WillyXJ / facileManager

A modular suite of web apps built with the sysadmin in mind.
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How to properly migrate fm/fmDNS from CentOS 7 to Ubuntu 20 ? #564

Closed sergor75 closed 1 year ago

sergor75 commented 1 year ago



How to migrate properly from  fm 4.1.1/ fmDNS 5.1.0 on CentOS 7.9.2009 to fm 4.3.0/fmDNS 5.2.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.4 ?

Maybe I miss smth ?

1) I took backup of my db using UI 2) I setup new Ubuntu server 3) apt install php php-curl php-mysql apache2 4) apt install mysql-server 5) setup Mysql (sudo mysql_secure_installation) 6) create database, user and grant permissions mysql> create database facileManager; mysql> use facileManager; mysql> create user fmadmin@localhost identified by 'XXXXXXXX'; mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create,alter,drop,lock tables on facileManager.* to fmadmin@localhost;

7) Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, add AllowOverride All to section "<Directory /var/www/>" 8) a2enmod rewrite 9) systemctl restart apache2

Next, I unpack facilemanager-complete-4.3.0.tar.gz and move facileManager/server to /var/www/html/

Also, I backup /var/www/html/config.inc.php from my current CentOS installation and put in to the same location

When I connect to my http://10.XXX.YYY.ZZZ/facileManager, I saw the installer, create tables, super-admin user and finally on http://10.XXX.YYY.ZZZ/facileManager/fm-install.php?step=6 I stuk  on Next button :-( Nothing happened.

Then i decide to load dump from backup, doing next steps

mysql -u root -p

... mysql> use facileManager; mysql> ! ls backup_2022-11-03_10.23.41.sql  config.inc.php   mysql> source backup_2022-11-03_10.23.41.sql ....

Dump loaded OK, i guess

And then I cannot connect to my http://10.XXX.YYY.ZZZ/facileManager anymore

sergor75 commented 1 year ago

I was able to migrate fm from centos to ubuntu to the same version, the database is complete after loading the dump, ldap auth works.