Wilto / Dynamic-Carousel

A carousel plugin built for responsive layouts. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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Added an optional callback function #18

Closed deadprogram closed 13 years ago

deadprogram commented 13 years ago

I added an optional callback function... hope you like it :)

Regards, Ron

Wilto commented 13 years ago

Sweet; merging this in as a stopgap—the plan on the next go-around is to have this thing event-driven (as it should’ve been from the start, I know), so one would have events to hook custom code onto. Things to the tune of “carouselbeforemove,” “slideshown,” “carouselmove,” that kind of thing. It’ll pave the way for a lot of code cleanup on my part, as well.

Thanks, man!

(P.S.: Don’t quote me on those event names.)