Windows200000 / TwitchDropsMiner-updated

An app that allows you to AFK mine timed Twitch drops, with automatic drop claiming and channel switching.
MIT License
260 stars 16 forks source link

Better Looking Dark mode #122

Open Czekoloczek opened 2 weeks ago

Czekoloczek commented 2 weeks ago

This looks more like Windows 11 image image

This looks more like Windows 98 image image

I think you get the idea

Windows200000 commented 2 weeks ago

@Czekoloczek Well, feel free to give it a crack. You can define another style in this function:

If you find something, feel free to just add another elif and I will change the checkbox in settings to be a drop-down.

Keep in mind, that not all Tkinter themes are cross-platform. This list has a quick overview for that.

The default theme Tkinter uses on Windows, the one in your first picture, is called "vista". This theme is Windows-exclusive, as it isn't entirely defined in Tkinter, but rather uses some universal elements built into windows, such as the buttons, which as a consequence, cannot be recolored.