Wimberton / OriginPalia

A multi-purpose tool for Palia, written in C++. For non-commercial usage, looking for contributors. Features such as ESP, Teleportation, Auto-fishing, and more.
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Suggestion For Fishing pools #28

Closed noorabdo2 closed 1 month ago

noorabdo2 commented 1 month ago

So i was wondering if we can instead of catch pool, if there's a drop menu and we choose the pool we want, also i found a glitch may be interesting, when we goto Eshe house to met the witch there's a pool in her backyard if you tried to fish with no bait u will always get a 85 gold fish with no bait .. name of the pool is spot test.. i tried to get the xyz and restart and get back but it seems it's not working i've to teleport by conv with Eshe image

Wimberton commented 1 month ago

So i was wondering if we can instead of catch pool, if there's a drop menu and we choose the pool we want, also i found a glitch may be interesting, when we goto Eshe house to met the witch there's a pool in her backyard if you tried to fish with no bait u will always get a 85 gold fish with no bait .. name of the pool is spot test.. i tried to get the xyz and restart and get back but it seems it's not working i've to teleport by conv with Eshe

If you could possibly help make a list of the captured fishing spots, that would be great! I need the names to create the dropdown. It's easy once I have a list of confirmed fishing locations to override.

When it comes to that fishing location, please try and get the coords. I can see if it's an instance we can load around that actual location but I've yet to get around that area.

noorabdo2 commented 1 month ago

sure, i will provide a list for all fishing spots tonight. for that fishing location I'm taking about, i got the xyz for it but it's not working.. i think it's a different game instance X:-1184345.593791 Y:-1476325.001631 Z:150924.677899 XAW:-75.653625

VoidPollo commented 1 month ago

That same pool is located inside the Shepp Ceremony quest, it's a little pond by the fisherman guild npc.

Those test pools are the best, fast gold and xp. Sadly once you finish the ceremony quest you cannot longer go inside that instance to reach the pool, so it'd be nice to have this on the go.

Wimberton commented 1 month ago

That same pool is located inside the Shepp Ceremony quest, it's a little pond by the fisherman guild npc.

Those test pools are the best, fast gold and xp. Sadly once you finish the ceremony quest you cannot longer go inside that instance to reach the pool, so it'd be nice to have this on the go.

We could definitely capture the fishing spot, so I'll try to get that.

01010100010100100100100101000111 commented 1 month ago

If you could possibly help make a list of the captured fishing spots

Bahari Coast - OceanAZ1 Bahari Rivers - RiverAZ1 Bahari Caves - CaveAZ1 Bahari Pond - PondVillage

Kilima Lake - LakeVillage Kilima Rivers - RiverVillage Kilima Pond - PondVillage Kilima Caves - WaterTemple

Temple of the Gales = AirTempleCloud4

Edit: Only did one pond in air temple and it gives error that nothing to fish, so probably not going to work anyway (maybe there is also Cloud1-3+)

VoidPollo commented 1 month ago

If you could possibly help make a list of the captured fishing spots

Bahari Coast - OceanAZ1 Bahari Rivers - RiverAZ1 Bahari Caves - CaveAZ1 Bahari Pond - PondVillage

Kilima Lake - LakeVillage Kilima Rivers - RiverVillage Kilima Pond - PondVillage Kilima Caves - WaterTemple

Temple of the Gales = AirTempleCloud4

Edit: Only did one pond in air temple and it gives error that nothing to fish, so probably not going to work anyway (maybe there is also Cloud1-3+)

AirTemple fish are quest fish, 1 fish per pond, 3 or 4 ponds. After that those waters dont have anything.

noorabdo2 commented 1 month ago

image fishingSpots.csv also a google spreadsheet here: Link

noorabdo2 commented 1 month ago

an _SQ will always give a star quality fish

VoidPollo commented 1 month ago

now thats going the extra mile, good job.

01010100010100100100100101000111 commented 1 month ago

Just to make more work for you :) could we do a checkbox star/non-star? that way if trying to help someone out with a request, can catch a non-star version.

Edit: Guess you could just list like, "Cave" & "Cave (Star)" in the drop down

Wimberton commented 1 month ago

Just to make more work for you :) could we do a checkbox star/non-star? that way if trying to help someone out with a request, can catch a non-star version.

Edit: Guess you could just list like, "Cave" & "Cave (Star)" in the drop down

I'll make sure there both available in the dropdown.

Wimberton commented 1 month ago

image fishingSpots.csv also a google spreadsheet here: Link

Great stuff! I'll get to work on the fishing dropdown. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Tintir commented 1 month ago

I'll add one more little idea here, I noticed that with long-term automatic fishing you can be excluded from the game for afk, if this could be fixed, it would be wonderful

VoidPollo commented 1 month ago

I'll add one more little idea here, I noticed that with long-term automatic fishing you can be excluded from the game for afk, if this could be fixed, it would be wonderful

Anti-AFK was just spoken before he went off for the night, we might look into that first before the rest. The capturing override might be a little tricky right now I think.

noorabdo2 commented 1 month ago

I'll add one more little idea here, I noticed that with long-term automatic fishing you can be excluded from the game for afk, if this could be fixed, it would be wonderful

honestly i don't face this issue about afk, i use automatic fishing for like 40 mins with out being logged out

mroles29 commented 1 month ago

Something that should be easy to add from here, would be a fish selection to save worms. It is already doable with esp and toggling instant fish on/off. If you could select the target fish and maybe even amount, you could let the plugin detect the fish and either catch it or release. Just thoughts outloud...

VoidPollo commented 1 month ago

Something that should be easy to add from here, would be a fish selection to save worms. It is already doable with esp and toggling instant fish on/off. If you could select the target fish and maybe even amount, you could let the plugin detect the fish and either catch it or release. Just thoughts outloud...

Could you make a separate issue for this suggestion? As the original intended use of it has been met so far. And thank you ^^