Wilyicaro / Legacy-Minecraft

This mod adapts all the features from old Minecraft Legacy Console edition
MIT License
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Improving Locales #448

Open Ikethepro18 opened 4 weeks ago

Ikethepro18 commented 4 weeks ago

Reordered en_us.json to be in alphabetical order and used that modified version to create a mostly complete locale for en_gb

Ikethepro18 commented 4 weeks ago

As a tag along to this, do you reckon it would be alright to rename the Gray Banner in the British locale to Gary Banner, like the TU44/CU34 bug? Honestly this is a very nostalgic bug for me, and probably many other people, with a minor impact on gameplay that would be fun to leave in

Wilyicaro commented 2 weeks ago

I think it's better to use the old way of organizing, as it's more in line with other languages ​​and for me it's easy to organize in alphabetical order, but not everything is good with that. I also think it would be good to leave Gary Banner, I even thought about doing that at some point