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CF app performed unsupported checksum checking from the Incoming PDU packet #320

Open ynielson opened 1 year ago

ynielson commented 1 year ago

CF app hard coded that the Crc Checksum of Incoming PDU is not supported.

Error 1: The receiver module performed the Crc checksum, when it received EOF PDU in function, "r1state_table()" by calling the function, "aaa__is_file_checksum_valid()". Error 2: In the function, "aaais_file_checksum_valid()", the parameters of the calling function, "fread_callback(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, fp)" didn't match with the registered callback function, "CF_Fread(void Buffer, size_t Size, size_t Count, CFDP_FILE File)". The parameter "count" and "size" is switched. This didn't cause any issue in unit test, because the unit test just used the stubs for all file handling functions

ynielson commented 1 year ago

In this above Error 2, the way to call the "fread_callback" is intended in this case. For its purposes, some called with the "size" first and the "count" last and others called with the "count" first and the "size" last. So Error 2 mentioned above is not an error.