Wilto / Dynamic-Carousel

A carousel plugin built for responsive layouts. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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Slides containing links don't appear correctly when focused on with the tab key #12

Closed jphalip closed 13 years ago

jphalip commented 13 years ago

As an accessibility measure, people who can't use a mouse may jump from link to link by pressing the tab key. If one reaches a link from inside a slide, the slide becomes visible but it isn't correctly aligned left, and so you can see some part of the preceding slide. It'd be awesome if the on-focus slide occupied the entire slider viewport, like when using the regular previous/next buttons.

Wilto commented 13 years ago

Good call. This thing is slated for a major a11y overhaul very soon—thanks!

Wilto commented 13 years ago

ARIA’d from top to bottom, including the new optional pagination tabs. Keyboard support is enabled when focus is on either the next/prev links or the tabs, and the slides themselves are now set up in such a way that keyboard navigation and screen readers should treat them as part of the flow of the surrounding page. Have a look at http://wilto.github.com/Dynamic-Carousel/ and let me know what you think!

Wilto commented 13 years ago

This issue specifically has been addressed, and the fix has been rolled into the master branch. Still needs some work from an a11y standpoint, but it’s getting there.