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clanguage not found #633

Open Dinga84 opened 9 years ago

Dinga84 commented 9 years ago

When it's loaded, IME plugin spits out a message "Error: clanguage not found". Not solution found on google or the bugtracker.

Only known work around is to remove all keyboards other than Japanese/IME from the System, but has the side effect of not being able to write English

Either a plugin incompatibility problem or an inherent problem with Win7's language stuff.

alphaONE2 commented 9 years ago

One of the signatures IME uses broke. I've actually known about this for a while, but I haven't had time to fix it.

z16 commented 9 years ago

Can you see if this file works for you?

Dinga84 commented 9 years ago

@IryokuChevalier IME's broken right now? Alright. I've been getting around it by just copy-pasting Japanese from a .txt file for now.

@z16 that link goes to a 404'd google page mate, sorry.

z16 commented 9 years ago

Sorry my bad, can you try again? The link should work now.

Dinga84 commented 9 years ago

nah that .dll didnt seem to change anything apart from change the wording of the error messasge. Says "ERROR: IME: could not find LanguageCheck" on plugin load now.

z16 commented 9 years ago

I uploaded a new file under the same link, can you please try that one?

z16 commented 9 years ago

Any update on this?