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Filter distributed data by one criteria using indexes #20

Open lecoqlibre opened 7 months ago

lecoqlibre commented 7 months ago

Let's say we have N number of PODs like P1, P2, P3 ... PN. These PODs contain an index dedicated to the targeted subject.

Targeted subject:

Example of scenario for OBJ: each POD contain some products like carrot, tomato, apples and so on. These PODs also contain a product type index listing all products of a certain type. We want a client App to be able to list all the products of a certain type that are hosted on P1 ... PN. When the user clicks on a product type, the App will show all the products of that type.

Example of scenario for LIT: each POD contain some persons with family name. Each of these PODs contain a family name index which groups family names by their first 3 letters. The App will display all the persons on all the POD that match the family name provided by the user.

I see 2 strategies here:


Ho to manage "equity": the fact that we take the same number of results on every POD like the first from P1, the first from P2, the first from P3, the second from P3, the second from P1, the second from P2, etc.


Do we want to privilege some PODs over others? Maybe some of them are more relevant regarding speed, accuracy, frequency, etc.

