Wilto / Dynamic-Carousel

A carousel plugin built for responsive layouts. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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New master release not working #35

Closed richardwiggins closed 13 years ago

richardwiggins commented 13 years ago

Hi Matt,

I've just downloaded the new master (ala Sep 10) and it doesn't appear to be working at all.

I dropped the JS straight into my dev and couldn't get it working. After much head scratching (I don't have dandruff!) I thought I'd better take a look at your demo again and that doesn't appear to be working either. Can't actually navigate through any of the slides.

Any ideas?

P.S. Congrats on the re-launch of The Boston Globe. It looks great and can't wait to delve a bit deeper. Good work!


Wilto commented 13 years ago

Truly, I am the worst—just a git hiccup, my bad. Should be alright now!

Also: thanks! There are a few things that could stand work here and there, but all in all it’s looking really great. A genuine honor to work on.

richardwiggins commented 13 years ago

Um, sorry bud.... just downloaded your update but it's still not working. I'm literally just trying your demo file at the moment.

Wilto commented 13 years ago

Okay, bizarre. Working fine here (across all the modern browsers, at least). Maybe clear caches, just in case? Anything weird popping up in the console?

richardwiggins commented 13 years ago

This is bizarre. Cleared caches and tried it in Safari, Chrome and FF. No errors popping up in the console.

One thing that does seem a little odd, is the files (in download from GitHub) are being shown as updated at 08.37. My local time is 17.13. Does that make sense to you?

fschroiff commented 12 years ago

Hi, I have a similar issue. The pagination links in the demo file do not work at all. Prev/next links work fine. I'm on Mac OS 10.6.8 newest versions of Chrome & Safari.