Windows200000 / TwitchDropsMiner-updated

An app that allows you to AFK mine timed Twitch drops, with automatic drop claiming and channel switching.
MIT License
266 stars 16 forks source link

Translation to other languages. #2

Open Windows200000 opened 1 month ago

Windows200000 commented 1 month ago

This is to track translation to reflect changes to how TDM works.

⚠️ TRANSLATE UPDATE to how_it_works_text, wherever the checkmark is missing!!!

unchecked - needs the how_it_works_text translated

How to translate

⚠️ TRANSLATE how_it_works_text, wherever the checkmark is missing!!! Please try to stay as close to the original English text as possible, translating almost word for word.

Additionally, you can find missing translations via the filter 🝖 icon and Untranslated segments. image

Only edit the first part of

Every ~20 seconds, the application asks Twitch for a URL to the raw stream data of the channel currently being watched. It then fetches the metadata of this data stream - this is enough to advance the drops. Note that this completely bypasses the need to download any actual stream video and sound.

Everything after "-" is to be left as it was, only potentially changing a couple words, if you find better wording.

How to contribute

If you have some time, chime in on #113. Should we use emojis directly or Unicode?

Windows200000 commented 3 weeks ago

At some point I'll go through all the extra untranslated stuff, or stuff I hacked together from other translations. I want to wait until I can expect nothing more to be added to avoid translations constantly being out-of-date, which was the case recently.