Wilto / Dynamic-Carousel

A carousel plugin built for responsive layouts. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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Random start order #17

Open richardwiggins opened 13 years ago

richardwiggins commented 13 years ago

Hi Wilto, loving your work as you already know!

You probably won't like this idea, but I have a potential project that will no doubt be responsive and I can already see a request to have a random starting place. I don't want to jump randomly when paginating as that would obviously be too confusing, but when the user loads the page, the carousel might start at item 2, or 5, or 9 etc.

Does that make sense? If yes, wasn't sure if it's the sort of think you'd consider adding as an option?


Wilto commented 13 years ago

Hm, direct linking—I like it. Keep an eye out.

nupurghatnekar commented 11 years ago

Random start order is great... but can there be a facility to jump slides as well? just directly goto slide 4?