Open Gabilin opened 8 years ago
When you go to calculate a solution, do you have the "Log in to retrieve Price Guide pages" box checked? Also, can you give specific parts that it is having a problem with so I can try to reproduce the error?
Well, the thing is that when I open the xml it starts pinging the server for the information and while Availstrores column is updated, the price and Total are both 0. The code that should fill those is hidden in the "if" statement I was referencing to.
I have attached the xml file I retrieved from
The xml file you attached seems to be for the issue where it doesn't open at all if it can't find one of the pieces.
For this issue, what part/color/condition is causing that to not get the price guide info? If you ignore the grid showing 0 and go to Tools->Calculate->Best Solution, is "Log in to retrieve Price Guide pages" checked?
Tried several times to get the pricing and shop information and failed.
This one: var pattern = ".<TR ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"RIGHT" + "\"" + @">.?<A HREF=" + "\"" +
@"/store.asp\?sID=(\d?)&.?<IMG SRC=" + "\"" + @"/images/box16(.).png" + "\"" + @".?TITLE=" + "\"" + @"Store: (.?)" +
"\"" + @" ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"ABSMIDDLE" + "\"" + @">.? (\d) <TD.? \D([\d,]*).(\d+)$";
Match linematch = Regex.Match(raw, pattern);
never result in "true"