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Gamepad is not working #1062

Open TTB-Kun opened 4 years ago

TTB-Kun commented 4 years ago

Gamepad works fine by launching the game with standard launcher but is not recognized at all when using windower, tried everything but just gave up in the end, too bad i can't use windower anymore cause it won't let me use the gamepad the game has no problem getting normally

Nifim commented 4 years ago

What type of gamepad? we have an active support team on our discord who might be able to help you get things working. Windower Support Discord

RubenatorX commented 4 years ago

Also, for whatever reason the controller sometimes doesn't work with POL but, may work in game even if it doesn't work in POL.

TTB-Kun commented 4 years ago

any kind, xbox one, xbox 36, ps4, they all work in the normal game but not with windower, i made the setting for all regions, tried everycombination in the windower settings, but nothing, there is no way to make it work with windower

Nifim commented 4 years ago

A fair number of people use controllers with windower, without issue. Can you provide some information about your setup such as; OS, retail or private(be specific for private servers), windower settings, and ffxi config settings.

Byrth commented 4 years ago

Also, there is a different config utility for pol that will get your gamepad working there on vanilla.