WillyXJ / facileManager

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[ISSUE] Bind does not see a zone file #531

Closed imilos closed 3 years ago

imilos commented 3 years ago

Please prefix your issue title with one of the following: [BUG], [ISSUE], [FEATURE REQUEST], [MODULE REQUEST], [OTHER].

Replace everything between stars with current version of your facileManager and module installations:
fM Version : 4.0.3 fmDNS Version : 4.1.0

In raising this issue, I confirm the following (please check boxes, eg [X]):

(ISSUE) Expected Behavior: The Bind server with the following configuration:

=========================================================================== /etc/named.conf:

// This file was built using fmDNS 4.1.0 on Wed, 30 Jun 2021 11:46:11 +0200 Europe/Belgrade

options { directory "/var/named"; version none; hostname none; recursion no; statistics-file "/var/named/named.stats"; zone-statistics yes; pid-file "/var/named/named.pid"; dump-file "/var/named/named.dump"; auth-nxdomain no; cleaning-interval 120; interface-interval 0; };

include "/var/named/zones/zones.conf.all";

; This file was built using fmDNS 4.1.0 on Wed, 30 Jun 2021 11:46:11 +0200 Europe/Belgrade

$TTL 3600
test.unic.kg.ac.rs. IN SOA testdns01.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.test.unic.kg.ac.rs. root.test.unic.kg.ac.rs. (
        2021063013  ; Serial
        2h      ; Refresh
        15M     ; Retry
        3W12h       ; Expire
        3600 )      ; Negative caching of TTL

; Name servers
test.unic.kg.ac.rs.            IN   NS   testdns01.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.
test.unic.kg.ac.rs.            IN   NS   testdns02.test.unic.kg.ac.rs. ; see notes below

; Host addresses
proba05.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.      IN   A ; Test zapis
testdns01.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.      IN   A
testdns02.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.      IN   A

=========================================================================== /var/named/zones/zones.conf.all:

// This file was built using fmDNS 4.1.0 on Wed, 30 Jun 2021 11:46:11 +0200 Europe/Belgrade

zone "test.unic.kg.ac.rs" { type master; file "/var/named/zones/master/zone.test.unic.kg.ac.rs"; };

(ISSUE) Actual Behavior:

When run client update, instead of writing into the zone file configured /var/named/zones/master/zone.test.unic.kg.ac.rs, the cron update method writes into /var/named/zones/master/db.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.hosts which is not listed in /var/named/zones/zones.conf.all and then invisible for Bind.

(ISSUE) Steps to reproduce:

  1. Configure the server in the GUI with the configuration described.
  2. Add A record in the GUI.
  3. Run the client on the Bind server or wait for cron.
  4. A new A entry is invisible to the server since /var/named/zones/master/db.test.unic.kg.ac.rs.hosts was updated and /var/named/zones/master/zone.test.unic.kg.ac.rs was not updated.

Many thanks!

imilos commented 3 years ago

It seems that the client does not respect settings Zone Filename Format and uses only default db.{ZONEFILE}.hosts.

imilos commented 3 years ago

Furthermore, something similar also happens with a reverse zone. When one defines a new reverse zone in the UI, the agent saves it into i.e. db.209.91.147.in-addr.arpa.hosts. However, on each update, it writes into db.209.91.147.in-addr.arpa.rev which is invisible for the bind daemon. Any known fix or workaround?

imilos commented 3 years ago

I mark this issue as a duplicate of #519 and closing it accordingly.