Wimberton / OriginPalia

A multi-purpose tool for Palia, written in C++. For non-commercial usage, looking for contributors. Features such as ESP, Teleportation, Auto-fishing, and more.
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Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libary #9

Closed fortunecafe5 closed 2 months ago

fortunecafe5 commented 2 months ago


Wimberton commented 2 months ago

I'm looking into this now. I've not seen this from anyone else or on my end. When exactly are you having this error?

fortunecafe5 commented 2 months ago

atm right now

fortunecafe5 commented 2 months ago

If I am in the img GUI for a while then this message appears.

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

Clicking abort or retry will crash, but found out if you click ignore it actually keeps working? But still trying to figure myself the cause of it.

fortunecafe5 commented 2 months ago

image Again, when I open the menu and want to set something, this window appears. The game is then freezed and is then closed after a while with a sendlog

Wimberton commented 2 months ago

image Again, when I open the menu and want to set something, this window appears. The game is then freezed and is then closed after a while with a sendlog

When exactly are you opening the menu? At what part of the game process

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

I can make it happen consistently

Open game -> Inject -> login -> Insert -> Enable legacy aimbot, Enable silent -> Disable both now -> Go to ESP and enable a few ESP entities (maybe that are near you?)


fortunecafe5 commented 2 months ago

I go directly into the game when I am in the game, for example at a lake and then I turned on Instant fishing and then I just pressed esp and the message appears

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

How about this? lol


All i did was press Insert when the game was opening. Maybe this early of an error narrows down the search for the issue? ;)

Wimberton commented 2 months ago

I can make it happen consistently

Open game -> Inject -> login -> Insert -> Enable legacy aimbot, Enable silent -> Disable both now -> Go to ESP and enable a few ESP entities (maybe that are near you?)


I'm unable to make this erorr occur on my end. Going into the game (whether it's doing this at the lobby, or in-game does not make a difference) Enabling both Aimbot / Silent aim (disabling and enabling a few times) Enabling and disabling ESP and it's options

I receive no issues with this. I've cleaned up some code, so hopefully this was somewhat resolved. I'm currently working on a revision of how objects are called in the tabs, thanks for your patience.

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

I think 1.5.1 fixed it for me? Still abusing testing it

Wimberton commented 2 months ago

I think 1.5.1 fixed it for me? Still ~abusing~ testing it

Keep me informed. I'm installing the Steam edition now so I can work on both the standalone and Steam edition where it's needed.

Wimberton commented 2 months ago


Have you given the latest release DLL a try? I'd love to hear your results.

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

Nevermind, same error happened again using the latest version... Nothing different, its just random when it happens. But I believe its only when the overlay is showing.

Im stumped.

Wimberton commented 2 months ago

Nevermind, same error happened again using the latest version... Nothing different, its just random when it happens. But I believe its only when the overlay is showing.

Im stumped.

What exactly happened? You enabled some ESP features, then toggled some aiming features, and it crashes?

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

Its not a full crash, I can hit "ignore" and as far as I can tell everything still functions, not sure if the error is still on a loop bound to show up again.

It happens sometimes after clicking any ESP setting, on the first try or sometimes 20 clicks after. It happens sometimes just by bringing up the Overlay (rarely, most times I gotta click anything first).

I've tried stripping most of the GUI components and the error was still happening.

Wimberton commented 2 months ago

Its not a full crash, I can hit "ignore" and as far as I can tell everything still functions, not sure if the error is still on a loop bound to show up again.

It happens sometimes after clicking any ESP setting, on the first try or sometimes 20 clicks after. It happens sometimes just by bringing up the Overlay (rarely, most times I gotta click anything first).

I've tried stripping most of the GUI components and the error was still happening.

I've looked through the entire UI, I cannot seem to find any mismatched Begin/End calls. My only thoughts are the legacy aimbot's draggable grid. That could be a culprit?

Error originates from:

    // Report when there is a mismatch of Begin/BeginChild vs End/EndChild calls. Important: Remember that the Begin/BeginChild API requires you
    // to always call End/EndChild even if Begin/BeginChild returns false! (this is unfortunately inconsistent with most other Begin* API).
    if (g.CurrentWindowStack.Size != 1)
        if (g.CurrentWindowStack.Size > 1)
            IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(g.CurrentWindowStack.Size == 1, "Mismatched Begin/BeginChild vs End/EndChild calls: did you forget to call End/EndChild?");
            while (g.CurrentWindowStack.Size > 1)
            IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(g.CurrentWindowStack.Size == 1, "Mismatched Begin/BeginChild vs End/EndChild calls: did you call End/EndChild too much?");

    IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(g.GroupStack.Size == 0, "Missing EndGroup call!");
VoidPollo commented 2 months ago


Some interesting stuff there, not entirely sure if it applies here.

Wimberton commented 2 months ago


Some interesting stuff there, not entirely sure if it applies here.

Very interesting. I'll look into updating the ImGui edition to the latest. It's a few behind, I've been lazy in that realm of things. I assume I'll find the culprit somewhere while doing that.

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

@fortunecafe5 can you test the latest release? I'm having issues replicating the bug again since sometime after messing with the fishing stuff. (Stealth fix?)

VoidPollo commented 2 months ago

The second machine that this error was happening a lot as well to hasn't happened once as well. I think this might be fixed

Wimberton commented 2 months ago

The second machine that this error was happening a lot as well to hasn't happened once as well. I think this might be fixed

I'll go ahead and close this issue report until it happens again. Thanks for semi-confirming! I'm hoping the general recoding has been helping here and there.