Wilson93250 / fghyuj

--[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DarkRP custom jobs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains your custom jobs. This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited. Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it. The default jobs can be found here: https://github.com/…/…/master/gamemode/config/jobrelated.lua For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page: http://wiki.darkrp.com/index.php/DarkRP:CustomJobFields Add jobs under the following line: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Citoyen", { color = Color(20, 150, 20, 255), model = { "models/player/Group01/Female_01.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_02.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_03.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_04.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_06.mdl", "models/player/group01/male_01.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_02.mdl", "models/player/Group01/male_03.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_04.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_05.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_06.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_07.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_08.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_09.mdl" }, description = [[Un citoyen est toujours swag ! émoticône smile .]], weapons = {}, command = "citizen", max = 0, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Citizens", }) TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Agent de Police", { color = Color(25, 25, 170, 255), model = {"models/player/uk_police/uk_police_01.mdl", "models/player/police_fem.mdl"}, description = [[Il s'occupe des criminels.]], weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_glock2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker"}, command = "cp", max = 4, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.45, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = true, ammo = { ["pistol"] = 60, }, category = "Civil Protection", }) -- Code generated at: TheCodingBeast.com | DarkRP 2.5 Tools TEAM_LOL = DarkRP.createJob("Fondateur", { color = Color(1, 209, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/alyx.mdl"}, description = [[Il a cree cette merveilleuse ville! ]], weapons = {}, command = "", max = 2, salary = 20000, admin = 2, vote = false, hasLicense = true, candemote = false, -- CustomCheck medic = false, chief = false, mayor = false, hobo = false, cook = false, category = "", }) TEAM_SWAT = DarkRP.createJob("S.W.A.T", { color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255), model = "models/player/swat.mdl", description = [[This is a donator special job, your duty is to heal on of your wounded operatives. You should stay in the PD until backup is needed. Do everything you can to keep the city safe.]], weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_glock2", "weapon_ak472", "ls_sniper", "weapon_m42", "weapon_mp52", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker"}, command = "swat", max = 3, salary = 100, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = true, }) TEAM_GANG = DarkRP.createJob("Gangster", { color = Color(75, 75, 75, 255), model = { "models/player/Group03/Female_01.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_02.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_03.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_04.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_06.mdl", "models/player/group03/male_01.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_02.mdl", "models/player/Group03/male_03.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_04.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_05.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_06.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_07.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_08.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_09.mdl"}, description = [[T'es un malfrain frere ! ]], weapons = {}, command = "gangster", max = 3, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, category = "Gangsters", }) TEAM_MOB = DarkRP.createJob("Mafieux", { color = Color(25, 25, 25, 255), model = "models/humans/mafia/male_08.mdl", description = [[Tu est le mafieu le plus fort !]], weapons = {"lockpick", "unarrest_stick"}, command = "mobboss", max = 1, salary = 120, admin = , vote = false, hasLicense = false, category = "Gangsters", }) TEAM_GUN = DarkRP.createJob("Vendeur d'armes", { color = Color(255, 140, 0, 255), model = "models/player/monk.mdl", description = [[Tu vend des armes a tout le monde sauf au SDF]], weapons = {}, command = "gundealer", max = 2, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, category = "Citizens", }) -- Code generated at: TheCodingBeast.com | DarkRP 2.5 Tools TEAM_BRAQ = DarkRP.createJob("Braqueur", { color = Color(242, 8, 22, 255), model = {"models/shaklin/payday2/pd2_chains.mdl"}, description = [[Tu braque comme un chef ! ]], weapons = {}, command = "", max = 5, salary = 55, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = true, -- CustomCheck medic = false, chief = false, mayor = false, hobo = false, cook = false, category = "", }) -- Code generated at: TheCodingBeast.com | DarkRP 2.5 Tools TEAM_PARAIN = DarkRP.createJob("Parrain", { color = Color(242, 232, 8, 255), model = {"models/humans/mafia/male_06.mdl"}, description = [[Tu est le chef des mafieux ! ATTENTION A CELUI QUI BOUGE L'OREILLE]], weapons = {"weapon_glock"}, command = "", max = 1, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = false, candemote = true, -- CustomCheck medic = false, chief = false, mayor = false, hobo = false, cook = false, category = "", }) TEAM_MEDIC = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin", { color = Color(47, 79, 79, 255), model = "models/player/kleiner.mdl", description = [[Tu soignent tout le monde cen echange d'argent ! ]], weapons = {"med_kit"}, command = "medic", max = 3, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, medic = true, category = "Citizens", }) TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Policier Corrumpu", { color = Color(20, 20, 255, 255), model = "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_01.mdl", description = [[MAUVAIS!!!]], weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_deagle2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker"}, command = "chief", max = 1, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.67, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = true, chief = true, NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_POLICE, ammo = { ["pistol"] = 60, }, category = "Civil Protection", }) TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Maire", { color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255), model = "models/Obama/Obama.mdl", description = [[Tu gere la ville]], weapons = {}, command = "mayor", max = 1, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.89, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = false, mayor = true, category = "Civil Protection", }) TEAM_HOBO = DarkRP.createJob("SDF", { color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255), model = "models/player/corpse1.mdl", description = [[Une merde de la societe ....]], weapons = {"weapon_bugbait"}, command = "hobo", max = 5, salary = 0, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, hobo = true, category = "Citizens", }) TEAM_SWATM = DarkRP.createJob("S.W.A.T Medic", { color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255), model = "models/player/swat.mdl", description = [[This is a donator special job, your duty is to heal on of your wounded operatives. You should stay in the PD until backup is needed. Do everything you can to keep the city safe. You also keep your team healed.]], weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_glock2", "weapon_ak472", "ls_sniper", "weapon_m42", "weapon_mp52", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "med_kit"}, command = "swatm", max = 3, salary = 100, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = true, }) TEAM_PIRATE = DarkRP.createJob("Pirate", { -- That's TEAM_PIRATE (Used for like AddCustomDoorgroup or Add to only that group to a door. Also, never use the same TEAM_) color = Color(80, 5, 255, 0), -- Chat / Scoreboard Color model = "models/player/dod_american.mdl", -- Model; to add multiple use {"models/../model1.mdl","models/../model2.mld}, NOTE the extra comma after the bracket. description = [[Description.]], --Description for Job. weapons = {"med_kit"}, -- Weapons for a job. Seperate them with a "," eg: "med_kid", "armor_kit" always finish the last one without a "," command = "pirate", --Chat command for job. Don't use the same as another teams. max = 5, -- Maximum amount of players for this job. salary = 200, -- The salary they get paid. admin = 0, -- Requires Admin? 1 for yes, 0 for no. vote = true, -- Do they need to vote? true for yes, false for no. hasLicense = true, -- Do they have a license for weapons? }) -- Code generated at: TheCodingBeast.com | DarkRP 2.5 Tools TEAM_BANK = DarkRP.createJob("Banquier", { color = Color(223, 8, 242, 255), model = {"models/player/breen.mdl"}, description = [[Il gere sa propre banque.. attention au braqueur !]], weapons = {"fist"}, command = "", max = 2, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = false, candemote = true, -- CustomCheck medic = false, chief = false, mayor = false, hobo = false, cook = false, category = "", }) TEAM_HITMAN = DarkRP.createJob("Hitman", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = "models/player/sunabouzu.mdl", description = [[People hire you to take out other people, this job require you to be completely focussed. A single breath can make you loose a shot.]], weapons = {"m9k_m24"}, command = "hitman", max = 1, salary = 65, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false }) --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam = TEAM_CITIZEN --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define which teams belong to civil protection Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = true, [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, [TEAM_MAYOR] = true, } --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] DarkRP.addHitmanTeam(TEAM_MOB)
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