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\View.php Line: 272 Trace

0 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\View.php(255): Slim\View->render('index.php', NULL)

1 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\View.php(243): Slim\View->fetch('index.php', NULL)

2 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Slim.php(757): Slim\View->display('index.php')

3 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\routes\public.php(9): Slim\Slim->render('index.php', Array)

4 [internal function]: {closure}()

5 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Route.php(468): call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array)

6 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Slim.php(1357): Slim\Route->dispatch()

7 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Middleware\Flash.php(85): Slim\Slim->call()

8 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Middleware\MethodOverride.php(92): Slim\Middleware\Flash->call()

9 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Middleware\PrettyExceptions.php(67): Slim\Middleware\MethodOverride->call()

10 C:\wamp\www\Quiz\vendor\slim\slim\Slim\Slim.php(1302): Slim\Middleware\PrettyExceptions->call()

11 C:\wamp\www\index.php(56): Slim\Slim->run()

12 {main}

I do not have any knowledge on composer or slim framework. Could you help me with figuring out what's the problem or guide me where to read more in order to figure this out?

razuro commented 8 years ago

Hi, I think you maybe don't have the mod rewrite turned on. Rather than using WAMP, I recommend you to use MAMP. Less configuration on the apache side.

  1. Download this code from SourceForge.
  2. Put it in your htdocs directory
  3. Load the SQL
  4. Rename the SampleConfig.php
  5. You should get it running by now

This is just an alternative. If you prefer to configure the mod rewrite, this might help.